Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SLM vows to establish Democratic & United Sudan

Congratulation message from Sudan Liberation Movement /Army for the fellow Sudanese on the eve of the new 2010

The Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army would like to take the opportunity of the occurrence of the New Year 2010, to pass its congratulations to the people of Darfur in the IDPs and refugees camps who stood firm to abort the regime’s plots, and the Sudanese masses who also said No to Islamic fundamentalist regime in Khartoum.

SLM/A leadership led by Abdul Wahid Al Nur expresses its special tribute and thanks to our brave and vigilant soldiers and the martyrs of the revolution who sacrificed their lives to save the lives of their people. We can be what we are, the vigilant and brave soldiers in the field. We further extend our deep gratitude to the un-wearing supporters of the movement for their unshakable stance and support on its revolutionary projects.

On the other hand, we thanks the brave political and military leadership of the movement, that continued with unwavering support for the movement, despite of the extensive internal and external pressures to engage in peace negotiations aiming at giving jobs to handful few without addressing the root causes of the problem that begins with conflict suspension which guarantees the security of the people on the ground.

Furthermore; Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army would like to extend its gratitude’s to its foreign offices, the strategic alliances and supporters, and every body who helped the movement to continue holding the banner of the cause.

On this occasion the Sudan Liberation Moment/Army would like to emphasize to the Genocide survivors on the ground and the Sudanese people in general that it moves forward to change the regime in Khartoum and establish the Secular Liberal Democratic and United Sudan where all citizens would have equal rights of the citizenship without discrimination of any kind.

Long life Sudan and long life Sudan liberation Movement/Army

The chairman of Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army
Abdul Wahid Mohamed Ahmed Al-Nur
Paris 1/1/2010


  • telfajbago

    SLM vows to establish Democratic & United Sudan
    Bravo….the chairman of SLM/A wahid this is the right stance to adopt, but you have got stupid spokesperson Yahya Bolad who always sings out side the flock, from where did you get this guy?. I have been following attentively his statements in the media and he doesn’t know how to write English or Arabic, but his latest two statements on the Sudanese online, indicates that, it’s not his own writing, so maybe he was approached by the NCP to raise dust in this time.

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