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Sudan Tribune

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Telar Deng declares his candidacy for Lakes state governor

December 20, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – With tomorrow Monday 21, being the last day for official closure of candidates’ nomination, Telar Deng Ring, declared his candidacy for lakes state gubernatorial position against sitting Governor Lt General Daniel Awet Akot amid preparation for endorsing his candidacy on SPLM ticket.

Mr. Telar Deng talks to FVP Salva Kiir in Juba earlier this year
Mr. Telar Deng talks to FVP Salva Kiir in Juba earlier this year
SPLM has already advised its members wishing to contest for all positions at the 2010 elections go to their states for procedural nominations of the aspiring candidates.

So far, Telar Ring Deng and Daniel Deng Monydit, the current chairperson for security at Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly, have publicly declared their intentions to contest lakes state gubernatorial position comes elections in April 2010.

Ayong Deng, an intellectual who supports Telar candidacy and is currently in Rumbek says Telar meets all the requirements adding that Yirol counties deserves this position by all means.

“We have long been denied this gubernatorial position and this is our time for it,” he said expressing his happiness urging other candidates to consider declining.

He further said that Telar had started on a high note by working hard.

He has a lot of experiences and many foreign friends to assist the state with developmental projects he said adding that has visited and traveled outside the country on official assignments while a state minister at Sudanese presidency.

“This shows that he is committed and determined to develop the country. He has shown the spirit of hard work and commitment and he will even work harder to ensure that Lakes State get out of poverty.”

He continued to say “we know that some people expected a lot of divisions but we were all supportive of Telar as next Governor so we see the beginning of unified not concentrated or selected developments.”

Meanwhile, Sunday Majiec, a youth from Rumbek East County currently in Juba said this declaration would be premature for anybody to announce their candidature ahead of next year’s convention.

“Announcing their intentions now will not be in the best interest of the party because it will bring disunity instead of focusing on other development issues,” he said.

This is now time to unite the party and forget any differences that may have arisen in the past, he said stressing that It is time to put our differences behind…let’s bring order and sanity to the party, he said.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Telar Deng declares his candidacy for Lakes state governor
    “Lakes State get out of poverty” you people are joking around not playing politics, even a crying baby cannot be convince with this false. If South Sudan and Government of Sick Services GOSS is unable to stop its poor reputation, how a tinny state of Lake home to 20% corrupttees escape from the poverty? don’t fool around and making jokes with your state image. We are all concern about the chronic poverty in South, but Lake will never be the starting point.

  • Mathonbor

    Telar Deng declares his candidacy for Lakes state governor
    This is the time for Lt Gen. Daniel Awut Akot to go. He used to manage the army good so Kiir needs to make him a general in the army, leave the governorship to somebody else. He failed to bring civlians under control in Lake States despite the fact the majority of residents in that state are Dinkas. No need for Dinkas to fight themselves while we got the whole Sudan waiting to fight us.

    Mathon de Bor

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Telar Deng declares his candidacy for Lakes state governor
    I really want to know this Telar Deng Riing who want to take the position of Lt general Awet Akot.
    I hate when committed people like Awet Akot who suffered for long in struggle during the war are harrassed like the way mr Telar Deng is doing now.
    I know nothing about Deng than Akot in North -South war.

  • Moses Dhieu Paul Dhal
    Moses Dhieu Paul Dhal

    Telar Deng declares his candidacy for Lakes state governor
    Can i just appreciate what sweets words Uncle Ayong Deng put to our greater Bhar El Ghazal Regiog people to support our belove brother and uncle Molana, CDR Telar Deng.Bravo Ayong Deng, your words have touched us so much and encouraging people like Telar to comeup and rescure the people in this time of criticle demand of good leadership and governance. You had mentioned a lot about CDR Telar and no body in entired Sudan can dispute the qualities, skills and experience he has.
    My encouragement is that to Molana, go on with that spirit to uplift your stranded people in the region.
    We will prayer for you
    And God bless You,
    Moses Dhieu Paul

  • Rodolfo Riak
    Rodolfo Riak

    Telar Deng declares his candidacy for Lakes state governor

    It is confusing to see more SPLM candidates competing in one constiuency in the next election in south sudan.I don’t know what they(SPLM) think about other rivals from other parties?. If SPLM continue doing this, they may loss the coming election to other parties. For SPLM to win the coming election, they have to let their candidates run for primaries inorder to come up with one candidate for one constituency. To prove my arguement, we have more than one candidate running for gubernatorial in Warrap and lake states positions and the list will go on,And they are all from SPLM.

    Let us rule out over confident for SPLM to win all constituencies in south sudan. SPLM can win all constituencies for sure if something unusual being arranged prior to the election time, othewise we are in danger of lossing election.

  • Maguangdit

    Telar Deng declares his candidacy for Lakes state governor
    Read this statement: “We have long been denied this gubernatorial position and this is our time for it”

    This statement is so local for the guy that is called intellectual. He is demanding the position because he thinks it is time for Yirol to lead the state. That is not bad but we should not use it to campaign for public office this time since these kinds of statements are so divisive in their nature.

    Telar Ring Deng is not good for this position because, as the other commentator have said, he is not faithful to the SPLM party and these are not the types of people we want to lead us in the South Sudan this time. I feel it is ok if we have more candidates from Yirol than Ring Deng.

    He should be better watched now since those who vacilate between parties sometime are not committed to one thing or principle.

    Good luck to Mr. Telar Ring Deng.

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    Telar Deng declares his candidacy for Lakes state governor
    Hi Guys

    When can we understand that we are Southern Sudanese even when it comes to our own affairs? We have to speak the truth rather than parties. Candidates should come from all political parties in the South with an exclusion of SPLMDC and NCP because these two parties are not doing the will of Southern Sudanese people.
    The truth is that Telar Deng, Awet Akot and Deng Monydit should hold on this time and wait next turn and allow some other young people ready for development and the welfaire of the people of Lakes State.

    We should look at the people that have competent and posibility of doing thing.

  • Bol Joseph Agau
    Bol Joseph Agau

    Telar Deng declares his candidacy for Lakes state governor
    Dear Sudan Tribune, Readers and Ayong Deng,

    This is to genuinely inform you that the information on the Sudan Tribune here is not true. It is a falsification of information from someone who wants to prepare the minds of those who think Molana Telar Ring Deng is vying for the position of governor of Lakes State.

    Telar Ring Deng talked to me an hour ago on phone and I confirmed from his own words, ‘I am not vying for any governmental position from any level of the government, be it an MP in the state, MP in the GOSS/GONU, commissioner in the county or even the administration level in the payam or boma level.

    With this TRUE inside story, I humbly request those who might have commented with freedom of speech for or against the opinion of the Media to recall their views and save them for the right information if it comes in the near future.

    Thank you.

    What Ayong Deng said to the Sudan Tribune correspondent is his opinion and not the words and intention and consent of Telar Ring Deng.
    Telar Ring Deng is not afraid to announce and be quoted by the Media but the issue came up without his knowledge which we can equate to PROPAGANDA developing to create tension in the leadership of Lakes State.

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