Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Ethiopia: over 60 political parties endorse election code of conduct

November 12, 2009 (ADDIS ABABA) — Some 65 Ethiopian political groups have approved an election code of conduct which recently was signed between the Ethiopian government and three major opposition parties.

The 65 political groups approved the code of conduct after making some improvements onto it during their 3 day meeting which winded up on Nov 10, 2009.

According to a resolution they jointly passed yesterday, the document, which includes some 13 new recommendations will be sent to the house of peoples’ representatives for passage as part of country’s law.

Following the agreement, the 65 political parties have continued their joint discussion on the implementation strategy of the endorsed document.

Reached by phone, some political parties on Thursday told Sudan Tribune that the discussion they had was based on mutual understanding and tolerance. They further said that the fruitful discussions are a major step toward building democratic culture in the country.

In the latest development, the parties have agreed to carry out their responsibilities in building constitutional democracy and have also expressed commitment to abide by the resolution and inline to jointly work for democracy, human rights and rule of law in the country.

Ethiopia’s up coming election is scheduled for May next year. Despite growing allegations of harassment coming out from some opposition groups, Top Ethiopian officials including the prime minister on various occasions have expressed their utmost commitment to conduct a democratic, fair, transparent and peaceful election of an international standard.

The government of Ethiopia has also invited international election observers.

A number of Ethiopian political analysts agree that the latest successful progress achieved between the ruling Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) party and opposition groups could mark country’s first ever democratic election, after the 2005 deadly post-election violence sparked by allegations of vote rigging left nearly 200 protesters killed.


1 Comment

  • Dongjol

    Ethiopia: over 60 political parties endorse election code of conduct

    Peace to you in your home land.I doubt this code guarantees free and fair election.

    We the people of the horn of Africa are being disturbed by the termoils Al Bashir creates.Bashir supplies weapons and sophisticated machine guns to Murley and lou.

    Because of this, the people of western gambella districts are killed daily and thier herds are raid everyday.

    For political reasons Meles Zenawi is a friend to Bashir , the killer of his citizens and brothers.

    The people of Gambella are fed up with the government of Meles Zenawii which doesn’t keep their security.

    Now they will be ready to favor another new political party that would keep their interests.

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