Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM did not stage demonstrations in Khartoum says Sudan’s Kiir

December 8, 2009 (JUBA) – The First Vice President of Sudan, President of Southern Sudan and Chairman of the SPLM, General Salva Kiir Mayardit denied that the SPLM organized a demonstration in the national capital, Khartoum.

First Vice President of Sudan, President of Southern Sudan and Chairman of the SPLM, General Salva Kiir Mayardit
First Vice President of Sudan, President of Southern Sudan and Chairman of the SPLM, General Salva Kiir Mayardit
After an emergency meeting held by the party leadership on Monday following the arrest of the party’s Secretary General, Pagan Amum and his deputy, Yasir Arman in addition to other dozens of party members, Kiir said the SPLM senior members who were arrested did not want to demonstrate.

Addressing the press in Juba on Monday, Kiir said “There is a difference between a procession and a demonstration.”

He explained that they just wanted to deliver a written letter to the Speaker of the National Assembly.

Earlier, the party headquarters in Khartoum announced that it would carry out a mass protest together with the allied opposition northern groups against the National Congress Party’s reluctance to pass national laws needed for democratic transformation.

The emergency meeting by the party leadership on Monday resolved to continue pursuing dialogue with the National Congress Party to resolve the outstanding issues in the CPA, and to do every thing in its power not to divert the peaceful implementation of the CPA.

“The SPLM will not take the country back to war,” Kiir told the journalists.

He also addressed members of the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly on Monday during the opening of its last session and briefed them about the political situation in the country.

He added that the Joint Political Executive Committee co-chaired by the Vice President of Sudan, Ali Osman Taha and the Vice President of Southern Sudan, Dr. Riek Machar, would continue with negotiations to bridge the remaining gap between the two parties.

Kiir also called on the NCP to extend the duration of the current session of the National Assembly to give it time to pass the remaining laws.

He accused the NCP of using force against its senior members in the face of their democratic right to express their views.

Kiir said he had a phone conversation with the President of the Republic and Chairman of NCP, Omer Hassan el-Bashir, asking him to release the SPLM senior members.

He also added that he would soon travel to Khartoum to meet as Presidency and discuss some of the issues.

Both Pagan Amum and Yasir Arman were later on released on Monday after nine hours in detention by the police.


  • Garang Arok
    Garang Arok

    SPLM did not stage demonstrations in Khartoum says Sudan’s Kiir
    No hesitation,Khartoum must prepare for any outcome.

    Arresting SPLM members must be compensated by handing over al bashir to ICC should he comes to south.

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    SPLM did not stage demonstrations in Khartoum says Sudan’s Kiir
    Cowboy (Kiir) is fearing (Bashir) hahahaa!!!

    Why are you denying the fact? You advise your corrupt SPLA not to mess up with peace in the North and live in your insecurity Juba city as your boys call it our city!!!!

    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    SPLM did not stage demonstrations in Khartoum says Sudan’s Kiir
    How come you denied the thing that has evidences?
    Also they are planning another one. I do nothing speaking different language will help in future. It may be a style of politic, but also it may confuse your supporters too. Allah ogbar,Allah,Allah ogbar…………. SPM OYee,SPLM Oyee, Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.South and North sector Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeee. North and South coalitin Oyeeeeeeeeeeeee.
    We need our land back.

  • Pothwei Apet Bangoshoth
    Pothwei Apet Bangoshoth

    SPLM did not stage demonstrations in Khartoum says Sudan’s Kiir
    Yes H.E. president Kiir. I knew that the SPLM, Sectretary G. Mr Amum and his deputy Mr. Arman were innocents. They did not violate any rules of law in their country. The matter of facts is that NCP wants to intimidate all Sudanese citizens by arresting their belove heros and prevent them to educate their mergenalized citizents about their rights. Beside that, the NCP wants to maintain its position to win the upcoming election and rule the country with its failed oriented government. No, No, No. NO way and No more Bashir in Sudan. Bashir killed enough people. So, he needs to step down. God blesses

  • Gatwech

    SPLM did not stage demonstrations in Khartoum says Sudan’s Kiir
    Oh, Kiir,

    Behave like the chairman. How come Pagan Amum organized the demonstrations with some of the opposition parties in the north, you kept queit and only to deny it now? Wow! if it was done without your consent, then you need to discipline this reckless drunk man called Pagan Amum and his other communist friend, Yasser Arman.

    Pagan is now vowing to continue with the demonstrations despite your statement that it was not a demonstration but simply for them to hand over the letter to speaker of parliament. Who should the readers believe now!!! Pagan wants to overthrow you using a crisis!!! Wake up and stop this man from messing up the CPA in the late hour. Referendum should not be destroyed like that by Sadiq Al-Mahdi using the SPLM Secretary General.

    Dear readers, Kiir calls for calm and said the SPLM was not for demonstrations and Pagan Amum on the other hand calls for more demonstrations to take place. Look at the contradictions. This Pagan is against Kiir, period. He is now the reason behind the choas which does not benefit the SPLM.

    Northern opposition parties fooled the SPLM to join their demonstrations. They were simply looking for a way that would turn into a crisis with the NCP and kill the CPA. They don’t want the last part of the CPA on referendum. They want to create a crisis using the SPLM. They got reckless communist politicians like Pagan Amum and Yasser Arman to do their job.

    Look at the humiliation they got as a result. They were driven by police to a police station in a pick up truck like street criminals. SPLM is gaining through peaceful implementation of the CPA and this should not be interrupted. It should not abandon its partner, the NCP, who had the guts to sign peace with the SPLM and has implemented most parts of it.

    Sadiq Al-Mahdi had never signed any agreement with the South and he hates self-determination that leads to independence. Our leaders should wisely watch out. Pagan Amum should be disciplined to stop his reckless behaviour. If there is going to be another war over referendum (God forbids), let it be managed and handled with care and wisdom by real politicians. The world will blame the SPLM for abandoning negotiations and joining opposition in such demonstrations. SPLM should stop recklessness while unprepared for war!!!

  • wakou mu
    wakou mu

    SPLM did not stage demonstrations in Khartoum says Sudan’s Kiir
    I believe Bashir and Nefi Ali Nefi will not come to South Sudan to compaign while we are here,
    the will face the same consequence

  • Africano

    SPLM did not stage demonstrations in Khartoum says Sudan’s Kiir
    Kiir is a liar. Who can he denied when SPLM stage demonstration in brood day light. Any way he is fail leader of South Sudan that needs to be replace in the next elections by SPLM-DC.

  • Akuma

    SPLM did not stage demonstrations in Khartoum says Sudan’s Kiir
    Who give them permission to demonstrate in khartoum? if SPLM doesn’t alert them carry on mass demonstration of democracy transformation. If we talk of democracy in Sudan, then let us talk of assisinations of leaders also, because this time is time for killing icon leaders like Pagan and Yassir Arman.

    Dr. Akuma, Chicago

  • Newluney

    SPLM did not stage demonstrations in Khartoum says Sudan’s Kiir
    Hopeless people who don’t event thing about tomorrow, continue supporting your wicked SPLM. This kiir is not going any where. It was a very chance full for him to sit in Juba drinking his favorite Arake. This guide is not going to prolong in his military rule.

  • M.Cool.J

    SPLM did not stage demonstrations in Khartoum says Sudan’s Kiir
    That is good Mr President and thank you for it.This shows that you are learning tactics from your friends Riak and Matip.

    The SPLM should not take the country back to war though Bashir wants it happen.Let him start and the international community will see him that will even increase the weight of the stone around his fucken neck.

    And even if it means death demonstrations should still go on country wide as is put by Amum because it is a democratic right.Look the fucken jallaba did it so in a bid to decrease the number of voters.Fuck him!!!!!

  • Sylvester Paul
    Sylvester Paul

    SPLM did not stage demonstrations in Khartoum says Sudan’s Kiir
    Guys we need to wake up and say hello to our creator in order to answer our requests. But if we wake up and start blaming one another, that means we are killing our hope. But what happened in Khartoum it was a beginning of the worse, so more are in the way, now in Kansas City this issue is a topic of the week. But beside politic I was not happy seeing my friend Yassir in a mobile jail, I know he is fighting for the benefits of our people. But what came with Gatwech and Dinka boy is not fair, I am proud to be a Dinka son, but I was not taught to talk like that. Gatwech! I am not ready to catch with you but the time will come soon.
    Ayuel Madut

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