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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South-South dialogue calls for equitable voter registration

November 17, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — Three days meeting convened by eight southern Sudan political parties, peacefully ended yesterday in Khartoum with call for equitable and participatory voter registration in the region.

lam-akol-.jpgThe South Sudan Political Parties Consensus Dialogue Forum, meeting held in Khartoum in the period 14 – 16 November 2009, accused the southern Sudan ruling party, the SPLM, of denying during the last five years all other political parties the freedom to operate in South Sudan.

The meeting further urged the southern Sudan government to ensure unhindered freedom for the other political parties to disseminate their ideas in the semi-autonomous region. They also asked to not use the southern Sudan army, SPLA, for political purposes.

The parties taking part in the meeting resolved to form an alliance to fight the elections together as one bloc. The alliance is to be known as “The Alliance of South Sudan Political Parties” and shall be headed by a leadership body comprising the heads of all the parties and an appropriately constituted Secretariat, said the final communiqué of the conference.

Dr. Lam Akol, former foreign affairs minister and a leader of the SPLM-DC whose party participated in the meeting expressed concern over slow progress in voter registration across region. “The voter registration is of course moving at snail style because public were not adequately informed,” he told Sudan Tribune.

“I tell you nobody among the ordinary people in the south knew there would be voter registration in the region because ruling party had in the first place shown reluctance to mobilize public turn out for registration,” Akol further said.

He continued to say, they, (SPLM) instead of engaging in publicity campaign, started date of the registration with cants against elections and infuriation to boycott.

Akol added that the SPLM officials also have been engaged in all sorts of ill practices coined to deny participation of other political forces in the desperately needed democratic transformation in the region during elections.

However, he called upon members and supporters of the SPLM-DC, in the whole country both South and Northern to embrace peaceful mobilization in order to encourage people to go to the registration centers in their numbers.

The former foreign minister said the SPLM-DC intends to participate in the upcoming general elections adding that the candidates of the party would sleeve all constituencies and file candidates for Governors and Commissioners in all the states.

Akol did not speak about his candidacy for the Sudanese or southern Sudan presidencies but it was reported that he intends to run for the presidency of southern Sudan government.

The new political coalition formed by the southern parties said in its communiqué that the membership of the alliance is open to any political party that wishes to join.

The parties that participated in the dialogue conference and now are members of the new alliance are SANU, UDSF, United Democratic Party, SPLM-DC, Sudan National Labor Party, USAP-2, South Sudan Democratic Forum, South-Sudan Democratic Front.



  • DOOR

    South-South dialogue calls for equitable voter registration

    Following the South-South dialogue currently taking place in Khartoum, the leader of SPLM-DC Dr Lam Akol was quoted by the media as saying that ” Nuer political prostitution will not liberate southsudan”. He made the remarks in his condemnation of the three Nuer leaders who defected recently from SPLM-DC to SPLM.

    The remark has sparked anger in khartoum from Nuer people there and it is reported that Lam left Khartoum for malakal on Monday.

    The Sudan security arrested 6 Nuer youngmen for going violent on the SPLM-DC chairman’s remark.

    More news will be availed when the south media report it.

  • oshay

    South-South dialogue calls for equitable voter registration
    Dr Lam Akol FOR VICE PRESIDENT, replace that Dinka Scumbag cowboy Kiir, and then Akol For President!!!!!!!!!

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    South-South dialogue calls for equitable voter registration
    Those Southern Parties apart from SPLM are all betrayers.
    Their intention is to unity. We can not except their intention.
    Lam Akol will run for south presidency!. That can not happen on this earth.

    Please stay away from South and join North as usual.
    You are now awake because the sound of gun is silence but if it sound again,you guys( parties) will desperse.
    We need a solid leader with the intention to liberate us from Arab mistreatment like Dr Garang Mabior.
    Salva Kiir, Wani Igga, Malek fit the position but their is no room for those who leave their brothers and sisters when things are bitter like Malaria quin.

  • Gatwech

    South-South dialogue calls for equitable voter registration
    SPLM’s unpreparedness is its number one disease that will make it fail elections in the South let alone the whole Sudan. This explains why they don’t even have candidates up to now. The alliance of other political parties in the South will win the elections. The only way for the SPLM to escape defeat is by boycotting the elections all together. But will the boycott go down well with the people of South Sudan who see the elections as the only healthy way to replace such incompetent leaders? Is SPLM fearing democratic transformation, its claimed principle?

  • Nile Flame
    Nile Flame

    South-South dialogue calls for equitable voter registration
    Absolutely Dr. Akol, people of south sudan should be inform and well instructed on how to vote and how to vote for. The SPLM/A leadership is loosing a creditability on the ground for puttin their guts first before the national issues.

    Souhern sudan is not for splm/a, its for all southerners even none southerners whom ought to a part of.

    The ill-behavior of Kiir’s has to something to do with lack of education, he doesnt much about the system of a sovereign state under the international law.

    How is the southerners going to vote since there is a system set to guide the people of southern sudan.

    Its crucial for the parties to participate in organizing a proper procedures for election. corruption and lack of knowledge is wat is fighting with Kiir’s.

    The man is so visionless, shortsighted, he cant even see his feet.

    Its imperative to have well informed citizens in the south that would help to walk the people of southern sudan a their promise land.

    The way he presented people of southern sudan in his last speech in the church was so unthical, a leader has a certain way to address the his followers, should know is consumable and which is not.

    I urge the southerners not to put their fades into the hand of a blind man, Kiir’s nothing to do to elaviate the condition of the southerners rather than filling his gut.

    Greeds and liking of leadership with a problem that is a killing disease in the south.

    Please keep up with good work and the well wishes will join you after they realize that Kiir’s and the splm/a has nothing to for the southerners rather than citing hatred and encouraging corruption.

  • Barna Bahou
    Barna Bahou

    South-South dialogue calls for equitable voter registration
    A true and sound-minded Southerner would not waste his/her time to comment on articles in Sudan Tribune. This is because one can’t exchange comments with fools that eat tribalism as their daily meal. Why do you feel inferior in your own country and always talk about other tribes?

  • Time1

    South-South dialogue calls for equitable voter registration
    South Sudanese in general have to be patient, there are alot of things not going well now, but we have to have priorities and look at what is more important, the REFERENDUM is more important to south sudan now more than even democratic elections or even government reforms, why? because if we start to fight over who should be president and when reform and changes should be made to the current GOSS, we will loose focus on the main issue of Referendum which is the core of the CPA and the final destination in Sudans problems.

    Now GOSS needs dramatic reforms from top to buttom but this is not a good timing for talking and fighting over reforms, we have to keep our eyes on the ball which is full implementation of the CPA and completion of the referendum as a condusive environment in the year 2011.

    Arabs do not care if south sudan needs reform or not, they do not care if good governance or new leadership is required, for them they are only taking advantages of the weakness and divisions between southerners so they can use this to foil the referendum and bury the dreams of freedom for south sudan. So let southerners generally not fight over reform now, lets wait untill after referendum, then a democratic election will decide who people think is the best leader for the country to be elected through the ballot box and then some of the current useless leaders will have to go home and take care of their families and not take care of the nation since they are not capable enough.

    No matter what the situation do not let yourself to be used by Arabs and colonizers against your own people. Fight against Arabs is not finished yet.

    SPLM should also embrace all south sudan political parties and reach out to them for a comprehensive reconciliation and dialogue, SPLM as a leader party int he country will be a big failure if they do not reach out to all southerners and bring them under one umbrella which is the common interests of the south, SPLM should not ignore south-south dialigue they have been warn on this many times even by neighbouring countries and by international community, they have to push for south-south dialogue and reconcile all the rival forces, it is very important, this will also help to reduce the insecurity and infighting inside south sudan , it will bring a sense of reconciliation and understanding, without a south-south dialogue i do not see the insecurity in south sudan going away very soon.

    Disarmament alone is not the only solution to defeating insecurity, we have to also look at the root causes of the insecurity and why the people are angry then resolve the issues by dailogue, if we fail to read this sign then we will be on for a long walk to fix things for the future, so SPLM is also part of the problem of the insecurity since not enough has been done by SPLM to reconcile southern political and tribal forces, Other southern political forces also need to refrain from aggrevating activities and reach out for reconciliations and harmony instead of inflaming an already tense situation, so even some one like Dr Lam, Bona malwal and many others need to refrain from making imflamatory comments which will not help and which will only make him look like a poor leadership like all the other current leaders.

    southerners have to throw away the tribal and political rivalry which exists in all the parties and sit together in one table if they want to have a better country, any other options will only prolong the suffering of the people and will not bare fruitful results.

    We all know that with hook or crook NCP will win the coming elections, so southerners just have to focus ahead and start to prepare for the referendum early and not wait untill last minutes then s tart to complain and run around like confused rabbits, Salva Kirr need to keep his head focus and eyes open wide to make sure every single issues to scrutinized and dealth with immediately before the referendum not wait untill it is too late then start making comments which is of no use to any one, there is no time for errors now, people have to be informed allover southsudan, pre-registration need to start early to asses the probability of voters and results, early workshops and mobilization, organizational committes to be formed to work with the population, to work closely with the involved partyies like referendum commission, and get the whole south sudan ready atleast six month before the referendum, otherwise southerners will also loose the referendum like now this elections if early preparation is not done, many people not not believe but lack of organization and early planning cvan cost southerners their dreams of life.

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    South-South dialogue calls for equitable voter registration
    Hi guys.

    There is nothing new from or created by other parties, just they are following the CPA. Just calm down, and wait for who you want to give your vote to. Election is one of CPA agreement.We picked up arm to fight northerners for fair election and democracy in Sudan as whole.So we must keep our words. It is going to be shame for us if we try to shy away from democracy we lost our people for.

  • Daniel DENG
    Daniel DENG

    South-South dialogue calls for equitable voter registration
    To ODUKO //
    I am not proud of you guy of being engaging yourself in tribalism. Sorry for this! You better understand the article prior to post. Thus, be specific, is not a matter of talking out emotionally, you have to show up your seriousness when necessary .My bro, South – South Sudan dialogue is more sensitive, its need your support as well as to participate with your fruitful ideas rather than mobilizing innocent communities to be against each, in a way that we can be named new generation for changes.
    Yes, we, DIANKA are majority, but it doesn’t main dominating everything widely .You can realize what so – called OSHEY said, he want to say Dr.Lam replace Dinka!! Brothers &Sisters in Southern Sudan Let us give up attacking each other .Northern Sudan is in a full stability, while instability and discrimination remain an enormous challenge across South Sudan .Mr.ODUKO ,if you are realy from Sudan particularly South Sudan ,Don’t misunderstand me ,try to think scrutiny ,deeply that tribalism will not help to unite South Sudan ,so be part of those suppose to harmonize good brotherhood amongst, we need ourselves.
    Let us get way of passing this critical period by promoting peace instead of cultivating tribalism …
    Kindest regards to all
    Daniel G.DENG

  • alvin ajou
    alvin ajou

    South-South dialogue calls for equitable voter registration
    Fuck whoever is complaining about the SPLM leadership. to hell with the following leaders;

    Riek Gai

    Bona Malwal

    Lam Akol

    Moses Machar and so on.

  • doot

    South-South dialogue calls for equitable voter registration
    Right ?, some believe in big goverment while other believe in small goverment.However,this may sound like democratic ideal. No one party is allow to contain other parties.But the point is ,what do these many parties wanted to deliver to people of south sudan? A really change or “political game”.I particularly as citizen of that country want to be on “angel side party”. On my own view there is nothing wrong with having multi-parties who want to embrance the future and open new chapter in the history of south sudan.Howvever, in some commonsenses ,it is really important for each party to clearly outline its policy and its relatedness to the people of south sudan`s interest.Because ,politic is not about saying but it is about to get it done. Howvever, the worse things will be about saying it but not let it done. In realtion to SPLM -DC lead by Dr Lam. I think the critic missed the points and i quote ….. the SPLM …. denying during the last five years all others political parties the freedom to operate in South sudan “. Yes, it is right to rise that concern but opposite must compliance with the constittution of south sudan for the last five years due to the fact that , south sudan constitution is view by many as the only force of good in south sudan.And this may caused that the south sudan constitutuion need to be respected to allow many rooms for Democratic transformation. most importantly,good for all political parties to consult and work per constitution and unite behind it ,as the key to overshadow political fear , instead to create a negative enviroment across all parties line .But the question is,which party need to respect and which need to violate the constitution of south sudan ?.

    From Adelaide city

  • Akuma

    South-South dialogue calls for equitable voter registration
    Dear Southerner Writers and Readers:

    Are you not awared of Khartoum,s Jihad who are coming to attack southerners in south sudan in dry season this year.

    There is no other alternative for people to complain much. National Election commision is lead by southerner. Do you think that could give southerners a chair of presidency in Sudan? Let be reasoning over issues that weakening us Southerners! I don’t mean Uncle Alier can’t bribe but for him, he may work under Arabs influence because those northerners may be concious over him. No matter how we register to vote,there is no way for us southerners to be victory of that election that everyonr is prepare to vote. The fact is that whether we vote ot not, none of us won’t be president apart from Bashir. Have you forget Indictment of president Bashir by International criminal court? If it could be Traditional criminal court then southern sudan may hope for their victory during election but unfortunately we are off. Southern Sudan is recognise in the globe world as difference country regardless of what National Congress party in trying be dominant during to their Islamisation and Arabisation the country.

    The operationalisation and Sudanisation are under south Sudan control because all the resources are found in South Sudan whether expliotation of natural resources and leadership in the country, then South sudan should be the most participants in all affairs like here in USA because foreigners have no voices, what make Southerners to be voiceless over thousands decades is due to their rigidity and illiteracy.

    AS per now, we have thousands of southerners who are Doctors, Engineers, Young Politicians and other professionals people specialised.

    We are not sure whether that election be fair and free because of international criminal court over Bashir.

    Let just get ready to fight Khartoum’s Jihad who are now in the door.

    Dr. Akuma

  • Daniel DENG
    Daniel DENG

    South-South dialogue calls for equitable voter registration
    I greed with you Mr.doot .These call themselves South Sudan parties/politicians, they even don’t know how to play political games, to identify politic,.NCP ‘s tactic is to keep all Southerners in conflicts ,that while they relocate South – South Sudan dialogue to be held in Khartoum as a reaction of Juba conference. Let SPLM continue in boycotting these criminals, let them focus on referendum bill.
    Yes, any politician has his own vision, strategies tom remain in power, but the intellectuals remain by providing basic services with long terms plans.
    Let us keep eying /
    Daniel G.DENG

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