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Sudan Tribune

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Abyei chief administrator suspends head of local government

By Ngor Arol Garang

November 9, 2009 (ABYEI) – Brigadier General, Arop Mayak Monytoc, the Abyei chief administrator, today confirmed the suspension of an executive council member who is heading the secretariat of local government, Majith Yak.

A Dinka boy carries a flag as he herds his cattle at a camp in Abyei, Southern Sudan in this picture released by the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) on March 13, 2009 (Reuters)
A Dinka boy carries a flag as he herds his cattle at a camp in Abyei, Southern Sudan in this picture released by the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) on March 13, 2009 (Reuters)
Monytoc said the head of local government department is suspended over remarks attributed to him voicing resistance to the Abyei boundaries border demarcation implementation between Misseriya and Dinka Ngok Chiefdoms administratively transferred to Kordofan in 1905.

The administration of the oil rich region of Abyei was formed in August 2008 following the signing of the Abyei roadmap between the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) and Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM in June 2008 to end the deadlock a number of issues in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) including the Abyei protocol.

Last July, the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) redefined the boundaries of Abyei which is on the borders of North and South Sudan after the SPLM and NCP requested its intervention to resolve the dispute.

A joint technical team is working on implementing the ruling on the ground to define the borders.

Speaking from Abyei, Monytoc said his administration was formed in order to seek ways to restore peace and security between communities in the region.

“Our priorities in Abyei, regardless of our political affiliations, should focus on how to instantly address issues which prevent tension rather than those acting as stimulators of hate and confrontation,” he said.

The chief administrator was referring to a statement made by the sacked official last month in which he called on the Misseriya’s to mobilize themselves against attempts being made by the two parties to demarcate Abyei boundaries.

“I am an SPLM but when I make comments, I selectively make them not because I do not have a constitutional right to speak my mind, but I have to consider how dangerous they are for the public particularly considering situation of Abyei,” Monytoc said.

The chief administrator said the decision to suspend head of local government was discussed at an executive meeting and endorsed by the local legislative council.

“It was after gathering consensus that my office found it necessary to write official letter suspending him till further notice” he disclosed.

However, Majith from Khartoum denied having been suspended by the administration saying that he was summoned the headquarters in Khartoum to go and attend other pressing issues and will return to resume his duties as head of local government.

“I did not get any official message regarding this suspension while in Abyei, I only came to hear about it here, he said adding that he was last week with the chief administrator in Khartoum at a funereal and never communicated to me anything about it” Majith said.

Majith, Rahma Abdel Reham, Deputy Chief Administrator, and Ayom Matet, head of education and public service are representing the NCP at the executive council while Zacharia Atem, Deputy legislative council, Kabashi Tom, Majak Matet among others represents NCP at the local legislative council.



  • thieleling

    Abyei chief administrator suspends head of local government
    Majith Yak, a Dinka-Abyei is doing exactly what Francis Deng was doing recently in khartoum, urging for unity with Messerya in Abyei. The only differene is that Francis Deng is doing it in a high-politico fashion while Majith doing it locally on the ground in Abyei. The people who will benefit from this time-bomb situation is NCP & Messerya. The ‘divide and rule’ already kick-off among the people of Abyei-Dinka. Most Dinka-Abyei are muslims and would support the original decision made by Chief Majok Deng of taking Abyei to the North. This is a high flash-point to trigger the war between the north & south. Deng Alor, Pieng Deng, Luka Biong, Kuol Deim Kuol, Edward lino and others are busy corrupting SPLM/A, while people like Majith Yak & Francis Deng with their supportes and NCP are busy taking Abyei North. What a contradiction!!

  • Oduko

    Abyei chief administrator suspends head of local government
    look this mad Dinkas trying to break a international deal which signed by them and Khartoum that Abyei oil is not theirs! they already lose oils across Abyei
    I commmand Bentiu Unity state to shy them away out their oil as Khartoum did Dinkas is always loser.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Abyei chief administrator suspends head of local government
    Great job.
    Please those kind of people who want to confuse SPLM with the NCP must be removed from their position immediately because they worked aganist the SPLM.

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