Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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SPLM official slams use of tear gas against demonstrators

December 14, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – Khartoum state minister Mayen Dut who participated in the opposition led demonstration today strongly condemned use of tear gas to disperse peaceful demonstration in the national capital Khartoum today.

SPLM supporters take part in a pro-democracy rally in Khartoum's twin city of Omdurman on Monday Dec 14, 2009 (AFP)
SPLM supporters take part in a pro-democracy rally in Khartoum’s twin city of Omdurman on Monday Dec 14, 2009 (AFP)
The use of tear gas to disperse non violent demonstration is unconstitutional, brutal and indeed an act that violates not only provisions of constitution as supreme law of the country but, portrays government intentions to cling to authoritarian kind of leadership, Mayen said.

“Where in the world can a responsible and law abiding government use chemicals and other concentrated gases to disassemble peaceful march,” he posed.

The official who represents SPLM as minister of local government in Khartoum State government added that police showed lack of respect by beating individual indiscriminately even bystanders.

They did not bother to ask, they thought anybody either passing or standing was a protester, he said.

Asked why he took part in the demonstration as SPLM already reached an agreement with the National Congress Party (NCP) on southern referendum on Sunday 13, he said “first and foremost he did not take part in the demonstration as southerner but as a Sudanese and SPLM official because SPLM is not a regional party.”

He further said he took part in the demonstration because the agreement does not stop SPLM from demanding settlement to security act and democratic reform laws adding “these are crucial elements in the forthcoming elections as required by the peace deal.”

Today’s protest was organized by Sudanese opposition parties and the SPLM. Opposition Umma leading member Miriam Al-Mahdi said Sudanese police briefly detained over 100 protesters for five hours. Mariam was among the detained people.

Security situation remains tense as there was a heavy presence of security personnel in the capital while all streets leading to the parliament building where the demonstration was planned were closed

The Sudanese police was deployed in the capital and all the premises of the opposition parties, including the SPLM headquarters, were surrounded by the well equipped security forces.

The Sudanese Human Rights Organisation condemned today the use of prohibited tear gas by the police.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    SPLM official slams use of tear gas against demonstrators
    It seem like SPLA demonstration has more undercover secrets then every demonstration around the World. Where on earth can you see people demonstrating for weeks, months and nearly years? alright they deserve that cruel act of arabs police. Showing bravery has to be once and also another day not every morning. I think Amum has something not only about demonstrating for SPLA black party political benefit.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLM official slams use of tear gas against demonstrators
    We SPLM know that Nothern govt is not working for the interest of Sudan and that is the reason we will secede from them.

    People that have difference ideologies can not come together at all. North are governed by their sharia laws unlike Southerners who want democracy through human rights and prosperity.

    Jallaba are the number one suspicious people in the world. They see thing differently unlse they get prices like what SPLM gave them during the war.

    They are nothing to us(SPLM),and i know they are throwing tears on civilians because they know SPLM is not there to kick their assess.

  • Pwad Achob
    Pwad Achob

    SPLM official slams use of tear gas against demonstrators
    Dear readers,

    I’m very confused about sudanese government of unity coalition that a member of the coalition can go on the street to join a demonstration before he or she resigned from the coalition.

    In other countries,of course,I here refer to the legitimate and democratic constitutional governments in the western world, the partner to the coalition has to register their grievences by resigning from the government then become an opposition party to gain the right to protest any dissatisfaction.But you can not be in the coalition and at the same time go on the street against your own policies because you are considered to be part of the government till you withdraw from it.

  • Rambang Deng
    Rambang Deng

    SPLM official slams use of tear gas against demonstrators
    Our SPLM wants freedom of speech and peacefull assemble in our national capital Khartoum. Yet the same SPLM morons are denying those rights to Southern Sudanese in Juba, Malakal, Wau and other Southern Sudanese towns and villages.

    Does this sound weird to you? Well, that is how our so call GOSS behave in our famine devastated and corruptly looted bleeding South Sudan.

    The international community was cowed to believe the Juba based oracles who falsely claim to any one that could listen to them (GOSS) that all our problems come from Jalaba.

    The GOSS, which breached all the civilise barriers in Southern Sudan, have nothing left to be ashame of.

    Good luck in your oppression of Southerners and international community deceiption compaign.

  • Martin D Ajhak
    Martin D Ajhak

    SPLM official slams use of tear gas against demonstrators
    Well done demonstrators,

    Using tear gas against you is an act suppression and it won’t stop us pursuing our right in Sudan.

    As Nelson Mandela quoted it that” The time comes in the life of any nation when there remains only two choices – submit or fight. That time has now come to South Africa. We shall not submit and we have no choice but to hit back by all means in our power in defense of our people, our”

    The time has come for Southern Sudan to either sumit or fight and what you tried in Khartuom is one of the techniques to get our message through.

    Well done guys….

  • Pwad Achob
    Pwad Achob

    SPLM official slams use of tear gas against demonstrators
    Hi Dinka boy,

    First, I’m not a nuer by tribe and I write in a very simple and clear language. It is sound grammatically and it is not distorted as you imagine neither do I hate Mr. Pagan Amum nor SPLM as you suggested.

    I’m a southern sudanese who cares and supports that person who tell the truth, fear Almighty and govern our people with logic,transparency and intelligence.

    I wish I have time to explain to you how our image(southern sudan) is being dented all over the world because of bad policies being carried out by SPLM party.I support SPLM and continue to support the party if it is on the right track.We want peace and prosperity to the people of the south.

  • Deng Magot Riem
    Deng Magot Riem

    SPLM official slams use of tear gas against demonstrators
    I am not comentint on the article anyway. this is a piece of advice to all of you. All your comments are not educting any one in the Sudan, but spreading tribalism that can result into destruction. Besides, you are trying politic but non of you knows how to play it. Why don’t you guys make good use of your time inlieu of wasting it? Be educative instead and you will make good politicians. Let him who have ears take heed of this advice. that a Biblical quote.

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    SPLM official slams use of tear gas against demonstrators
    Dear readers, the peacefully demonstrators in Omdurman yesterday toward the National assembly they are very correct,because they want to shown to the world that inside that assembly there is nothing coming out of,the only thing the NCP party are discussing in that assembly is for the benefit of their interest.See by yourself you, who are the supporter of the NCP party ,if the current government you are saying is right fine but these great number of citizen would have not come on the street of Omdurman
    SPLM whom you are saying they are corrupted,dranked any bad things to them are the people whom tomorrow they will save you.forget about the tribe.

  • Time1

    SPLM official slams use of tear gas against demonstrators
    NCP dictatorship is wrong if they think people should be quite because of the referendum deals, for a better united Sudan the NCP has to respect human rights and accept democratic transformations, NCP regime should give more freedom to oppositions to hold their rallies and campaign for elections otherwise this elections cannot be considered free and fair under current arrests and intimidation of opposition parties, SPLM and other opposition groups wants full democratic changes and implementation of the CPA in letter.

  • Garang Chol Garang
    Garang Chol Garang

    the bad protest
    I disagree with this khartoum regime just the way the handle thing with there aspect of religions not the way of leadership. the negative way the government portrays my native sudanese and my south sudanese has been drawing increasing scrutiny and mainstream media attention.If the intended party is not available, which will often be the case, please leave protest, clear message telling them that you want wars not protest. i was not happen when i see mother on the protest to associate with failure government in south i’m sorry jsut go home and sleep this south sudan government is just failure government.Please remember to always be polite, respectful, and to the point.

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