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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

56 LRA surrender to S. Sudan army, says SPLA spokesman

By Manyang Mayom

November 12, 2009 (RUMBEK) – Fifty-six fighters of the Ugandan Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) have surrendered to the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), according to SPLA spokesman Maj-Gen. Kuol Diem Kuol.

First a small group of five LRA rebels surrendered, later followed by a larger group composed of 41 people. Most of the surrenders took place in Western Equatoria State, said Maj-Gen. Kuol.

The news follows a spate of other LRA surrenders across a vast frontierless region – from south of Garamba National Park in DR Congo to the Central African Republic – where the scattered LRA is being pursued. Provoked by an internationally coordinated attack on their bases in December 2008, LRA this year carried out massacres and displaced tens of thousands in north-eastern Uganda and Sudan.

LRA fighters, operating in small groups, infiltrated Western Equatoria State, foraging for food and forcibly abducting new recruits. The state has a lighter SPLA presence than other areas of South Sudan, so militias called “arrow boys” rose to meet the threat. According to Kuol Diem Kuol, the state has recently seen a decrease in LRA activities.

However, Kuol said the Ugandan rebels are reorganizing their forces in the border areas between South Darfur, Western Bahr-El-Ghazal State as well as in the Central African Republic.

Kuol noted that whenever LRA rebel fighters surrender themselves to SPLA in Yambio, they are transported to a SPLA barracks in Yei, from whence a Kenyan bus transports them surely to Uganda. A few of LRA are being airlifted by plane to Uganda, he added. The Ugandan army are receiving them in their country, where typically they are rehabilitated and then sent home or integrated into the army.

Kuol concluded that “they are now enjoying themselves in Acholi village land with their relatives from whom they have been separated for a long time.”


Kuol dismissed recent reports that there was a cross-border incident in Moyo District, calling the report an “unhealthy rumour which was being created by the Khartoum Government to destroy our relationship with the Ugandan government and international world opinion.”

“There is no such attack we did in Moyo district – we crosschecked the story and actually we found nothing done by SPLA in Moyo district,” he affirmed.

The Ugandan daily Monitor had reported that SPLA soldiers pursued across the border a Ugandan man who was supposedly carrying out research on chimpanzees in the area. The SPLA soldiers believed that he was a spy and searched for him in Gmberi village, the Monitor reported. A Khartoum newspaper, the Arabic Al-Intibaha, subsequently carried a report of an SPLA incursion in the area.

Kuol called the story “a rumor that came up” in Al-intibaha. “It is a mad person in Intibaha newspaper spreading this story. We never made any attack there – how can we attack our friendly sisterly country?”



  • Mzalendo Mwema
    Mzalendo Mwema

    56 LRA surrender to S. Sudan army, says SPLA spokesman
    Good on arrow boys and SPLA to catch the enemies of human being

  • AK-47

    56 LRA surrender to S. Sudan army, says SPLA spokesman
    what of Konyi….
    may he will turnout sooner rather than later.

  • longo pi
    longo pi

    56 LRA surrender to S. Sudan army, says SPLA spokesman
    Shut-up stupid spokesman of Dinka Kual Diem Kual. Your days are numbered!!!.

    South Sudan will be divided into 3 republic states if you Dinka taking the land of other tribes, naming other peoples’ areas by different Dinka names eg, Jabel Dinka.


  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    56 LRA surrender to S. Sudan army, says SPLA spokesman
    Why not these LRAs not shot at their head.

  • pata mike
    pata mike

    56 LRA surrender to S. Sudan army, says SPLA spokesman
    Kuol is lying : no LRA ever reached Acholi or came into contact with their relatives. You must understand one thing: do not confuse abductees with LRA soldiers.

  • pata mike
    pata mike

    56 LRA surrender to S. Sudan army, says SPLA spokesman
    For people familiar with the LRA activities for the last 25 years, the following pints must have been noted:
    1. Those who return are the wounded and sick as well as the old.
    2. abductees who had long planned to escape and were waiting for opportunities to escape.
    3 those who return or surrender are shunned by their communities.
    6. returnees to Acholiland have to undergo lengthy traditional cleansing rituals and ceremonies

    so what Kuol is saying might have been extrcated from his own dreams moreover there are not many Acholi recruits in teh LRA anymore; most of the recruits now come from southern sudan congo and CAR- a total of ten thousand compares to only 600 Acholi in LRA

  • pata mike
    pata mike

    56 LRA surrender to S. Sudan army, says SPLA spokesman
    the attack on moyo happened,. do not lie- check the G earth satellite monitors. i am suprised at your poor intelligence

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