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Sudan Tribune

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Bakosoro declares his candidacy for Western Equatoria governor

By Ngor Arol Garang

December 12,2009 (KHARTOUM)-Just four months into national election Col Joseph Bakosoro, the long aspiring candidate for western Equatoria State gubernatorial position has on Saturday disclosed his intention for running against the female appointed Governor of Western Equatoria State, Jemma Nunu Kumba.

In an interview with Sudan Tribune, the Colonel who works at the SPLM Secretariat in Juba said prepared and determined to contest gubernatorial post adding this is a dream for years.

Bakosoro said his supporters have been proposing and recommending him to this position but their demands have never been positively responded because of the CPA provision which gives GOSS president prerogatives to appoint at his will, he said.

“Now that the prerogative to appoint is shifting to popular election, it is the time I see what my people have been wishing me through their proposition and recommendation moved into election, he said.

This the right time to come public, he said adding he will this week travel to Yambio for campaigns. The official who sounded optimistic said it is time to break the silence adding “I would like to take this interview as an opportunity to tell” his supporters of his coming to western Equatoria State.

This comes following speculations that some individuals are planning to contest against Governor Jemma Kumba and Colonel Joseph Bakosoro was one of them. Other aspirants have so far kept quiet from making their intentions public.

With regard to his readiness to beat the present governor, the official answered it with smile saying there is nothing to worry and fear about by stressing that he is confident that he will win the election.

Asked where he gets his supports, he said get his supporters from composite selections representing youth, Churches and community leaders as well.

Regarding the position of his party, the SPLM, Bakosoro said determined to run as an independent candidate should the SPLM hesitate to endorse his candidacy.

“My supporters are determined to voting for me and have strongly recommended that I should not laid them down even my candidacy will have difficulties in getting endorsement from the party, he said adding that he strongly support and respects decision of supporters as their democratic rights to choose whoever they need to lead them.

In the related development, interviews conducted with individual community leaders, youth, intellectuals, elders and church leaders such as retired Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church of Tambura – Yambio Diocese, His Lordship Bishop Joseph Gasi
Abangite shows that Bakosoro has secured their supports.

On Friday 11, retired Bishop is reported as saying that he would support Bakosoro should he declare his intention for running for the post.

Bishop Gasi said was reluctant to give him his support in previous nominations for governorship saying by the first time he was willing to become a governor, he was yet politically matured but for now the Colonel is capable to lead.

Similarly, in Yambio on November 20th 2009, former Governor Brig. Patrick R. Zamoi is reported to have endorsed his candidacy for governorship. This was after the official described to be too closed friends travelled together to Yambio to register from Juba. Upon

In his speech to people in Yambio during the registration Brig. Zamoi was quoted as saying “I am calling upon all the people who still support me to give the vote that they could have given me to Col. Bakosoro” adding he would prefer remain in the army to serve the interest of the people of Western Equatoria and will support Col. Bakosoro in any way possible.

This was a very strong and direct threat to the present governor’s position because Brig. Zamoi still enjoys tremendous support and popularity in WES and his supporters will definitely vote for Bakosoro, observers say.

Meanwhile, supporters of Governor Jemma Kumba also said backing her candidacy against male candidates with interest in representing 25% women share provided in the interim constitution of Southern Sudan.

However, her supporters are faced with the mixed feelings because in her speech during the opening of the state legislative assembly, she was quoted as saying “this could be my last time to stand here in front of you in this august house to open or close the session.”

“I will continue to be a dedicated citizen of the state either as a governor if it is the choice of the people, as a farmer to feed the people of the state, as business woman to be part of the development of the state or as an MP,” she said.

The governor gave this speech because her appointment met resistant voices from ground with majority questioning how her name appeared why she was not in the list submitted to the President of the Government of Southern Sudan from Yambio which contained names of three Colonels of: Josesph Ngere, current deputy Governor and a minister of information and communications, Joseph Bakosoro and Col. Samuel Bati who are reportedly said to have majority supports on the ground.

Both Joseph Ngere and Samuel Bati who are serving as cabinet members in the government of Governor Nunu Kumba seem to have dropped from the race.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Bakosoro declares his candidacy for Western Equatoria governor
    Good news from my lovely people of Greater Equatoria particular WES. I like the peaceful exercise of political parties. Please don’t let outsider come across to jeopardize the way we used to live. I don’t mind whoever runs, what matters is peace, security and fair go. Time for others to learn from us, we used to be example of other communities in South Sudan, just like how we rescue SPLA from collapsing. Even right now i still expect their attitude to be maintain in place. Our bravereness is another lession that we taught other communities to confront with arabs. We are proud people in Sudan. The city of South Sudan is always located at the heart of the brave people ie a great example to the World.

    Equatoria Oyeee Equatoria OyeeeeeeeeeeeeeEquatoria OyeeeeeeeeeeeeeEquatoria Oyeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • SPLA,corrup

    Bakosoro declares his candidacy for Western Equatoria governor
    Welldone Bakosoro I wish I could be there to cast my vote for you but as am very far from you all, you have my full support and courage, these are the strong allies of SPLM to be in power then the fake ones we are all behind you.

  • Kur

    Bakosoro declares his candidacy for Western Equatoria governor
    It got to be sought out well because the members of the same party cannot compete for the same post. One has to allow the other to represent the interest the party. It may give some rouge traitors a chance to sneak in with dirty minds.


  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Bakosoro declares his candidacy for Western Equatoria governor
    Dear brothers and Sisters,
    We should wait for 2011 instead of interfering with the leadership of those committed.
    Those who came from the carve must understand that time still yet beause most of you are a runaway individuals.

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    Bakosoro declares his candidacy for Western Equatoria governor
    Nunu’s days are numbered,(Expired Governor)

    It is good news from Bakosoro due to the fact that, this man has been with WE since the war and he is man of people unklikely so called Jemma Nunu who was just enjoying herself in Nairobi during war.

    Bakosoro it is our prayer that you come and kick this woman who have messed up with WE and within her power LRA has made WE as their home with you therefore, those Nonsense will come to an end. Jemma Nunu this is the time for you to go home and enjoy your marriedhood not Governorhood hahaha.

    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

  • Time1

    Bakosoro declares his candidacy for Western Equatoria governor
    I doubt Bakosoro will win even though he is also a good candidate for that job, but Jemma Nunu Kumba is actually the favorite candidate in the state right now, however keep up the democratic process in western equatoria, you are both SPLM members so work hard for the good of the state and country.

  • munyi geoffrey
    munyi geoffrey

    Bakosoro declares his candidacy for Western Equatoria governor
    Dear JB
    Congratulations for declaring to contest. This is a great decision. its your constitutional/democratic right.
    Go for it !!go,go go!!!
    i will be with u though i cant vote.

    Munyi geoffrey

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