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Sudan Tribune

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Kiir forms high level committee for demarcation of South Sudan states boundaries

By James Gatdet Dak

December 23, 2009 (JUBA) – The First Vice President of Sudan and President of the Government of Southern Sudan has issued a presidential order constituting a high level committee to demarcate the borders between Southern Sudan states.

In the order he issued on Tuesday, Kiir appointed his deputy Dr. Riek Machar Teny as the chairperson of the 12-member committee.

The committee as per the references of the order shall establish borders between all the ten Southern Sudan states.

It shall also recommend to office of the President how to resolve any disputes between the states boundaries in the future.

The committee will report their findings to the office of the President within 30 days from December 22, 2009.

There are currently many cases of border disputes between states in the region, and demarcating them may prove to be a difficult task.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Kiir forms high level committee for demarcation of South Sudan states boundaries
    You fail to issue orders for your dinkas to return to their states from Nimule, Yei, Juba and other parts of Greater Equatoria. You fail to stop the raming corruption in South Sudan, you fail to improve insecurity in WES state, you fail to disarm your dinkas particular hostile community in Bor, you fail to stop the grabbing of land in Equtoria by dinkas, you fail to stop your dnkas from distributing jebel kujur plots, you fail to stop them from further building of huts in other peoples’ properties, Mr Kiir you are number one loser and failure you have done nothing to improve the situation in South Sudan.

    In Addition you fail to realised that you are transforming your tribalism culture into the Government of Sick Services GOSS, tribalism is your number one strategy of managing the leadership. Attacked on mundari become a game of pleasure, bor are now taking advantage of controlling my people like ladies, eventually the disarming was only carried in Equatoria. It is hard to judge at this stage, but South Sudan is going to mess up into states and tribes after its independence. I though that we brought the peace to live in unity, but technically this is not going to be like that. Unless you change the way you act and treat other community. South Sudan is definitely sitting on red boundaries.

    It is not about Equatoria, nuer, murle, lou, acholi,kakwa, pojulu, shilluk, mundari, toposa, bari, lotuko, azande and madi. The matter is one single tribes. We have had enough of wild people who claim to be leaders, this will be the starting point of where we want to be. Rwanda, Burundi and Eritrea used to live under such tragic until now they are enjoying their peace and unity far from barbaric culture. Is it hard for others to follow that spirit in order to be united? Oil or whatsoever has nothing to do with us, above mentional countries are not even OPEC countries yet they are developing peacefully.

    Peace lover always yearn for peace

  • Akot Deng
    Akot Deng

    Kiir forms high level committee for demarcation of South Sudan states boundaries
    demarcaing souhtern states is not enough he should think of our borderary with enemy and reserve our internal disputed border that can be solve amicable afterward

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Kiir forms high level committee for demarcation of South Sudan states boundaries
    The border between ten states in the South should not be the first priority to make at the movement because we have still dispute with Arab North for the same border democracy.
    How about if we go now and democrate the borders while we still have large land from the north or verse versa.

    To Mr Famious_logic_boy,
    You will run like lizard whose tail has been cut off.
    Dinkas are your liberators please stop barking at them like wild dog.

  • Gatwech

    Kiir forms high level committee for demarcation of South Sudan states boundaries

    I agree with those of you who said there is no need or rush now to demarcate borders in the ten states. This will cause problems while we have something big waiting for us with the enemy.

    This poor logic came from Salva Kiir, I guess. Because he knows that Dr. Riek Machar has almost finished with Jallaba on CPA issues, he wants another means to make him stay busy away from Juba.

    Kiir also knows that the issue of demarcating the borders can cause conflicts. So he wants Dr. Machar to be responsible for any conflicts arising out of the process to demarcate the borders.

    But should a leader think like that at this time? Why would a leader go for a process that can stir up conflicts between communities and states just to score a trivial political issue over his deputy? These borders should only be demarcated after independence in 2011, NOT NOW!!!

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    Kiir forms high level committee for demarcation of South Sudan states boundaries
    The borders issue can not be complete in thirty days. People need to discuss the issue first then they can decide on what they agree on.

    Those Dinkas SPLM mean something to Dr Rieck, even Dr Rieck has not finished with issue of referendum, you give him another job and what are you doing? Those Dinkas are looking for any little mistake so that they can talk against Dr Rieck and you will hear them in coming months after borders issue.

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