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Sudan Tribune

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Northern Bahr el Ghazal gives holidays to state officials for voter registration

By Ngor Arol Garang

November 11, 2009 (MALAKAL) — The Governor of Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, General Paul Malong Awan Anei, said has issued an order giving members of his cabinet including civil servant as well as members of the state legislative Assembly 7 days time off to abet voter registration in their constituencies and villages.

“I want to see an increase in the voter registration turnouts in their centers when I visit all five counties as my schedules,” he said.

He said had already started visiting number of centers in the town encouraging registrars to keenly pay attentions to clients while advising them that nationalism is defined by the job well done than wishes and expression.

“I cut short my official visit to Juba because I wanted to personally attend voter registration process so that I regularly a visit to the registering centers so I see how many people are able to attend on daily basis,” he adds.

He also said he thinks it necessary if voter registration team moves village to village in case it takes them long to register people in designated centers.

“The essence of why I released all civil servants and constitutional post holders is to engage in people to people awareness campaign about why they should turn out for registration,” he explained.

Governor Malong who intends to run for the same seat comes April 2010 says it is time voters are encouraged to register and vote for leaders whom they think can pay particularly attentions to areas of concerns in the forthcoming elections.

However, he was quick to say voters must not be confused comes election.

They should be allowed to honestly choose leaders of their choice because it is one person that gets into a seat at a time.

The one who gets into that seat as either State governor or MP is not the person who wants to go there. It is not a desire but it is the people who decide who should go there, he said.

Governor promises includes intentions to improve roads, building physical infrastructures and security as well plans that will benefit farmers to enhance food security in the State if elected.

He is also promising to boost education for the benefit of all citizens of Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, especially children.

His Government has already embarked on construction of schools to increase the enrolment levels and fight illiteracy among the people.

Earlier Governor thanked a team headed by Abel Alier, the chairman of the national election commission which today paid a visit to the state to see and get the first hand information of all challenges facing the exercise and the team in the field.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Northern Bahr el Ghazal gives holidays to state officials for voter registration
    I don’t agree with this long holidays of Mr dictator Slave Kiir, now people are $$$$ getting for nothing. How far do we have to always be behind everything. This registration could have been done in weeks as quick as possible, not referring to refugees in foreign countries. It seem like South is being management by Government of Sick Service, and this is true people get sick of delays.

  • Patrice Lumumba
    Patrice Lumumba

    Hey Little Worm illogical Boy the birds are watching their victim

  • Aduol Liet
    Aduol Liet

    Northern Bahr el Ghazal gives holidays to state officials for voter registration
    Ngor Arol Garang.

    You have been absolutely a great active man in Southern Sudan media and we need a wonderful people like you to go after villages to informs uneducators people in all 10 States of Southern Sudanese Communities including Blue Nile Communities as well as the Nubian Mountaints to show that, this time those suffering under dictatorship rule are united for common good.

    I think If we can agrees in one thing at one time in any place in anywhere Sudan then, these Arab minority in Sudan will not and they should not be leading us for 50 years since the Sudan Independence, while the Black’s population in the Sudan are 61%. Please we are encourage you and many others Southerners Sudanese media to do their best as you can and we will thanks you all for your offering.

  • Jupiter Maguangdit
    Jupiter Maguangdit

    Northern Bahr el Ghazal gives holidays to state officials for voter registration
    Malong has done a grave mistake in ordering members of the cabinet,civil servants and members of the State Legislative Assembly (7) days off to participate in voter registration in their constituencies and villages.

    First, will those employees receive their full salarie at the end of this month? If the answer is yes, then that will mean corruption as (7) days with no production can not simply be justified with voter registration.

    Second, are the public servants in Northern Bahr el Ghazal State not have duties to perform in their offices so that they should better be moved out of offices by the orders from the dictator Malong?

    Third, has the Government of Southern Sudan approved that (7) days leave on voter registration?

    Malong must know that awareness should have been done earlier instead of giving wrong orders now.

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