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Sudan Tribune

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Ethiopia’s PM: outside pressure over election wrong, dangerous

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle

December 12, 2009 (ADIS ABABA) – With only few months away for Ethiopian general election to go, Ethiopian Prime Minister, Meles Zenawi said that suggestions of putting an outside influence to press government to conduct democratic election are wrong and unacceptable.

In a press conference he held with local journalists, Prime Minister Meles on Friday said that the only way to guarantee democratic election in the country is through constitution and any outside pressure would be an uncalled action.

‘‘The Ethiopian government doesn’t need any external pressure to hold a democratic, fair and peaceful election’’ He said.
‘‘To hold democratic election, the pressure of country’s constitution by itself is more than enough’’

The premier stressed that the government he leads never does not accept any outside pressure nor does it accept any foreign interference to his country’s internal affairs.

‘‘No matter degrees of pressure are mounted, for what it didn’t believe, the party in rule won’t do a thing under any pressure’’ Meles said adding ‘‘this is a government, no outside pressure could change its stand’’

The Ethiopian leader reaffirmed his government’s strong stand and belief to conduct a democratic and peaceful election. Further, adding that the ideas of putting an outside pressure for election are unnecessary and even could go unhealthy.

Ethiopians will go to polls in May 23 next year, the first since 2005 when nearly 200 people were killed in a post-election violence.

Ethiopian leaders have repeatedly expressed their commitment to conduct a first ever Democratic, fair and peaceful election.

The Ethiopian government has also invited observers including from the AU, the Carter Center and the European Union but the mechanism is on the pipeline and not yet finalized.

Recently, PM Meles Zenawi-led government and over 60 other political parties, including main opposition rivals sign a landmark agreement on an election code of conduct.

The government has done quite a good work so far, Meles said, citing the election code of conduct drafted based on international best practices and adopted by most of the opposition parties.



  • Issa

    Ethiopia’s PM: outside pressure over election wrong, dangerous
    Below an iconoclast view but truthful reading of Ethiopia’s history.

    Ethiopia social fabric is Sudan’s and appartheid South Africa historical role model from all point of view. In both cases Semitic populations from Arabic peninsula conquested land populated by black africans and enslaved their population.

    Ethiopia’s first known king stele boast about how the glorious Kaleb exterminated the now Erythrea highland population: the Kassu and the Bilen. This was the 5 BC but the propensity of Ethiopia’s new settlers to ethnic cleanssing, mass murders and territorial expansion is still on going mainly in the rich Oromia and Ogaden.

    It is rather a staggering imposture that drug addict ras Rastafari sect imposed to the historically illetrate global negro elite the myth that the Habesh (as Yemeni brown descendant are known)are an authentic indegenous african civilisation… and the mother of Africa and some pretend.

    The history of Ethiopia can be summarized as being one of a continuous territorial expansion sponsored since 1500 by christian Europe: first the portuguese and then modern colonial powers Britain, France, the United States, the Soviet Union and again the United States and Israel.

    Ethiopia’s democratic future is just an illusion, as it is for its much boasted economic recovery. But western hycrocrit elite who are deeply convinced that a negro will never stands on his feet are keen on entertaining these illusions.

    The implication for the Ethiopian themselves is that there is nothing to expect from Weyyane tugs. The shining path lying is front of them is one of a heroïc struggle to liberate africans communities locked up in this goele of nations and graveyard of hope.

    Oromo Fayya! Oromo Fayya! Oromo Fayya, sons of Borane, sons of Bale, Sons of Shewa, sons of Wallaga, Sons of Wallo the time for the great Yayya has come. Ogaden heroes, be assured that Oromos sons will confuse friends and foes.

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