Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Southern Sudanese civil society position paper on recent political developments in Sudan

Southern Sudanese Civil Society Position Paper on Recent Political Developments in Sudan

We the members of Southern Sudanese civil society recognize our responsibility to assume our role as advocate and representative of the citizens of Southern Sudan and watchdog of the CPA.

In this respect, we strongly condemn the arrest and detention of SPLM leaders, political leaders and members of civil society who were peacefully expressing their concerns over the delays in the enactment of necessary laws to ensure the implementation of the CPA provisions, the repeal of repressive laws, and the implementation of remaining CPA provisions.

These arrests were a serious disregard of the rights of Sudanese citizens as stipulated in the CPA and the Interim National Constitution, which guarantee freedom of expression and assembly.

We the representatives of civil society of Southern Sudan wish to make the following statements:

We would like to remind both parties of their commitments to the CPA and their obligations as stipulated in the Interim National Constitution, Interim Southern Sudan Constitution, provisions related to Bills of Rights and International Conventions ratified by Sudan.

We urge both CPA partners to make all efforts to ensure that provisions of the CPA are implemented fully.

We urge both parties to refrain from provocations that will lead to further violations of the CPA.

We urge all law enforcement agencies in Sudan to allow peaceful assembly and expression by citizens and exercise utmost restraint when dealing with members of the public.

We urge all stakeholders of the CPA including the Government of Southern Sudan, the Government of Sudan, State Governments, the SPLM, the NCP, other political parties, IGAD and the international community to ensure that the views and concerns of Southern Sudanese civil society are seriously listened to and taken on board; and that Southern Sudanese civil society are consulted on issues relating to the democratic transformation of Sudan and the full implementation of the CPA.

We are mindful of the coming national elections, referendum in Abyei, popular consultations in Southern Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan and the referendum in Southern Sudan; and the importance of these processes for all the peoples of Sudan. We urge all stakeholders to work towards putting in place the necessary measures for these processes to take place without delay.

We call upon civil society from all other areas of Sudan to join our efforts in vigilance and solidarity to prevent the return to war.

These are the views of the members of the South Sudan Civil Society Coalition, a coalition of Southern Sudanese civil society stakeholders from NGOs, CBOs, networks, the churches, youth groups, women’s groups, lawyers, academics and notable individuals.

For further information of queries please contact Mr. David Dau (Spokesman & Committee Member):

Email: [email protected] Tel: 0477 296228 / 0911 595 397 / 0957 104 507

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