Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Looted cows returned to owners in Lakes’ Yirol counties

By Manyang Mayom

November 11, 2009 (RUMBEK) – Some 115 people were killed during five years in inter-clan fighting between two counties in Lakes state, a local commissioner affirmed.

115 people were killed in cattle raids from 2004 to 2009 between Yirol East County and his county, Yirol West; among the 115 people dead, 5 were killed by Rumbek East County youth, said the Commissioner of Yirol West County of Lakes state, Agok Manyiel Dhieu.

“The 115 people dead are from Yirol West County alone,” he stressed.

“We are now exchanging looted cows to their rightful owners between Yirol West County and Yirol East county; the number collected from Yirol East county alone is 140 and Yirol West county youth had just identified only 59 among 140 as well Yirol West county collect 159 cows and Yirol East county youth had just identified only 70 cows as their belonging” Agok said

In a general record list, the number was ranging into 11,500 cows looted from both sides, said Manyiel, but when this number was examined in detail, it has proven that the number was exaggerated by the community.

Lakes state Governor Lt-Gen Daniel Awet Akot, has given a dateline only for 15 days for ex-chiefs and Gelweng leaders plus community to complete collecting cows looted and to exchange them from both side of Yirol West and Yirol East counties.

Four youth and five executive chiefs were arrested and tortured in Yirol West last October by SPLA soldiers, in a local prison well-known as former place of Maburdhet (an old sesame factory in Yirol West town).

Meanwhile, Commissioner Agok Manyiel downplayed the detention of five ex-chiefs and four youth torture in Yirol West County saying that “there is no arrest being carryout in my county.”


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