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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese ministerial delegation inspects registration in Western Equatoria

By Richard Ruati

November 27, 2009 (Yambio) – A delegation of Government of National Unity (GoNU) paid a visit to the Western Equatoria to inspect voter registration process in the state.

GoNU Federal Minister of Labour, Public Service and Human Resource Development Maj Gen (Rtd) Alison Manane Magaya headed the ministerial delegation, accompanied by Osama Abdallah Executive Director of Sudan’s Dam Implementation Unit, Agnes Lokudu, GOSS Minister of Tourism and Wild life conservation and Abdulla Alberto the advisor for the First Vice President of Sudan respectively.

On the arrivals at the Yambio Air Strip, the high profile delegation was warmly received by the Acting Governor, who is the State Minister for Agriculture, Prof. Mathew Udo and other top government luminaries.

Magaya appreciated the State Government for the warm reception he has been given in Western Equatoria State as the son of the region.

During a briefing to local reporters, Magaya pointed out “the South-North joint delegation main motive is to visit all the capitals of Southern Sudan to follow up the process of voter registration and to encourage the entire citizens to go for registration so that each individual can express their rights.”

Osama Abdallah called upon the citizens of WES to register in big numbers so that in” the coming election the Sudan people will choose their destiny.”

The Sudanese official who is also responsible for the construction of Maridi Dam explained that, “in some of places the registration process is going on well but only inadequate transport facilities hinder the crucial process.” He urged the SPLM party to cooperate with the NCP in mobilizing Western Equatoria State citizens to register for the upcoming election.

Agnes Lokudu stressed that,”it is very important to register at this crucial moment in order to determine how many people are going to vote in the election,” adding that, the registration is not only for election but also for the 2011 referendum.

Lokudu hailed the Government of Western Equatoria for its cooperation with other political parties, more especially the CPA partner, the NCP.

Despite the murder of Senior NCP Collaborator, Mariam Biringi last August in Yambio Lokudu pointed that, “Western Equatoria State is not like other states which harass other parties, arresting people for no reason.

In her concluding remarks, Agnes Lokudu drew the attention of the state cabinet members and acting Governor to explain how far has the Government of WES gone with the investigation about the assassination of NCP head of women affairs Biringi. Also she urged the State Government “to follow this case very seriously so that the culprits are brought to book.

However, the State Governor during her last address to State Legislative Assembly publicly said, an investigation Committee was already formed, which is being headed by Col Samuel Bati, compromising of all the security organs in WES.

This is the first time such powerful Khartoum Government officials have visited WES, as politicians nationwide exert efforts to mobilize common men and women to register.



  • James John
    James John

    Sudanese ministerial delegation inspects registration in Western Equatoria
    I never heard these people visits Eastern Equatoria…why are they scared with Eastern Equatoria???

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Sudanese ministerial delegation inspects registration in Western Equatoria
    “He urged the SPLM party to cooperate with the NCP in mobilizing Western Equatoria State citizens to register for the upcoming election”.Wow!

    What is the connect of SPLM and NCP in Western Equatoria.
    Its meant that there are NCP doing their job in Western Equatoria.
    Please chase those NCP agents away in the State.

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