Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Stop attempts to sowing seeds of dictatorship in South Sudan

By Justin Ambago Ramba

December 2, 2009 — As the US administration has already expressed its concerns about the credibility of the elections in the Sudan come 2010, it is time that the whole south Sudanese masses come out with efforts to improve the outcome of this major CPA bench marker. At the least they need to show that they do care and that the matter does concern them as it rightly concerns the US, European Union, African Union and all the other stake holders.

If we ALL strongly believe that it is only through fair, transparent and credible elections that we can have a democratic transformation in the Sudan, then we better watch out that the way our leaders have lately chosen to deal with the other opposition parties is in fact not to the interest of south Sudan.

Southern Sudan have always blamed the widespread insecurities shaking our beloved south Sudan as the work of the enemy who wants to tarnish the picture of south Sudanese as people not fit enough to rule themselves. Well, the point here is actually not that we are being able to rule ourselves or not, but it should rather be the quality of rule we are currently offering to our people.

Now that the SPLM which is the ruling party in south Sudan, has chosen to exactly walk in the same foot steps of its northern counterparts by similarly resorting to the undemocratic alienation of other south Sudanese political groups, for the simple reason that it (SPLM) is now in the ruling seat, is in fact setting a horrible precedence for the future of democracy in the region, should it become an independent state in the near future.

Any one who is keen enough to see a peaceful co-existence and plurality in south Sudan should step forwards to denounce the letter written by the GoSS to the governors directing them to unconstitutionally sever their services to other fellow south Sudanese, be them members of the party the SPLM loves to hate (SPLM – DC) or any others. This is in contradiction to the oath that they took before taking up offices.

The letter signed by Dr Luka Monoja Tombekana, the GoSS Minister for Cabinet Affairs on the 9th of November 2009 was no doubt NOT only intended to create a non conducive environment for the dissident SPLM – DC party of the former Foreign Affairs minister, Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin from operating freely in the southern states, BUT in fact is a warning that Democracy in South Sudan is under a real threat.

But since the SPLM – DC has chosen to pursue its political rights through the legal procedures; we are yet to see the results. However, the way that the SPLM leader, H.E Salva Kiir Mayardit, the first vice president of the Sudan and the president of south Sudan has allowed himself to be dragged into this unconstitutional act deserves a tough condemnation from all the other political parties.

The erosion of democracy in the world has always begun with single isolated violations here and there, and by the time that we realize things , we are already under a tyrant led dictatorship where coughing in the middle of a presidential speech amounts to a treason and may receive the capital punishment. This shouldn’t be the south Sudan that we fought for over the 50 years struggle, nor should it be allowed to replace our dreams of an inclusive homeland for each and every south Sudanese.

Unfortunately some of us are failing to understand that if today it is the SPLM- DC, tomorrow it may be SANU, or SSDF or any other of the so-called small parties who are in fact big in their visions and posses arsenals of alternative developmental prescriptions that can salvage our war ravaged south Sudan.

Our current rulers had enough time in office to win the votes of the people based on the services they rendered over this five years’ period. This is clearly a bonus on their favour, so resorting to barring off potential political rivals through the abuse of the public office should be deemed undemocratic. We should not allow ourselves to be dragged into the false argument that this particular time in our history is not suitable for the practice of democracy in southern Sudan, while we have been caught on the camera on several occasions pretending to preach in favour of these very values (democratic transformation in the whole Sudan) that we are afraid to practise in our own courtyards.

If the biggest devil in the Sudanese political systems as represented by the dominant NIF/ NCP is freely operating in south Sudan, then why should we NOT better extend this spirit of tolerance to all the other political parties and wait for the ballot to decide who becomes what?

It is at these crucial moments that we expect the bigger democracies in the world to step in and help the GoSS to rightly interpret and exercise the constitution. We call upon our friends in the US administration, the European Union, the African Union and the entire international community, not to by stand and watch, as it is more expensive and rather difficult trying to re-fix the pieces after the damage has been allowed to happen. It is here that we look forwards to the US administration to start dealing its carrots and sticks on this SPLM led administration in Juba which seems adamantly inclined to continue with its crude style of governance that it adopted since the bush – war days and unfortunately even after the CPA those jungle laws still remain in practise.

The SPLM leadership should review its stand on the forth coming elections as its credibility is what will make us win the international community’s approval. Kiir must also understand that since he is going to be a candidate himself, he won’t do himself any favour by resorting to these old fashioned political coercions of behaving as if one owns the entire universe.

Sudan is heading towards a multi – democracy and those who find it difficult to transform into democratic politicians should better throw in their towels, because clearly they do not belong to this age. The international observers must be keen enough to give high ratings for this type of state sponsored coercion and those stakeholders in the Sudanese Peace Project should act immediately lest we see another Kenyan or Zimbabwean post elections bloodbath repeating itself in the Sudan.

In conclusion, although the author of this article has a huge list of gross disagreements with the SPLM-DC and especially its proximity to the ruling Islamists of the NIC/NCP, of the indicted president Omer al Bashir as well as its dubious connections in the Middle East, but as a strong believer in democratic values, would like to see that they (SPLM –DC) regain their democratic rights that they are entitled to by the Constitution. Democracy is a right and not a privilege to be restricted only to a few hand picked groups as such.

Dr. Justin Ambago Ramba, MB, BCh, DRH, MD. Secretary General of the United South Sudan Party (USSP). The party that stands for the independence of South Sudan. Can be reached at either [email protected] [email protected]


  • Atem Angok
    Atem Angok

    Stop attempts to sowing seeds of dictatorship in South Sudan
    Ambago, SPLM is not against any political party in south, but why SPLM is restricting the activity of the SPLMDC are what you mentioned at the last paragraph of your analysis.
    therefore, my question is, Do you want this arab politics to be practice in the south so as to keep confusing local people or the local as to be given time to think freely and choose their political party of their choice?

  • Aduol Liet
    Aduol Liet

    Stop attempts to sowing seeds of dictatorship in South Sudan
    Justin Ambago Ramba, Brother of traitor Lam Akol Ajawin.

    I thought you were very good man,but I am very sorry about you so Idiot, I understand now you are favoring on Omar al Bashir and Lam Akol Ajawin sides and you turns Salve Kiir as a dictatorship guy this is outrage and have no room to exist. I think Salve Kiir Manyardit was right to ban SPLM DC for many reasons, the first one there is no any sign in what so ever you claim about Lam Akol’s democracy and to prove my point. Lam Akol Ajawin did not try one day to challenge Omar al Bashir government if he was truly belief in a demorcatic faith. Lam Akol Ajawin when you think about what he is actual name the SPLM DC and his turning against real SPLM instead of National Congress Party, you would probably get your answer that, Lam Akol and National Congress Party are same pages and they are same in playing dirty politics agendas and the most Important Lam Akol Ajawin he sound like real enemy of Southern Sudan and he was exactly.

    Justin Ambago Ramba, the second one I don’t see what procedures of Lam Akol which you are talking about here, do you want Southern Sudanese people to follow the well known failure man in the SPLA/SPLM history or what do you real mean.? I belief we all want to see the democracy system in the Sudan’s government however, the way this traitor Lam Akol Ajawin started was so wrong since in the beginning when he tured himself to Sudan’s government in 1991, and now he is still dancing between Southern Sudan government and his alliance of Khatroum government. Look we Southern Sudanese people are not going to follow this stupidity like this man Lam Akol Ajawin there are many wise politicians in the SPLM Party but the reason why you see people are quite this is because it is not good time for Southern Sudanese to creates more Parties before we didn’t have obatining what Southern Sudanese people were fighting for.

    The period of six years peace agreement did not even finishing and they Southerners Sudanese politicians were supposedly to waited these 6 years and for all of us to determines and joins all our Ideas in order to make choices between Southern Sudan independence and Sudan unity I an assuming if Lam Akol Ajawin was a wise man he should have contribute to help the SPLM first unfortunately, Lam Akol had already jumping in to formed SPLM DC earily time and that shown to Southern Sudanese people Lam Akol Ajawin had only a short term vision and I do agree with those banning his SPLM DC Party, because he had got no long term vision to lead in both Southern Sudan and Sudan as a whole. The people who use to says Lam Akol is a politician man I real do not buy that Idea, because for being a PhD holder you have to think largely and trying to know what do your people want from you beside your own interest, but Lam Akol had put his own interest than any thing in his mine and that was the reason he been known big failure in many years.

    Justin. If you could ask me to choose between Dr. traitor Lam Akol Ajawin and GOSS tyrant of Salve Kiir, I will probably choose the Southern Sudan tyrant event though I know for sur that, Southern Sudan government is too early to judge or say Salve Kiir he is a dictatorship perhaps, I don’t see the dictatorship you are talking. Salve Kiir have the right to block some body like this traitor Lam Akol who apparently had no crediility to challeng the Sudan government of Omar al Bashir what he knows was to talk nonesense about Southern Sudan. Salve Kiir has the right to ban the enemies of Southern Sudan and enemy of peace agreement which was made in Kenya.

    In the end, I wish if I was you mr, Justin Ambago Ramba brother of traitor Lam Akol Ajawin. I would have told Lam Akol Ajawin to forget about Southern Sudan’s leadership and go back to his town North Sudan which is Omudrman, he was been living for many years in Northern Sudan before joining SPLA/SPLM which he is abusing now with National Congress Party. I would like to see him facing jail if he came in Southern Sudan, because he had been against what Southern Sudanese seeking like an independent, but God will let Southern Sudanese have the lasting freedom and these stupid like you and Lam Akol will go to hell, please stop posting your nonesense.

  • David Glenn
    David Glenn

    Stop attempts to sowing seeds of dictatorship in South Sudan
    Dear Dr.Ramba
    The Sudan is our country,all the Sudan and we are esponsible for it.It would be wrong to say we are only rsponsible for the South Sudan.Don’t you agree with me?The South would have separated long time back,if people like Joseph Lagu,Abel Alier,John Garang thought that a wise solutions.People like Hilaary Logali,Philip Obang,Gama Hassan.They did’nt give up and opt for secession,they stood their ground and sought to change.May be it is the turn for the people of the South to lead the change in all the Sudan,and not withdraw to the South.

  • Simon Maguor
    Simon Maguor

    Stop attempts to sowing seeds of dictatorship in South Sudan
    Watch out Brethren in South Sudan, Political demons are awake!

    Cursed domestic enemies: The so-called SPLM-DC of Lam Akol and USSP of Ambago are opportunists’ organizations!

    By Simon Maguor

    This article is a special presentation to the people of South Sudan to follow critically the issue of political manipulation in the Sudan. Ever since independence, South Sudan has been in a very unstable political situation as a result of tension and distortion among its own people falsely inspired by retarding individuals.

    It is not to our surprise that the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), which is the hope of the Sudan people, and South Sudan in particular, has had some elements that pull back the boat as people cross the river. Every now and then, people defect and rejoin the SPLM and the struggle continues which signals that those who are astray are on the wrong side, and odd among us—they are black sheep are referred to as so by the SPLM.

    Politics, to some elements, has been taken as an asset from where they earn their demands which they couldn’t do so on their own. Such people are very politically dynamic; and what causes this dynamicity was not known to the writer before recent. The diagnosis of the disease is either ‘individualism over communalism’ or ‘excessive stress or depression due to previous failures.’ Psychology has shown that those who are addicted to wrong decision making are more likely to have lacked certain components of life at an time in life before their present stage, which they would want to achieve in any way possible, and I the course of attempting to achieve this missed essential element, they mislead themselves leading to worse circumstances.

    We should start counting fingers of how many political parties have risen since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA); all of whom pretend to be advocates of democracy, self-determination for the people of South Sudan, good governance, rule of law, count all the political goods. But are these the right people to talk of such? Their individual political instability is an acid test that they can do nothing to improve our situation. In other words, they are political demons dressed in attractive political attires. However, some myopic individuals whose political sight does not reach not even a metre from where they are, put forward some reasons for the formation of political parties without vision, mission or program.

    The slow implementation of the CPA by the SPLM is due to the reluctance of the National Congress Party (NCP) to cooperate with the SPLM in some key protocols, like for the Abyei Border commission and North-South border demarcation. These are differences between the two partners signatory to the agreement; nothing foreign to the two is considered necessary to alter their stance. What logical Southern political parties can best do is to criticize the NCP so that it becomes committed to the CPA implementation. Their demand to oust the SPLM out in Southern Sudan is nothing other than for opportunistic interests and subsequent failure of future of South Sudan. None among these parties has signed a protocol min the CPA and obviously, an agreement that is made by others cannot be implemented by others. If at all they are interested in implementing agreements, they should sign their own agreements that meet their individualistic desires, but not stick to a comprehensive and meaningful one like the CPA.
    The main target of this article is the newly formed, and likely to be unviable party, the SPLM—For Democratic Change by Lam Akol. It is good that a new party has been formed but what is the credibility of the founder? Dr. Lam Akol has had bad luck in politics and he has into an absolute failure on the political map. He has been a member of many political forces but none of these parties has been successful apart from the SPLM. In 1991, Dr. Lam defected the SPLM/A and formed the SPLM-United just by mere suffixing of the word ‘united’ to the SPLM, but that didn’t work; he signed the Fashoda Agreement which he failed to implement! Now it is ironic to hear Lam talk of lack of implementation of peace agreement, the CPA. What the writer was surprise of was where he (Mr. Lam) acquired the knowledge to implement agreements; perhaps, from his home work. If the Khartoum government led by the present Bashir dishonored the Fashoda agreement in the presence of Lam, then that same Bashir is still in power and can as well dishonor the CPA if Lam is made in charge—they (Khartoum politicians have not lost the ability to violate agreements). It is not the name of an agreement that makes it to be implemented but the personalities involved; weak hearted men (Lam and his like) do not implement agreements. Shamelessly, he rejoined the SPLM at the eve of Peace after being damped by Khartoum. Now that he has designated another suffix ‘Democratic Change’ to the SPLM, will this new democracy for change work? What change does he want? Who or what inspires him that ends in his failure? Can he change the Sudan without any planned programme? Not at all! This is just a political maneuver to gain favor in the eyes of the enemies of peace and the people of South Sudan. If not, Why were the NCP members the first to congratulate Lam for the formation of the new party? This is a fact that needs to be dug out by his fellow outcasts before joining his party.

    The writer cannot precisely state what the key to success is for it has many expressions BUT the key to failure is unique and can be sorted out clearly. Whether in politics or in any other field, the key to failure is ‘the attempt to please everyone, both enemies and friends.’ The NCP and northern political demagogues have overexploited South Sudan and thus they want to continue exploiting us, and it is surely for this reason that they attempt to sabotage any strong voice, like the SPLM, in opposition to them by injecting bribes into the hungry politicians of Doom, who after receiving minor bribes forget their political course.
    Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other, which makes it a nice play for the clean ones. Lam has successfully got his campaign funds from the NCP to dismantle the poor South Sudanese who are not disadvantaged by our deeds but by the oppression and lack of a common Sudanese project engineered by them (NCP and successive northern governments). Despite being among the marginalized people in the Sudan for which the SPLM is fighting for their rights, Lam has distanced himself from the common cause just by mere false impression that he is among the marginalizing agents. It should be understood that those who give up their freedom for the sake of unappreciable gifts deserve neither being given freedom or liberty.

    Sudan is at a critical political crossroads; with two big things, 2010 elections and 2011 referendum on self determination, ahead of us. The SPLM has done enough, and is doing enough, to open the gate to liberty and it is the sole role of South Sudanese to either destroy their (o0ur) own destiny by joining political demons, psychologically distorted politicians or strict to the hope that the best is coming soon. It is the role of rationalistic and nationalistic men and women, young and old, to counsel such individuals with brain incapacitation to distinguish between, senses and nonsense, truth and lie, success and failure. They should be abandoned if they insist on their odd behaviors.

    Shame on them and their failed politics

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