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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Kiir visits Europe to brief leaders on CPA implementation

By James Gatdet Dak

November 15, 2009 (JUBA) — The First Vice President of Sudan and President of the Government of Southern Sudan, Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit visits a number of European countries.

The First Vice president of Sudan and the president of semi-autonomous South Salva Kiir
The First Vice president of Sudan and the president of semi-autonomous South Salva Kiir
After his arrival on Sunday morning to Khartoum, Kiir met with President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir and left the national capital in the evening to Holland. Kiir’s European tour is expected to include Holland, Norway, Belgium and France.

According to a press statement by the minister for Regional Cooperation, Gen. Oyai Deng Ajak who is part of the accompanying delegation, Kiir will brief the leaders of the European countries on the current political situation in the country.

“It is a visit initiated by the President [Kiir]…to brief them [European leaders] on the current political situation in Sudan and also to discuss with them the process of implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the way forward,” he said.

Oyai added that the visit seeks recommitment of the European leaders to support the full and speedy implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

Kiir’s delegation includes Joseph Lual Acuil, State Minister at the Sudanese Presidency, GOSS minister of regional Cooperation Gen. Oyai Deng Ajak and Luka Biong Deng, GOSS minister of presidential affairs.

Meanwhile the Government of Southern Sudan’s Vice President and Deputy Chairperson of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), Dr. Riek Machar Teny, also left Juba for Khartoum on the same day [Sunday] to resume negotiations with the National Congress Party on the outstanding issues in the CPA implementation.

The two parties have not finalized agreement on the Southern Sudan referendum bill among other issues.

The SPLM Political Bureau meeting which ended on Saturday also called on the National Elections Commission (NEC) to extend the voter registration period for at least two weeks from the end of this month in order to successfully mobilize for the exercise.

It also resolved that the SPLM Caucus in the National Assembly should continue to boycott the Assembly sittings until the outstanding issues are dealt with.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Kiir visits Europe to brief leaders on CPA implementation
    CPA is death Mr dictator don’t dream of it, we are also going for separation then what is the point of crying for Corrupt Parties Agreement CPA, I know CPA benefits your individual pockets a lot but it is too late to run after it, NCP will not even implement CPA just think back to the way how the arabs used to play with u like a toy. Because if u were a capable leader by time CPA could have been implemented. Only vision of leader and government in South Sudan but no presents of reality. Who can prove the government or leader in South if he/she thinks am wrong?

  • Wende Yongaptheeth
    Wende Yongaptheeth

    Kiir visits Europe to brief leaders on CPA implementation
    Kiir is a pure successor of John Garang and Garang made a statement that if Southerners wants to be second class citizens in their own country, they will vote for unity and if they wants freedom, they will vote for total and not only total freedom of South Sudan to the rests of Africa.

    Where are Oshay, Gatwech, Thieling, Bilieu and Rambang Deng.

  • thieleling

    Kiir visits Europe to brief leaders on CPA implementation
    Dear Readers,

    An autocratic Salva Kiir in democratic Europe may learn one or two about how election and real democracy work. Kiir has been undemocratic for the longest time as a military & civilian leader. It would be a colossal miscalculation for south sudanese to elect him as their leader for the next five years. Good Kiir, please learn some creative thinking while at it. Briefing European in the implementation of the CPA includes conducting free and fair election in both south sudan and the North, followed by peaceful transfer of power. It is not about lawlessness or lying here and there. I hope you learn something!!

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Kiir visits Europe to brief leaders on CPA implementation
    Have a nice trip Salva Kiir Mayaridit.
    The problems of Sudan is complex so you kindly tell the European leaders that Mr Bashier is working hard to make CPA fail. Bashier refused and failed to make CPA attractive for unity.

  • [email protected]

    Kiir visits Europe to brief leaders on CPA implementation
    Bravo, Mr. President. I am very much appreciative to your Europe visit. Let your visit be wise and consultative to discuss the strategies of declaring South Sudan Independence by SSLA rather than votes with your tireless friends like Norway. Referrendum by votes is already corrupted, if you could imagine, the referrendum implementation guide is not passed upto now and the demarcation of South-North border is not done. I am anxiously concerned with the welfare of Southerners, though I am an Eastern Sudanese. I believe in freedom and equality of human being, not the regions of Sudan in particular and/or the whole Globe. Best wishes, AHMED

  • Gatwech

    Kiir visits Europe to brief leaders on CPA implementation
    Dear readers,

    If such visits can be done with good brain and commitment for all and not for individual interests, they may bring good fruits. But sometimes they turn into begging visits for cash. The cash then unfortunately ends up in individual pockets. Sorry.

  • Chanson

    Kiir visits Europe to brief leaders on CPA implementation
    Mr. president.
    Thank you so much for your wonderful step.that you have taken.let that visits to European countries be some thing good to all southers,the thing which can give them freedom of speaking,warshiping,freedom of owning things & freedom of movement to normal citizens of the south.

    Also we citizens,lets just support our leaders for changes in the south.so many people are dead coz of this land.those who were fighting fo this easy freedom of today whereby every single move of president to any place/country,that will be money just.why don,t we forget what so-called money and do what is good for the child of southern sudan for God seek.money is nothing but trouble only.
    so let take money out of that president,s visits to Europe,ma dear citizens.
    Lets just work for changes.
    I thank everyone in here and out,in the name of the south.

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    Kiir visits Europe to brief leaders on CPA implementation
    Yes that is how the system work. There are many ways to solve conflict. War is not the first option. If northerners do not follow the CPA,then go back to those who supported CPA or brought it to civilians. I think you may get good idea from them,and good luck.

  • Adam

    Kiir visits Europe to brief leaders on CPA implementation
    It is good that SPLM is truthful this time to confess that the visit has been “initiated by the President [Kiir]”. No one in Europe would like to invite a tyrant, looter or complete failure. That is why he has to “initiate” the visit.

    Mr. President and the GoSS have violated all what the Europeans are prorogating. Democracy and (basic) Human rights in the South are violated seriously by SPLM ans especially by the SPLA. They know it.

    No justice, freedom or political life. Just dictatorship. They also know it.

    No development or services to the poor and the underprivileged. There is only dollars being looted or misused. The European Government or NGO aid has been misused. European have stopped their assistance to the South because of the clear corruption. They know that for sure with abundance of evidences. Evidences not provided by the Arabs.

    The South is full of hatred and tribalism due to the ill-policies of SPLM/A. Hey, they are aware of it.

    SPLM has been very immature in its partnership with NCP. They create problems with NCP now and then for no good reason. While SPLM cries for freedom, democracy, development and human rights in North Sudan, they seriously neglect that in the South. The CPA is an achievement but SPLM/A failed to understand that and wasted the time and resources. The repeated boycott of the national government organs is a real weakness, childish and undemocratic. The European knows all about that.

    SPLM/A is mainly one-tribe ownership. It considers all other tribes as third class citizens of the South. They translate that in reality. Voter registration for the upcoming elections (2010) and referendum (2011) has been hindered by SPLM/A. No party other than SPLM is freely allowed to operate in the South. Many bad incidences has been recorded. The whole world know about this.

    The parasitic visit is meant to “seek recommitment of the European leaders to support the full and speedy implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement”. How can the European be convinced that the CPA can be implemented properly by SPLA? Mr. President has nothing to offer to the European. The European will support democracy and general participation. They want to see tangible evidence that this will take place. They need development and eradication of hunger, disease and ignorance. Has SPLM/A the intention, the ability or the human resources that can realize these objectives? Are they ready to allow the “other” to take part or the bush mentality is still prevailing?

    Now, what Mr. President is going to say to the Europeans? What guarantees he is going to offer? Are the credential of SPLM/A convincing? Is Mr. President ready to compromise with his own people and their civil society organizations and parties? Is he going to promise human rights and development? Can he tolerate what the European can say to him? Let us wait and see.

    O ye Southerners Unite!

    Sincerely yours,

    Adam Milawaki, Kansas

  • pan africa
    pan africa

    Kiir visits Europe to brief leaders on CPA implementation
    President Kiir we know you are the only president for the Sudan now. and your visit to the European Union Countreis is very meaningfully for us, let us see your job as the president of the whole country don,t thinks back for Omar as the president of the country no more for him done is done. he just left for caple days for him to saying byee byeeeeeeeeee to the people of the Sudan. God bless Southern Sudan thanks you Mr president.

  • Abyei

    Kiir visits Europe to brief leaders on CPA implementation
    Dear Kiir tour to the European’s is wasted of your time as you know that some of the community areas here they ignoiring the Registeration Vote ,Please you could have make tour to the region around South instead; of European to convince the people’s how and not to accept the bribe from the NCP party,they way people’s are talking on the street.


    Kiir visits Europe to brief leaders on CPA implementation
    Yes the visit of salva kiir to the european countries for the review of the CPA means a lot to southern sudan and sudan as all but all is of no use if there is respect to the CPA, we are singing of the CPA when we don’t understand the meaning of it and put it into our mines and to the know the roll of the CPA in our country at large means that we have defile the CPA for God sake i don’t understand why the very southerners after our suffering for Bad 22years of disapointment are still killing each our robbing cheating and many others so even if the visit of kiir to european countries for the review of the CPA it will be iportant to families we regreated but not to all according to what am seeing going on we shall still hard more 22bad years of distress to the past 22 years of dsiapointment generations comes and generations goes with the same casting. lets see first what will hapen in 2011 election

  • nyok k daw majok
    nyok k daw majok

    Kiir visits Europe to brief leaders on CPA implementation
    we know very well gen Salva Kiir mayardit will be acheve a dream of the splm vision of the new sudan . because the political teme are working very hard for CPA impleentation .twntyone years in bush and six years in political war. keep it up we belive everything will be find . one thing i want tall to goverment of south now the along broder from North Bahr el ghazal to Abyei and Biemnom county of Ruweng
    baggara or misseriya they move to south brodar now with cattles they
    carring wepons they said we are civillen no civillen carring gun in south and that one very important to
    see and goss make sure the brodar are secure
    iam worring about Aweill and Abyei and Biemnom county those areas are very danger brodar this is my massage to south goverment three aeras need good security
    Aweill oyee
    ABYEI Oyee
    Bieomnom oyee

    thank you

  • Bold

    The GOSS better hurry and look into that life threaten event happen in lake State before it get worse.

    A German aid agency has accused an oil consortium in southern Sudan of contaminating water supplies, affecting at least 300,000 people in Unity State.

    The group, Sign of Hope, said tests found life-threatening metals in wells near two major oil fields.

    It said it had passed the findings to the government and the consortium.

    The White Nile Petroleum Operating Company says protecting water quality is a priority and it has built a water treatment plant for the community.

    But it could not be reached to comment directly on the allegations.


    Sign of Hope said it did the tests by Mala and Thar Jath oil fields after local villagers complained the water tasted salty and had been making them sick.

    The agency’s vice-chairman said they were startled by what they found.

    “The chemical composition of water samples we have taken from oil well drilling pits is nearly the same as we found in the contaminated water boreholes the people are using for drinking water supply,” Klaus Stieglitz said.

    If the local community cannot find alternatives, Mr Stieglitz said the effects on their health could be devastating.

    He said that the water treatment plant was a help, but not enough and would not solve the wider environmental problems.

    Mr Stieglitz also feared there could be environmental implications for the nearby Sudd swamp, one of the world’s largest wetlands formed by the White Nile – although no tests had been carried out on its waters.



    Kiir visits Europe to brief leaders on CPA implementation
    Thank you, your Excellency of taking that informed decisions. You will deliver us regardless the huge challenges the Semi- Automonous region is facing.

    To update the European countries about the CPA is essential. This entails the part that has been implemented and the other which is not yet put in place. Your visit to European nations is very broad in meaning according to my own perception



    Kiir visits Europe to brief leaders on CPA implementation
    Let’s turn a deaf ear to those uninformed pieces of advice especially you the elite of Southern Sudanese that are always exposed to us.

    Some individuals recomend out of their minds with the intention of confusing the public.

    Shame on them

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