Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Rebels kill 17 Sudanese troops during fresh attack in Darfur

December 6, 2009 (LONDON) — Rebels in Darfur said today they killed 17 government troops when they repelled an attack by the Sudanese army against one of their bases in the western part of mountainous area of Jebel Marrah.

The Sudan Liberation Army led by Abdel Wahid Al-Nur (SLA-AW) said they repulsed an attack by the government troops and militias against their position in Tourain Tawrah in West Darfur.

“Some 500 soldiers and Janjaweed militia attacked early this morning our position in Trourain Tawrah. The assailants arrived in vehicles, camels and horses,” Nimer Abdelrahman, the SLA-Aw military spokesperson told Sudan Tribune by telephone on Sunday.

The rebel official said they killed 17 army troops and militiamen, adding they destroyed three vehicles and captured two others; besides killing five camels and 15 horses.

The attacker who arrived from Kass meant to “take the control of our base there. It is part of their efforts to put pressure on our movement to join the peace process,” added the rebel official.

The SLM/A-AW refuses to join the peace process in the Qatari capital Doha. However, the Paris based leader of the rebel group, Al-Nur engaged discussions with the Chief Mediator Djibril Bassole to find ways to reconcile their demand for security and the peace process.

Nimer said the assailants burnt the location of Tourain Tawrah and the civilians evacuated their homes and fled to the mountains. He called on aid groups in the restive region to provide humanitarian assistance to the affected population.

The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon said in a report o the UN Security Council at mid November that the Sudanese government restricts the movement of the hybrid peacekeeping mission preventing it from going to a number of areas there.

Since this summer Sudanese forces carry out regular attack on the SLA-AW positions in central Darfur area. On November 30, the rebels said they killed five troops in an attack against their position near Jiba, in Jebel Marrah.



  • wakou mu
    wakou mu

    Rebels kill 17 Sudanese troops during fresh attack in Darfur
    Those 17 NCP troops are not enough, keep fighting until the end of April to disturb election.

  • maumau

    Rebels kill 17 Sudanese troops during fresh attack in Darfur
    Wether the rebels killed 17 or one soldier, we got to regret for the lost of the lives. Darfurians are fools and i call them nortorious, why do they have to form many factions to figth Khartoum which was able to withstand the srong SPLA. Unit to fight the Arabs, we shall help you because you are our brothers and sisters. Please do not be like Somali who can not agree on a common consensus, die all because you are fools, can not agree on one leader. Finish.

  • maumau

    Rebels kill 17 Sudanese troops during fresh attack in Darfur
    Whether the rebels killed 17 or one soldier, we got to regret for the lost of the lives. Darfurians are fools and i call them nortorious, why do they have to form many factions to figth Khartoum which was able to withstand the strong SPLA. Unit to fight the Arabs, we shall help you because you are our brothers and sisters. Please do not be like Somali who can not agree on a common consensus, die all because you are fools, can not agree on one leader. Finish.

  • Time1

    Rebels kill 17 Sudanese troops during fresh attack in Darfur
    This is what the fight for freedom is about, Darfur people have to step up their struggle against the tribal Arab government, this is the only way this Arabs will understand your greviences and listen to your people and respect your freedom, if you think NCP dictatorship regime will listen to you through others means you are just wasting your time, you have to fight them militarity and push them far from your territory first, then you can negotiate after that, otherwise brothers in Darfur keep up the fight and you have all the supports you need, Sudan Army is very weak and at its lowest level in terms of morals and strength, even soldiers are now aboundining the army due to mistreatment and lack of payments, we are not surprise that SLM brave soldiers scored a big defeat against the SAF in this battle.

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