Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM secretary replies to Bona Malwal over Gogrial speech

By Ngor Arol Garang

December 13, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – In reply to a complaint made last
Tuesday by Presidential Advisor Bona Malwal Madut Riing, another South
Sudanese politician has issued a strongly worded statement,
disagreeing with Malwal about what transpired in Luony Aker in Gogrial
East Gounty, where the presidential adviser claims he was prevented
from addressing a tribal gathering.

Malwal had seized on the incident to make a point about lack of
freedom of expression in South Sudan. He told his version of the event
at a press conference in Khartoum.

Achuil Malith Banggol Riing, an SPLM Secretary for Popular, and
Syndicate Organization, said he was surprised by Malwal’s claim that
he was denied the opportunity to make a public address in his home
area of Luony Aker of Gogrial East County, Warrap state on December 5.

Malwal related that he felt obliged to desist from addressing a tribal
celebration in order to avoid clashes between the SPLA and his
supporters. The area is also the homeland of the SPLA
commander-in-chief, Salva Kiir Mayadrit.

In his reply, the SPLM secretary gave sworn testimony saying “I have
rejected hate; I shall find nothing for me in hate! Oh Nhialic do not
reject me! I am one that has rejected hate! Oh Creator do not reject
me. I am one that has rejected hate! Ayenakan.”

“I have do not have any underestanding as to why Uncle Bona Malual was
refused [the opportunity to make a speech]. None of the alleged
persons met with me nor did I have any knowledge that they were in
Luanyakeer that day,” he said.

He said he extends all his arms in full length and opened hands of
peace to Uncle Bona Malual saying he is ready to forgive that Malwal
publicized his name. Reacting to Bona’s opinion and advice to SPLM
leadership to fire him, he said he is an on special request and on
special assignment to do ideological work for SPLM for a specific

“I have left my private work to answer a national call. This is a
great honor accorded to me by my leadership in SPLM because they
trusted in quality of my leadership and ability to deliver,” said
Achuil Malith.

Referring to his previous concession to other people he said, he had
declined a presidential appointment to be an honorable member of the
National Legislative Assembly in Khartoum.

“My expectations turned out to be correct. The National Assembly is of
no use today,” he said adding that he had also declined to campaign to
encourage his community to resolve to form into two counties in Twic.
He was referring to a position that Malwal as elder had stood against
at the Twic-Mayardit Conference.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    SPLM secretary replies to Bona Malwal over Gogrial speech
    This ancient Dry arabs Agent call Bona deserve a slap on his rought face. Let him spent the rest of his life in khartoum not to visit South Sudan again. Poor son of dinkas arab addicted.

    Am FAMOUS not FARMOUS like some fraud to be me

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    SPLM secretary replies to Bona Malwal over Gogrial speech
    Even journalese does not know how to report correctly? That is real crap. Mr Ngor Arol Grang, What kind of language you have written here?

    ( I have do not have any understanding as to why Uncle Bona) and why you did not translated these words so that your readers can understand them “Nhilic, Ayenakan”, but I guest it is a Denka language.

    you need more training man otherwise no body will understand your report.

  • Aduol Liet
    Aduol Liet

    SPLM secretary replies to Bona Malwal over Gogrial speech
    Ngor Arol Garang.

    Thank a lots my friend and I love your article always the way you put it exactly statement that shown you are real a trueman and qualify as a media man. Just to express my vocal on the view of uncle Bona Malual Madut Riing’s complain in Khatroum earily. The reason why many Southern Sudanese from abroad nations and within Southern Sudan nation are supporting Salve Kiir Manyardit and his GOSS was not because there is somethings good that, Salve Kiir Manyardit did to them, but because they need some one who felt strong about our problems which claims 3 million lives North-South civil war.

    For our uncle Dr, Bona Malual Madut Riing. I belief he was been standing on the wrong side and wrong places since the Southern Sudanese people were begun their problems in William Deng Nhial time. This is unbelivable I thought uncle Bona Malual Madut Riing will change his political moved to good future leadership, but I feel sad, I felt sorry about him to miss his good chance, I felt doubtful to trust him when I hear that, he was against the SPLM of GOSS vision and I can’t imagine why our Southerners Sudanese politicians are always hoping for Arab helps instead we should be doing our best in Southern Sudan even though there are many lacks in GOSS, we are they one who can make Southern Sudan good just like the Northern Sudan politicians have made it happen for their Northern development. During the SPLM first convention I read Upadte News in Chukudom in 1994, Bona Malual Madut Riing was been given 45 minutes to talks about the tool we need to successfully for the SPLM hope and he said, a lots of encouragement words even some SPLM seniors Officials were been giving less than 30 minutes in the convention, later we have notice that, our uncle Bona Malual Madut Riing has opposited with the late chairman, many people were feeling doubtful to our later herose John Garang de Mabior However, his Bona Malual Madut Riing political moved was telling us that, he was not been a good friend from the beginning to some famous Southern Sudanese politicians including our first herose late uncle William Deng Nhial. Mr, William Deng Nhial was fighting against injustice, unequally rights, unequally employement, William Deng Nhial he was belief the Sudanese people should be treated in a blance and fairness for all citizens in the Sudan unfortunately, the agents of Sadiq al Mahdit and uncle Bona Malual Madut Riing at that time had made a blamed for the killing of famous Southern Sudanese politician Mr, William Deng Nhial perhaps, we are wondering the inability of our uncle if he try to change it that will be greatful.

    Uncle Bona Malual Madut Riing must know that, we can not and we will not going to affording that cooperation they have had with Sudan government since and then. I knew he is complaining that, the SPLM are not supposed to fill their complains in Khatroum while, he was been block not to talks to people in Apuk Giir Thiik of Warrap State. Well, one can tell that, our Southern Sudanese politicians are denying themselves in the faces of their citizens in Southern Sudan if not then, why uncle Bona Malual Madut Riing did not staying in Southern Sudan and do what our people demanding so far. There are many new Southern Sudanese generations that, are distaning themselves to Khatroum relationship and they are doing fine in this world but for uncle Bona Malwal Madut Riing, Omar al Bashir is obviously dislkely the Ideas of Southern Sudanese people and there is an interesting question to my uncle Bona Malual Madut, how do you real advise Omar al Bashir in Khatroum while he don’t like the will of your people in Southern Sudan.?

    Finally, although I don’t like some Ideas from Salve Kiir Manyardit move, I think we must help young GOSS to get root first, because this Southern Sudan was not written on the back of one leader and also was not belong to one person in Southern Sudan and for that matter, we must not run to Khatroum and say I don’t Salve Kiir Manyardit this is wrong and the wrong must not be allow to define our differnces in Southern Sudan, we would like every politician of Southern Sudan should do what our late Dr, John Garang de Mabior had left us to continues.

  • pan africa
    pan africa

    SPLM secretary replies to Bona Malwal over Gogrial speech
    the people who have all probelms in south are;
    as follows, the no one big problem for the south is Mr Lam Akol. two, is Riak Gai three Bona Malual four the people of Abyie, but not whole the Abyei people, but esp, the people keep calling themslevie that, they are politician.
    all the above groups are killing us with no reason at all.
    and iwill give you the answers why isolated above names later sorry iam late for my office

  • Guotdit Guot Guot
    Guotdit Guot Guot

    SPLM secretary replies to Bona Malwal over Gogrial speech
    I am really quite unimpressed with the SPLM secretary for popular mr Achuil Malith about his demon words that use against the legitimate son of Twic-mayardit and the greatest man mr Bona Malualdit Madut Ring. In fact, Mr Achuil Malith-Bouggul has been used as a tool against the people of Twic-mayardit and he is the legitimate son of Twic-mayardit too.

    Lately mr Achuil was use against Salva Kiir during the clashes between John Garang and Kiir. This man I don’t think is a true friend to be friend with because he can be manipulated very easily and use against you.

    Mr Achuil Malith-buggol charity begins and I bet you to listen to Akut kuei song please

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