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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan and Mauritania ink 15 cooperation agreements

December 23, 2009 (NOUAKCHOTT) — Sudan and Mauritania signed 15 cooperation agreements between the two countries as Sudanese President Omer Al-Bashir concluded a three day visit on Wednesday.

The 15 agreements and memorandum of understanding covering the areas of infrastructure, sports, justice, social protection and the free movement of goods and people between the two countries were signed by the Mauritanian and Sudanese ministers in charge of international cooperation.

These agreements deal with trade, ports facilities, the judiciary, youth and sports. Further, the two countries decided to establish a bank in Mauritania to encourage private investments. Were also signed several agreements between the businessmen of both countries on projects for the establishment of a sugar factory, a five-star hotel and shopping mall in Nouakchott .

During his visit, Bashir inaugurated the new premises of Sudan embassy in the Mauritanian capital. The building was established at an area of 8000 square miles and includes a house of the ambassador and other supplements.

Before to leave for Khartoum, the Sudanese President said that his visit to Mauritania aimed to consolidating the historic and cultural relations between the nations, enhancing the economic and trade cooperation frameworks.

Bashir returned this evening to Khartoum where he was received by the Vice President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha and other officials.

The Sudanese president arrived on Monday for his first visit to Mauritania in defiance of an international warrant of arrest issued by the International Criminal Court, for crimes aagaint humanity and war crimes.

Mauritania is not a signatory to the Rome Statute treaty which forms the basis of the ICC


1 Comment

  • Lukudu

    Sudan and Mauritania ink 15 cooperation agreements
    Beshir has again done so as he used to before. Beshir is not afraid of anyone threatening to arrest him as long as he continues getting support from other African Muslim dominated countries like Mauritania. The fact is that Beshir is 100% sure that in visiting countries that are dominated by Moslems any where in the world is safe. This is infact the case that can be justified in many ways. One of the reasons to point out is that Beshir will not attempt to visit countries like those in Eastern and Southern Africa because he knows they will apprehend him if he attempted. Beshir cancelled his visit to South Africa and many other countries that he were officially invited to visit.
    There is a clear understanding that Beshir chooses to visit only those countries run by Muslims because they are run by evil brothers and sisters like himself.
    Why is Beshir still having a space to breath? Several times it has been argued that Beshir could be intercepted when in international space, why is this not happening? When will it happen? Is the world monitors not able to spy out where Beshir is even in his home village?
    If ICC is not able to arrest Beshir, it should encourage ordinary people to do so. It is easy to arrest Beshir if the world and ICC are serious about the crimes that he has committed against the people of Darfur let alone the people of Southern Sudan who were killed in millions and no one asked or followed up.
    Beshir has made every effort to avoid being arrested, that is why he is not able to pay visits to other states or geographical locations within Sudan for fear of interception and possible arrest.
    No matter how many years he can hide away from his prosecutors he is always wanted and will continue to be wanted until his death. Even if he dies, he will bear the title of criminal leader and take it along with him to the day of judgement.
    people of Sudan need not to hide a died body amongst them, for a dead human deserves burial not allowed to live among living humans. He is a dead body and deserves to join the dead.

    His brother Saddam Hussein showed the world different colours and slammed the world leaders using his long silver tongue that lateron turned to rotten iron ore in his respected fist world criminal tomb. Beshir will soon join him in Hell and scream together as brothers who have been thirst of human blood.

    My uncle Beshir, I want to encourage you to eat well, sleep well, dream well of your new home to come, enjoy life with your concubines, rob a lot of money to bribe the judges in heaven to divert you from the suffering of your elder brother Saddam and when you have done so, surrender yourself to the hands of ICC.

    Fellow Africans in Darfur, South Sudan, Nuba Mountains, Southern Kordofan and Southern Blue Nile, praise God and pray to Allah the merciful to bring an end to your enemy in the beginning of the new year to mark good things and happy life for the remanants of Beshir though they lost their beloved ones. I want to assure you that do not lose hope but be optimistic at all times because everything in this world has beginning and an end. Beshir’s bad beginnings will finnish with bad endings as well, so do not worry about for he is a died body among ourselves and he already has died a painful death.

    Everyone will laugh, dance and sleep well like the time the Iraqis were happy after their butcher was butchered by his own people, hence will beshir be butchered by his own people the Sudanese and that night there will be trumphets and drums everywhere at all corners of the country.

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