Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Thousands displaced, 1 killed and 4 wounded in Awerial County

By Manyang Mayom

November 30, 2009 (RUMBEK) — Thousands of people were displaced, one killed and four wounded in Awerial County of Lakes state as inter-state cattle raiders renewed clashes between Mundari tribesmen of Central Equatoria State and inhabitants of Awerial County.

Eight thousand (8,000) people fled the fighting that began on Saturday, said one official.

Last month dozens were killed in fighting in the county, when gunmen from the Mundari tribe attacked villages belonging to members of the Dinka tribe.

Mundari raiders attacked Pulawar at 2 p.m. on Saturday night and killed one girl and wounded four others. Also eight thousand inhabitants of Pulawar were displaced and they are now crossing into territory of Jonglei state, said Dut Malual Chaoch.

Dut Malual Chaoch is the SPLM County Secretary of Awerial, which is located in the eastern part of Lakes state. He added that targeting of urban villages — including Pulawar, Kalthou and Mingkaman — had already displaced thousands into Jonglei state.

Moreover, the official said that the unsettled security situation prompted NGOs, including the World Food Programme, to leave the county to Bor.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Thousands displaced, 1 killed and 4 wounded in Awerial County
    Manyang you are a big liar I don’t think Mundari has ever engaged in attacking poor dinkas, even a child will never agree on this tribal attitude, why are u always sitting in Bor and reporting false inform on the media? A brave man should pay attention to the scene and get the facts in order to tell the truth. This is another problems i don’t like from Sudantribune, Why is that the only active reporters on this site are racist Philip Thon and manyang? what happen to Isaac Vuni? I know those racist repoters are trying hard to improve their criminal image of dinkas by accusing other innocent communties in South Sudan. Everyone know Mundari and Greater Equatorians in general are friendly people. Work hard on your discriminating reports and one day you will vomit this zany behavours. I know your dream goal as visionless community of dinkas, Kiir himself supply Kuol with guns while Kuol implement the action. All of you are working for a common goal of damaging and eliminating other tribes in South Sudan. Shame on u mongrels of devil family.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Thousands displaced, 1 killed and 4 wounded in Awerial County
    The reporter must give audince the essential evidences that will help them believe on the issue.I do not fully agree with this article either because those of AWerial of Lake State can not let the munderi displace their innocents like that.

  • James John
    James John

    Thousands displaced, 1 killed and 4 wounded in Awerial County
    I think Isaac Vuni is not a lair be’s he’s reporting what he know the best of his mind…… I think dinka and Mundari are fighting with cattle but why??

    Instead of going to school for development, just trying to creat problem for other people.


  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    Thousands displaced, 1 killed and 4 wounded in Awerial County
    Too much insecurity in south.

    Salva Kiir should change tow governors Jongli governor and Lake state governor those to guys do not know how to lead. Salva should give them another jobs. Those tow guys do not care about the safety of civilians. Please change them and then see if there will be another violent. You should keep aperson who is doing good but if not,why not give them another job.

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    Thousands displaced, 1 killed and 4 wounded in Awerial County
    Delete all cattle/Cows,

    Government should poision all the cows in South Sudan so as to creat peace among the cattle keepers!!

    Or else Dinkas who always attack Mundari should be deal with mercylessly so that they should learn from the bad since they can’t not learn from good.

    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

  • Time1

    Thousands displaced, 1 killed and 4 wounded in Awerial County
    This issue needs to be investigated seriously and in detail, we need to find out if this is really Mundari which atatcked the people of it was the SAF militias, SAF is now also involved in attacking villages then claim it to the tribes like Mundari, because what is the reasons for the attacks, there seem to be no clear reasons for the atatcks, no one from Awerial attacked the Mundari, so why will the Mundari atatck them? something fishy here about SAF involvement.

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