Thursday, September 26, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

A call for Three Million March in Khartoum

By Steve Paterno

December 8, 2009 — It is said that dictatorship employs peculiar techniques to maintain grip on power, and chief among those techniques is the use of fear; and once the people stop fearing the dictator, the entire system crumbles. The dictatorship of the National Congress Party (NCP) in Khartoum, led by President Omar al-Bashir, is currently on test whether the people still fear the system. Since Monday, thousands of people poured on streets of Khartoum in demonstrations, demanding peaceful transitions to democracy and full implementations of Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), signed between NCP and Sudan People Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A). The mass demonstrations organized by Sudanese opposition parties are also taking places throughout major Sudanese cities and towns, as well as across the world in Khartoum ‘s mission stations abroad. As a response, the dictatorial regime in Khartoum ordered a heavy crackdown on the opposition leaders and demonstrators. Several opposition leaders are detained along with hundreds of demonstrators, some of whom badly beaten by the regime’s security agents. Even opposition leaders in government who have immunity as members of the cabinet are not spared by the regime’s overzealous crackdown.

Although Sudan history is marked with harsh authoritarian rules, in two historical occasions, the Sudanese masses managed to bring down dictatorial military regimes, through streets demonstrations and civil disobedience.

General Ibrahim Abboud was the first Sudanese military dictator to ever experience the power of massive streets demonstrations that swept him out of power. It’s worth mentioning that in 1958, General Abboud, in conspiracy with some Northern Sudanese political parties, staged a bloodless coup to take over the government. However, by 1964, the Sudanese people grew tired of Abboud’s regime; hence, his ousting through street-demonstrations. General Abboud eventually discovered that the military, which brought him in power, could not save him on his way out. The military dictatorship of Jaafar Numayri was also successful brought down by the same power of masses, through taking onto the streets. Dictator Numayri, who assumed the presidency for life status could not be more wrong when he was finally pushed out of power.

Following these historical patterns, the NCP regime cannot be oblivious to the fact that its power base is credibly being challenged through the mass streets demonstrations organized by opposition political parties. The heavy handed crackdown NCP is using against the opposition leaders and the demonstrators tells how terrified the regime is. After two decades in power, Sudanese are sure worn-out by NCP misrule; the regime presided over a period of gruesome brutalities carried against the people of Sudan. The regime stands accused of gross human rights violations, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. The head of the regime, President Omar al-Bashir is an international indicted criminal and a fugitive on run.

The NCP has proven time and again to be a partner that cannot be trusted. It reneges on all the agreements it signs with its foes. Among such agreements that the NCP fails to honor is the CPA, which was signed between the NCP and SPLM/A in 2005. The CPA is supposed to be implemented in the six years interim period, starting in 2005, with a goal of transforming Sudan into a peaceful democratic country. However, in five-year lapse, the major provisions of the CPA remain unimplemented. The life of the interim parliament charged to enact the much needed benchmark legislations has just ended. In that, power is, therefore, largely retained in the hands of NCP. The country’s economy, with its billion petrodollars has remained under tight control of the regime. Security in the country is absent as the regime at its will, wages proxy wars and alike against whoever it deems a threat.

Now the Sudanese masses are presented with great opportunity to challenge the NCP through mass streets demonstrations and demand for freedom and democracy in the country. There is no doubt that the people of Sudan are longing for change and new leadership. When John Garang, the leader of SPLM/A came to Khartoum in 2005, after signing of the CPA, more than three million of his supporters, (the largest gathering of its kind in the history of Sudan), turned out to catch a glimpse of him as he took his post of Vice President of the country. Few days later, when the helicopter transporting John Garang crashed mysteriously and instantly killing him, his three million supporters turned violent and unleashed their rage on the streets of Khartoum. They were only to be persuaded by the appeal for calm from SPLM/A leadership, particularly Rebecca Nyandeng, the widow of John Garang. It seems another opportunity presented itself for the supporters of John Garang, the marginalized and all the peace loving Sudanese to turn on the streets in their millions in order to demand what is rightfully theirs: their freedom.

Steve Paterno is the author of The Rev. Fr. Saturnino Lohure, A Romain Catholic Priest Turned Rebel. He can be reached at [email protected]


  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    A call for Three Million March in Khartoum
    That call is a sign of bravery to those participants, however it is embarrassing when leaders who are suppose to join the protest are behind drinking to zero level of self control. Kiir himself has deny all the great work of Mr Amum, he is trying to left this son of shilluk to face terrible charges. However I appreciate our hero Dr Riek who is now taking the risky as a responsible man from South Sudan and government of sick servies in particular. His trdatitional blessed symbol will keep him safe from all the evil hearts of arabs in khartoum. Leave alone Mr waragi addicted to continue his drinking habite and not knowing what is happening around the nation.

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    A call for Three Million March in Khartoum

    Thank you so much for your precise and meaningful article. My heart is cooled always when I read an article with the name of Dr. John Garang on it for his magic vission (the new Sudan) which he left behind to lead us to our distination. I was among those three million people you’ve mentioned, those who turned out for Dr. Garang in Khartoum july 2005. And I can assure you that I will have my share in the history making in the next three million match for freedom in khartoum. Let’s just ignore those who are sitting back on their chairs in Juba waiting for separation to come. I know you know that the separation will never come before freedom runs down like water in Khartoum.

  • Lual Garang De Lual
    Lual Garang De Lual

    A call for Three Million March in Khartoum
    Surprisingly, the political situation in the Sudan is deemed to change from bad to worst according to the current events at hands as of yesterday, the crushing of the SPLM led demonstration, beating of the senior SPLM leaders like comrade Pagan Amum, Yasser Arman and Sudan state minister of Interior Mr. Goma Abbas who were expressing their doubts about the National Interim constitution versus the existing laws which do always clashed and need to be repealed to harmonize the national laws as per CPA. There is a serious anxiety of Sudanese concerning the reneging of the ruling party in the North to implement CPA truthfully, in good spirit and to the letters. It has taken now four and half good years without any concrete actions taken by NIF/NCP regime. They are worried to change repressive laws because these are the laws keeping them in power. When the SPLM said you remove from the national security law the powers to arrest, detain, and seize suspect’s property and only powers be given is to gather information and analyze it before availing it to relevant authorities for action. The NIF/NCP is up in arms with that clause because they knew without checking individual property, confiscate and arrests without deterrent, they are likely to lose power which is to them is a matter of life and death.
    The other laws are as follows: National security law, the Criminal Procedure Act, the Penal Code, Public Order Act, Popular Police Act, Popular Defense Act and above all the Southern Sudan referendum law, Abyei referendum law, and the popular consultation law for the Nuba Mountains and Southern Blue Nile. The NIF/NCP wants to maintain those laws in place which are repressive and makes the lives of innocent civilians difficult, give populace hard times and above all unconstitutional according to the CPA and against Southern Sudan self-determination in particular. These give Southerners hard time to be a separate entity as well as the other disputed areas. In this regard, the SPLM and other political parties countrywide have been pressurizing the NCP to repeal those laws that inhibit the democratic process and for the current National Assembly to pass the necessary laws that foster full democratic transformation of the country before its dissolution this December. Unfortunately, the NCP leadership has been resisting constitutional obligations by using their mechanical majority in both organs of government to pursue their own political agenda. This implicitly maintains the status quo and old mentality of doing business contrary to the letter and spirit of the CPA in order to normally proceed with the implementation of the CPA. Therefore, the question here is, where is Sudan heading to? To me as a result of yesterday chaotic scene in Khartoum, Sudan is heading from its current bad political scene to the worst scene ever in its history.

    According to the words of H.E Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, First Vice President of the Republic and President of GoSS, he said and I quote; Members of the SPLM leadership, constitutional post holders and members of National legislature in Khartoum have been illegally arrested.
    These arrests are not only provocative but unjustified because the Interim National Constitution of the Sudan (INC) and the CPA allow for peaceful and democratic procession to express political opinion, He further added..
    Here, let’s analyzed this situation as I put it, that Sudan will be remembered every time with its bad memories ever because of the rigidity of the ruling party (NIF/NCP) which every time wants to survive by silencing its opponents but hopefully, this time it will not succeed.
    Dr. John Garang De Mabior after signing of the CPA, said and I quote, that he has tied down the Jellaba like a tethered goat with CPA and SPLA as an army of the South but he asked, who will untied the Jellaba? I really want the so-called SPLM-DC to answer that question. Who is untying the NIF/NCP to breach the CPA by attacking the peaceful demonstrators? This tells to the world that their sitting on atrocities is eminent as elaborated by the stooge of NIF/NCP backer Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin in his reaction to the SPLM protest. Dr. Lam said and I quote, “change of laws do not come through protest but comes from within the parliament, describing SPLM as unprincipled party”. What a nasty human being is such a person whoever sits on the oppressor’s side. Huh!
    The interim Constitution is clear about the rights of procession and expression of individual views. NCP having known that they had secured some discontented Southerners to their side is now planning the way-out to evade full implementation of the CPA by dragging its feet on some of the most contentious laws that are core to their survival. To them, it is a matter of life and death because with power, they can still evade justice and manipulate ideas in their favor.
    Second, I would give SPLM at least a credit for highlighting the problems of Sudan lies with these repressive laws which hinder freedom of individual citizens in their livelihood. Congratulation organizers of that procession for making the colors of NIF/NCP and their Democratic Change stooge known to the Sudanese Populace. The Khartoum reactions and heavy handedness of police shows that they are still sensitive to criticism and illegal occupation of the power house by forceful cohesion is the order of the day. Learn this story to further the ideas that started by 1983 and still alive today.
    The race of the Frog to the tower
    Once upon a time there was a race of frogs. The goal was to reach the top of a high tower. Many Frogs gathered to see and support the others reach the tower. The race to the destination began… In reality, the normal frogs probably didn’t believe that it was possible that any of the frogs could reach the Tower … all the phrases that one could hear were
    “What a pain!!! We once tried it!!!
    They’ll never make it!
    The frogs began to resign, one by one at a time except for one who kept on moving to climb…The crowd continued: “… Impossible!!! She will never make it…” No Frog has ever achieved such a difficult task and most frogs admitted defeat, except for the one frog who continued to attempt….
    At the end, all the frogs quit,
    except the one who, alone
    and with an enormous effort,
    reached the top of the tower. She arrived safely and accomplished the target and aspirations… The others wanted to know how she did it.
    One of them approached her and asked how she had done it, to finish the race?
    They discovered that the winner frog was deaf.
    The morale of the story to South Sudanese is one: Never listen to people who tend to be negative because they remove the best aspirations from your heart! As South Sudanese our destiny lies within our hands to determine the way forwards whether through procession or other means provided that the race is on and has just begun. Always remind yourself of the power of the words that we experienced.
    That’s why, you always need to think positive and Challenge yourself!
    Always be deaf to someone who tells you that you can’t and won’t achieve your goals or make your dreams come true. This is the word of encouragement to courageous people who have had the guts to tell NIF/NCP that you are too deform to be reformed witnessed in Khartoum reactions to the peaceful procession held by the opposition. My last word to SPLM Secretary General Mr. Pagan Amum Okiech and his Deputy for Northern Sector Mr. Yasser Arman and above all First Vice President of the Republic and President of the Government of Southern Sudan Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit is to keep the pressure on NIF/NCP until they succumbed to your calls for repealing those repressive laws which contradict the Interim National Constitution of the Sudan as stipulated in the CPA.
    Winners don’t quit and Quitters don’t win!
    Your Attitude determines your Altitude

    Lual Garang De Lual
    South Sudanese citizen
    Can be contacted at: [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

  • Akuma

    A call for Three Million March in Khartoum
    Dear Steve,

    Your article is developmental articles compared with others delusive one.
    Well, We are all aware with Arabs leaders of Ibrahim Aboud, Jaffeer Nimeiri, and Omar Bashir, they are dictators leaders and what make them to stay in power for long is our own philosophy not theirs. However, The death of Dr. Garang no one can be fingerpin for his death since all of us are not aware of cause of helicopter crash.

    No one should be blame either we southerners or Our partners in Northern Sudan, since we all make enquiries of his death and no feeback got.

    Therefore, calling for three Millions march in Khartoum would be cause another bloodshed in the Sudan, otherwise let us decide what will be good for us alone not the northerners to decide for us. Calling of Transformation of democracy in the Country can be embarked by our participation, by remembering our rights as citizen of Sudan rather than to sell our rights with money which has short-term plan.

    It is very an incredible to use your rights for money purpose only.

    Dr. Akuma, Chicago USA

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