Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Big snakes usually hide in thick woods

By Justin Ambago Ramba

December 18, 2009 — Elections which are considered as a standard means of power transfer in many developed countries, remains to be treated with much reservations and scepticisms in many underdeveloped countries and especially so in the African Continent.

The history of elections in poor countries has at large been associated with the indecent activities that usually culminate in bringing to office and parliament the most corrupt rich people whose source of wealth can be traced back to large scale frauds, aversion of taxes, briberies and all kinds of illegal engagements.

If the ill fated practices continues and which is more likely so, it will be that in an attempt to weed corruption through democratic means, we only end up consolidating an institutionalized version of this African pandemic.

To get the best out of democratic elections, we need to have a strong faith in democratic values as such. Till we are willing to ask and equally be asked on how we accumulated the dubious wealth surrounding us, we can in no any way contribute in establishing a healthy democratic society.

Whatever evils I mention here are of course in no way limited to south Sudan. However the fact that they are evil and unacceptable as such demands of us a firm stance in fighting it. We can not allow evil to flourish in our midst simply because our neighbours are indulged in doing the same. When we point out a particular problem and demand an urgent attention, we shouldn’t be silenced by some wicked agents of darkness as to why we are not criticizing similar malpractices that exist in northern Sudan or amongst the NCP members. IF they are practising life styles they are unacceptable to us e.g. homosexuality or paedophilia, are we also justified as south Sudanese to allow it in our midst simply because it is OK in the north?

We in south Sudan of all the countries in Africa, have a golden opportunity to a fast development and we can also be able to avoid many of the obstacles that hindered the progress of this continent to affluence, if only we study the African history, politics, and socioeconomic pasts especially so the type of governance that they prescribed to in the so-called post independence or post liberation era.
The people who come forwards to draw our policies indeed do matter a lot. Whether they are elected, selected or self appointed as in case of the past widespread military coup d’états in the continent, if they lack the vision and clear road map, they will all go astray regardless of their intensions. This is why it is essential to have a clear values in mind before embarking onto any rush developmental projects that in many cases tend to serve the interest of the foreign investors and non for the locals.
If we are to bring an already corrupt politician, businessman, or a quasi elite and assign them to run our institutions, we should always not forget that these people come from backgrounds where quick acquisition of wealth, through whatever means signifies a real success and outstanding intelligence “Teftiha”, whereas in fact they are nothing but a bunch of corrupted tribal gangsters.
Unfortunately it is those who are naturally wicked and witty who always come forwards to volunteer their services as they tend to easily spot the loopholes in out government systems that they can utilize to built up personal wealth by mercilessly depriving the most needy amongst us from their food, water, and medicine.

I am raising this issue here because most of our political parties are more tempted to give their memberships to corrupt citizens who can pay their way up the ladder. This is especially dangerous because these parasitic individuals as they are bent to increase their wealth through the opportunities that comes with political leadership, they very intelligently target well established political parties that enjoy a broader membership across the social strata. But most important is the fact that these dominant political parties always tend to control all the important outlets to wealth and power.

It is no doubt that it is the so-called big parties that tend to house the worse of the corrupted in the country. And as this parasites can get the necessary services to promote their ill intensions by getting the protections at very sensitive places like the Customs Department, Taxation, Lawmakers, Chamber of Commerce, the Police, down to the President’s office, they are sure to recover whatever money and wealth they have to sacrifice in making their journey into these secret alleys of the ruling political organisation or party whichever you call it.

Unless we come to appreciate and draw lessons from the so-called liberators of Africa be them in the Congo, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Sudan etc, unfortunately came into office without any clear post independent vision. As such all they do is to continue behaving just the same way as did the foreign powers which they replaced. Independence to them is replacing the foreign rulers by yet another corrupt indigenous elites and military officers.

I want to draw the attention of our people that the real change lays outside the so-called big party. The many brilliant brains who have voluntarily chosen to be outside this huge corruption factory that calls itself as the ruling party, is for the simple fact that their conscience can not be bought or sold.

But as long as we follow our bellies, we will remain to be at the mercy of a few who wishes endlessly to starve us of our own food and wealth using the vey power we have been lured wrongly into handing over unto them. Many have already conspired in the name of inviting foreign investments, to play the dirty roles of tying their communities to poles and allow their recourses to be constantly looted by foreigners who camouflage as investors and developers. Is it not true that some prominent community leaders under the spells of some crafty tribesmen turned brokers have already set precedence where thousands of acres of virgin fertile lands have been sold to foreign investors from the US and the UAE?

The forth coming elections being our first genuine exposure to a real democratic process, we should hope to come up with people who will not make us regret our choices. But chances are high that with our tribal mindset, we can easily be bought and bribed into bringing up in office the same disgusting figures that were known to have shamelessly and in total impunity walked away with some billion dollars worth of graft scandals. If that ever happens, then even our huge oil reserves can become personal properties in the hands of a selected few while the majority continues to languish in abject poverty.

Dr. Justin Ambago Ramba, M.B, B.Ch, D.R.H, MD. The Secretary General of the United South Sudan Party (USSP). The party that stands for the independence of South Sudan. Can be reached at [email protected] or [email protected]

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