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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan cabinet passes final draft for 2010 budget

By James Gatdet Dak

November 28, 2009 (JUBA) – The semi-autonomous Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) on Thursday in an extra-ordinary meeting passed the final draft of the fiscal year 2010 budget to the tune of 4.3 billion Sudanese pounds (about $2 billion US dollars).

GoSS Council of Ministers chaired by President Salva Kiir Mayardit, Juba, November 27, 2009, (Photo by James G. Dak, ST)
GoSS Council of Ministers chaired by President Salva Kiir Mayardit, Juba, November 27, 2009, (Photo by James G. Dak, ST)
The resource envelope for the fiscal year has increased by 19% (700 million Sudanese pounds) from the previous 3.6 billion Sudanese pounds for 2009 budget.

This is only because of projected increase in oil revenues for 2010 as the region continues to remain dependent on the fluctuating oil revenues by 98% of its yearly budget.

Non-oil revenues constitute only about 2% of the budget. Attempts by the government to improve the collection of non-oil revenues have not brought forth the desired results.

In its third reading chaired by President Salva Kiir Mayardit, the budget was presented to the Council of Ministers by the minister of Finance and Economic Planning, David Deng Athorbei.

It was calculated at the rate of 60 dollars per barrel while non-oil revenues collection is forecast for only 101 million pounds in 2010.

GoSS has been expected to receive 50% share of oil revenues produced from the oil fields located in the South per the wealth sharing agreement of the 2005 peace deal that ended the 21 years of North-South civil war.

The other 50% goes to the Khartoum-based Government of National Unity (GoNU).

Donors also reinforce funding for some government’s specific projects.

In the 2010 budget and similar to previous annual budgets, salaries in Southern Sudan constitute the largest chunk of 49% of the whole budget, while operating costs and capital expenditure constitute 30% and 21%, respectively.

Looking at the spending by sectors, the largest spending category remains the security sector which constitutes almost one-third of the budget.

The main sectors providing services such as health, education, infrastructure and natural resource also account around another one-third of the budget while the rule of law and the public administration sectors both account for around 10%.

Transfers to states in terms of block grants and conditional grants account for 28%.

Speaking to the press after the approval of the budget, the government’s official spokesperson Paul Mayom Akech said the budget is geared toward reform and putting into consideration the upcoming political events.

“[The budget is] to enhance a secure environment for the conduct of 2010 elections and prepare the ground for the conduct of the referendum for the people of Southern Sudan” in 2011, he said.

These, he added, include among others maintaining or improving security and conducting awareness campaigns among the populace in Southern Sudan.

He further explained that the budget was also to give priority to contractual obligations by the government for the ongoing projects carried on board from the 2009 budget.

He added that it also seeks to pension off those that are retired from the civil service and provide gratuities to those politicians who may not come back to power after the April 2010 general elections.

Mayom further stressed the Council’s decision to introduce strict financial discipline so that institutions will not be allowed by the finance ministry to unnecessarily overspend beyond their budget ceilings imposed on them.

He also stressed the need to streamline budgeting for independent commissions such as war veterans and war disabled, which share the same responsibility of providing services to the same affected people, in order to avoid duplication of budgeting by such institutions.

GoSS has 53 institutions that it has been budgeting for mostly since the formation of government in 2005.

The budget proposal is expected to be tabled before the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly next month for final endorsement.



  • Oduko

    South Sudan cabinet passes final draft for 2010 budget
    This billions of dollers will be in their banks accounts soon cause they running out of $$$ by now so citizens of South shell chose unity of Sudan instead of Kiir and his groups all ways still our money which always arrived safetly from our beloved head of state hard worker Mr Al Bashiir from our national capital city Khartoum, with out doub. Thanks Bashiir for saving South seen!! we citizens of South now see your kindness for sure due of you sendings alots of billions to South and builds raods, hopitals,schols, SSLA buildings and much more.

  • James John
    James John

    South Sudan cabinet passes final draft for 2010 budget
    Aleast this time they should not put the money in thier bank, and this time we need the road to be finish.

    crazy people…in the government of southern sudan.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    South Sudan cabinet passes final draft for 2010 budget
    The GOSS(SPLM) must budget and considered that South independent is not awalk away. The greedy North will test the ability of the South in Border democracy, oil areas, and the debt.

    I resqusted SPLM to know that. The Security/ Military hardware, infrastures such as roads, hospitals must be on top of the budgets.

  • black-hope

    South Sudan cabinet passes final draft for 2010 budget
    To Oduku,My friend you have to stop betraying our government because of money you love. let me assure you that life is better than money. Why do appreciate Bashier who killed your own people leaving your liberator, great Salva kiir Mayardit who spent 21 years in jungle to bring you to freedom you are enjoying now.This oil is not in Al-Bashier home but in southern Sudan in the upper Nile region. pliz bro. you are acting like achild of 3 years old who have no vision.Is that unproductive to approve anew budget which will creat employment opportunity to people like? or do you want Goss to distribute money to you like relief food while you are idol? Do you need the oil revenue share to be for your own family to know that Goss is serving you? you avoid stupid comments,you also mine of your education because we assume that you are intellectual.Thank wish you nice comment next, it is just how to be in right channel so that you will not be avictim in community .

  • Time1

    South Sudan cabinet passes final draft for 2010 budget
    The Budget should have also considered the local business empowerement, local investment support, funds for agricultural development, this will help to build the business class and improve trade activities for local, by doing this the tax source to government will be increase and more jobs created.

    Also projects from last year should not be squeezed into this years budget, 2010 budget should be based on new set projects and goals for that year only, to bring projects from the past previous years will only put more strain on the budget and make it difficualt to achieve its goals, ministries should be asked to account for last years budgets to avoid corruption.

    Finanly ministry of finance together with trade ministry should seriously work out other sources of revenues to generate more money for the government. They should look into opening up government business projects and ventures to bring more money into the governments coffers, they should try and improve the tax system, which means to get all business local or foriegners to genuinely register and given licence on which they pay tax to the finance ministry, there should be inspections of businesses to detect those who fail to register and pay tax, all this together will increase the revenues for the government, so the government does not have to relay on the oil money alone.

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