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Sudan Tribune

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Rumbek North Commissioner skips court trial

By Manyang Mayom

November 10, 2009 (RUMBEK) – The suspended commissioner of Rumbek North County, John Beliu Awol, has skipped facing a court trial which was set to take place on Monday at the desk of a first grade judge in Rumbek civil court under a mango tree in Lakes state.

Two youths who were tortured in Rumbek North County of Lakes state (photo by M. Mayom)
Two youths who were tortured in Rumbek North County of Lakes state (photo by M. Mayom)
First Grade Judge Buot Puat Yat stayed a long time on Monday waiting for the suspended commissioner, who did not turn up. The court has decided again to adjourn the court hearing to be held by Wednesday, November 18, 2009 at the same venue under the mango tree.

The county official is accused of overseeing torture of two youths whom he allegedly believed to be cattle raiders. John Beliu Awol’s accusers, Maliet Marial Abol and his cousin Mangok Dhuor-riak Noon, were present in court on Monday morning waiting for their rival to turn up.

Mr. Beliu Awol’s men are said to have intercepted the two cousins on September 1 in a remote area of Maper ahead of an anticipated raid from Warap state. Accused as cattle raiders, the youths’ lips were burned with fire. But the cousins said that they had been coming from Warap state in order to warn family members of the impending raid. The youths are related to residents on both sides of the inter-state divide across which raiding has taken place.

Last month, Lakes state Deputy Governor and Minister for Local Government and the Law Enforcement Agency, Lt. Col David Nok Marial, issued out a suspension letter demanding Commissioner John Bileu Awol to answer to the case of torture leveled against him.

Among the five charges leveled against Mr. Beliu Awol, the deputy governor wrote “you have tortured and burnt the lips of two young men (2) Looting of the properties from families of the same victims (eight) 8 H/C and one (1) goat. (3) Violent act towards the victims.”

Though the commissioner of Rumbek North County refused to react to the letter of suspension, his fellow county-men on October 23, 2009 welcomed the decision taken by minister of local government Lt. Col. David Nok Marial.

Maper, where the torture took place, is a distance of 75 miles from the capital of Lakes state in Rumbek Central County.



  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    Rumbek North Commissioner skips court trial
    That is a good thing to take him to court,because they think they are above the law.

  • thieleling

    Rumbek North Commissioner skips court trial
    What’s happening in BEG? The BEG youth from Aweil broke into jail in Juba and released ex-finance minster violently. Now the commisioner from the same region is in the contempt of court. These are the same people claiming great leadership in south sudan? Lord Have mercy!!

    There is no way our Dinka brothers & sisters would ever rule through fair judicial system, diplomacy and laws in south sudan. Just look at Governor Awet(Lakes), Malong(NB), Kuol(Jonglei). It is all through violence and dictatorship. This is what our dinka brothers consider divine leadership and indeed born to rule. This is the most delusional leadership I ever heard of in this ultra-modern era. That only happens in Dinka-level leadership, and NOT on a global level. The Great south sudan is in for a trashy, messy with rundown Dinka-style leadership. What a world!!

  • oshay

    Rumbek North Commissioner skips court trial
    cowardly SPLM, they’re quick to run away and and quick to loot

  • Jupiter Maguangdit
    Jupiter Maguangdit

    Rumbek North Commissioner skips court trial
    Waht a hell!

    LRA in Rumbek North County. Why does the SPLA fight the LRA rebels while we have similar people in Rumbek North County?

    The man should have been arrested and sentenced to death.

  • Critic_Ngueny

    Rumbek North Commissioner skips court trial
    Dear brothers and sisters,

    Thanks to Logic Boy and regret to Thieling,Oshay and Oduck Bol.We must have to respect our beloved communities as I told you yesterday.The SPLA/M is not a Dinka party as some of you always put it.The part is consist of so many people within Southern Sudan as well as Sudan at large.Take an example of Yasir Araman, he is from the North but he has chosen to be a member of the SPLA/M.

    Thieling,you are just trying to demote the dignity of your community for your own interest.Nuer community responsibility is not in your hands otherwise you have to change and stop talking agaist people on behalf of Nuer.You just want to spoil the image of Nuer community for nothing.

    Oshay,Would you mind too talking against people for you are demoting the dignity of Great Equatoria please? Bear in Mind that Equtoria is in the History of Southern Sudan.Let’s go back,back in order to go forward,you have to think of what happened in Torit in 1955.

    Oduct Bol,tribalism is not good please.look at what has happened to Lam.Talk like a Southern Sudanese but not like.

    I must fight for the Unity of Southerners toward separation of Southern Sudan from the North and not only that.I am ready to do many things which are going to help Southerners.The following people have lost their lives during the struggle:
    Alier Atem Manut,Taban Lado Pitya,Gatkuoth Riak Chuol and Oduck Bol Lam.Get the names clearly please and make your own interpretation.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    Rumbek North Commissioner skips court trial
    Commissioner John Beliu have done good thing as Commissioner of Central Equatoria Alfred Pitia did and was dismissed. Those are real people ( Leaders) who if given chance can discipline South Sudan. Those who think they are good Leaders are the most torturers who are torturing South Sudan now.

  • Akuma

    Rumbek North Commissioner skips court trial
    Dear Readers and Writers;

    All those suspended youth and commissioner should be trial because no one above law, the tribal clash in lake state are more serious, and serious laws to be enforces.


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