Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SLM Al-Nur downplays self-determination for Darfur

December 30, 2009 (PARIS) — Abdel Wahid Al-Nur, the leader of Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) downplayed calls for self-determination saying efforts should be focused on the need for security and protection of civilians in Darfur.

Paris.jpgThe spokesperson of the SLM-AW, Yahia Bolad released yesterday a statement demanding the right of self-determination for Darfur people after welcoming the endorsement of a law on self-determination for southern Sudan saying Darfur was an independent Sultanate up to 1916.

“As a political movement the unity of Sudan remains our major concern and objective because we are against the dismantlement of the country,” said Abdel-Wahid Al-Nur, adding that Darfur people have the right to choice the self-determination.

“Darfur people have the full right for self-determination if they want to, but this is not in our agenda.”

Al-Nur who calls for a democratic and secular state in the country where wealth and power are equally distributed between the different regions, stressed that at this stage even as movement “it is not the right time to raise such issue.”

Abdel Wahid told Sudan Tribune that the SLM considers the Conflict Resolution (negotiations) and any demands at this level should be considered on the negotiating table but before this phase there are the security issue and the protection of civilians (Conflict Suspension) that should be accomplished through the disarmament of government militias and removal of new settlers from the fertile land of the displaced people.

The Paris based rebel leader refuses for the time being to join the peace process asking the government to create the suitable conditions for the return of the displaced civilians by disarming the Janjaweed militias and removing the new comers.

The rebel leader also backs the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in Darfur war crimes. The UN experts estimate some 300.00 people were died during the conflict which started in 2003.

The SLM and the Justice and Equality Movement refused to sign the Darfur Peace Agreement in May 2006 because the government had rejected their demand for one region. Their position was motivated by the desire to see their region administrated by its natives to avoid Khartoum’s meddling in the land ownership but also to have the means to develop the neglected economy of Darfur.

Meanwhile, the spokesperson of SLM-Minnawi faction, Zanoon Suleiman, said that it was still early to demand self determination for Darfur.

He however added that the lack of trust between the negotiating parties may necessitate such demands, affirming that his movement is working for the unity of Sudan.

Dr Khalil Ibrahim the leader of Justice and Equality Movement mentioned also several times in the past the possible demand of self determination for Darfur.

In an interview with Slovenia TV Ibrahim said that if peace talks fail to end the conflict they would ask self determination for Darfur in June 2006 following the failure of Abuja peace talks.

Last June, Bahar Idriss Abu Garda, the leader of the rebel United Resistance Front (URF) also spoke to Sudan Tribune about the self-determination and rejected the organization of general election before to end the ongoing conflict in Darfur.

The URF leader said the organization of elections under the current context would only gives the National Congress Party a new legitimacy and lead to the separation of southern Sudan. He also said there are no sufficient guaranties for free and fair elections and the NCP could to fraud the elections results.

“Otherwise we should expect more complications in the long run, and Darfur people could ask for self-determination.”

The Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) granted the right of self-determination to the people of Southern Sudan, working to promote and cement an attractive unity for South Sudanese during the six year interim period and to establish a united democratic secular Sudan through a country wide transparent and inclusive electoral exercise.



  • Gatwech

    SLM Al-Nur downplays self-determination for Darfur
    Long live the people of Darfur!!!

    Dear readers,

    It is very clear that Sudan is predestined to disintegrate into different independent nations as predicted by prophet Ngundeng more than one hundred (100) years ago. This is now becoming true either “with ballot or bullet.”

    Self-determination is now becoming the most accepted and workable vision that will determine the future of Sudan as a whole. Darfur has now called for self-determination, which is right, because it was not part of Sudan any way as history can tell us. Don’t be surprised that the East Sudan of Beja will soon in the near future follow suit by similarly calling for self-determination towards independence of their region.

    And I hope by that time Nuba mountains and Ingassina Hills (Blue Nile) will join the South.

    Vision of Self-determination for all oyeeeee……

    Long live self-determination for independence of all the marginalized parts of Sudan!!!

    And death to the failed vision for a filthy and forced unity of Sudan at the expense of the marginalized!!!

  • jalabi

    SLM Al-Nur downplays self-determination for Darfur

    This has no use Mr. Abdel Wahid Al-Nur, Darfour is very different and never like south Sudan despite Darfour was independent state before but the south was never state before but tribes fight with each other, Arabs in darfour are much bigger than Zorga (fur, Zagawa & masalit) and the interfering between Darfouran and rest of the north is very strong and you can’t tell sometimes who is darfourian and who is northern!

    Southerners are different from north Sudan (including darfour) in terms of tradition, language, ethnicity, religion and even their faces are different, they hate all the north including darfour just let them go we are better off and we will take all of them out of our country as soon as they separate.

    Mr.Nour try to use another card than self-determination because it has no use.

    Jalabi (Abo Jalabia)

  • AAMA

    SLM Al-Nur downplays self-determination for Darfur
    Sometimes I just wonder what is in the mind of all those people who want to destroy their country. I mean that if people use this sense, don’t expect to have a one peaceful south country. Chances are every minority in the country (maybe in Africa) will be asking for self determination.

    Like it or not, the unity is the only peaceful solution, and how to achieve that, is everybody’s problem, and all sensible thinkers agree on this concept. Off course, there was injustice to many parts of Sudan and every citizen has the right to demonstrate against oppression, but on the bases of being Sudanese. For the south, CPA solved most if not all of the injustices and the only problem left without solving is the hate to the north and the huge lack of trust (inherited hate to be precise). The south will separate and consequently everybody will suffer from the effects of separation, but believe me, the south will suffer the most, not because of the north necessarily (because unlike before, people in the north are sick and tired of the south problem and they just want to move on with their lives even though all of them believe that this problem is completely solvable). What will happen after 2011 is a big mystery that nobody is talking about.

    Darfur is a little bit different from south. First of all, dafurians are more attached (I don’t want to say more patriotic because we have patriots in the south too) to the idea of Sudan when compared to southerners and have a better sense of belonging to it. They are fighting for justice as they perceive it and they will get what they want eventually as long as they are not playing politics. Second, Darfur is a land of mixed people and the idea of uniting under a one whole Sudan is much more practical for it. Third, the whole problem is more political than cultural which makes it easier to solve. And honestly, the darfurians have the potential ability to blend in with everybody else in the country much faster and easier. Darfur is all about politics, but the south is not all about politics, that’s the difference.

  • David_N

    SLM Al-Nur downplays self-determination for Darfur
    Al-Nur, you might called to be a true leader of Darfuri…
    I agree with Yahia Bolad’s statement, but I will reject Minnawi’s statement.

    I will reject Minnawi’s ideology of self determination over Darfuri Independence, and I know he will never recall that issues…

    One thing I know, Darfur should follow 1916 Independent order…
    There are Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad, and Gulf States like UAE, Baghdad Iraq, Kuwait, Baharain, and Qatar will support Sahel states of North Africa…
    Forget about Nile River, which called to be a strength of Egypt?, it will be sure that some day it will dry up!

    Mt.Sinai is more important than Egyptian Nile for Darfuri.

    YERUSHALEYIM, YISRAEL…Peace to Yisrael.
    The strong 600 Darfuri Yisrael soldier now trained and will attach HezooBoollah’s ass!
    They know the TIME.

    Al-Nur, Independent Darfur 2011, self determination should be ready for now.

  • Mr. Awan Awan
    Mr. Awan Awan

    SLM Al-Nur downplays self-determination for Darfur
    Great job Abdul-Nur. Keep up good work pushing mr Albashir.

  • Time1

    SLM Al-Nur downplays self-determination for Darfur
    Darfur they better understand it erlier, self determination is the only way they safe guard their future and their future generations from being absorbed an ruled by Arabs. Get self determiation now or leave it to regret and complain later when it is late.

  • DengDit Ayok
    DengDit Ayok

    SLM Al-Nur downplays self-determination for Darfur
    The people of Darfur should have right of self-determination because the central government in Khartoum is not a government that honor the agreements its signs with the movements of struggle. The oustanding example is the Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA) which it has signed in 2006 with the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) of Minni Arko Mannawi.

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