Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Selling of voting tickets

By Deng Wel Deng

December 4, 2009 — It is very pathetic to have heard about people who are selling their voting tickets for short term gains. Let me emphasis this very clearly that selling these voting tickets is selling your rights,priviledges,rights of others and right for your country which due to be born in matter of year away. I know how difficult it is to lead a live without earnings or external support which make some few people justified their actions to indulge in this offend, but my friends your votes will make us win election and referendum for better dawn in our lives and lives of our future generations.

By selling these tickets is losing your patriotism and dishonoring of the followings: people who fought and died putting their lives at risk for peace we are now enjoying its dividend; our leaders who spend three years negotiating this peace for better recognition of our identity and discrepancies to us as people with equal rights in sudan;our former leaders whom we accused falsely to have betrayed us i.e. Akuot Atem, Abel Alier, Gai Tut , Joseph Lagu and so many others; To prove to the Arabs their own instinct that we are not able to govern our selves and of cause the spectacular speech by Dr Garang in Khartoum that “this peace doesn’t belongs to NCP,SPLM,Omar or myself it belongs to all of you Sudanese’’.

Let me make it clear that the war which is left, is a war that is no longer going to be fought through a barrel of a gun, leaders to lead us in battle, it is a war that is going to be fought through secret ballot boxes by voting for the right leaders to lead us and for the course you have suffered for long time. I know people are not yet contended with the way the government is being run in southern Sudan or having individual’s grudges with the government, but the future of our country is basic right and obligation for very single southern Sudanese to fight for whether in government, opposition or in Diaspora.

I was shocked by the recent scrambling by the southern Sudan political parties for accusing SPLM of betraying the future of southern Sudanese and even went further to formation of new political parties with no clear political objectives. To me these parties are just form for individuals benefits not for the benefits of our people and my advise to colleagues is just before you join any political party, you have to look for past records of leader and the objectives of the party. Some leaders and few ordinary people have not yet recognized themselves to be a source of power and they think that the power is still with the Khartoum based government. This is why some people are still getting influenced to either sell their tickets or defected back to NCP for their own individuals benefits and all what I have to quote is the saying from honorable James Wani Igga that “take the money but don’t vote for who ever persuaded you because the money belongs to us from our resources’’.

It is very clear that NCP leadership are still sabotaging the future of our country ,“southern Sudan’’ through ;fueling tribal fightings,underfunding previous south Sudan census ,voters registration for election, buying votes from southern Sudanese and hopefully referendum to prove to the world a tarnished reputation that we are not able to govern ourselves. And I quote the recent saying from a senior NCP that “they will never allow south Sudan to secede through constitutional rights”.Infact all the treasures of Sudan are in south for the people who still think that Arabs are wealthy to still look for economics benefits in the North.

Southern Sudan cultures, natural’s resources and its wonderful people will make us be proud forever to the world as putted in book of Isaiah 18 in the bible, and after having seen the above actions from Arabs, we need to unite for the enemies not to exploit our disunity. Please to those who are not contended with the government let me put this scenario to you that one day the democracy will get mature in southern Sudan after having secured our independent for you to have say in governments that may lead you later.

Finally, southern Sudan owns us great deals no matter the way we are scattered on the face of this globe we still love you and you will be there for us forever. All I have to say to our leaders is that keep educating our people on the imperativeness of all these exercises for them to turnout in large numbers to determine the next fad in our lives.

The writer Deng Wel Deng is student from Edith Cowan university Australia. He can be reach:[email protected].


  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Selling of voting tickets
    Mr Den leave our hero Logu alone, he has taught you politics and rebellion so what else do you expect from him? It would be very interesting if you come back to South Sudan and ask your people in Bor to stop the business of selling their votes, selling your rights is a crime, but they don’t know because the poor educated kakuma dinkas boys are unable to stop the business. If you are behind manual career in Australia please send some $50 for your people to buy with xmass goods in order to discourage them from selling their rights.

    Logic is far from tribal criticism

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