Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Police officer in Warrap survives ambush by unknown gunmen

By Ngor Arol Garang

January 10, 2010 (KHARTOUM)– A police officer from Southern State of Warrap survived tragic ambush attack allegedly organized by unknown gunmen on Saturday 9, at Ajak village, some forty kilo meters south west of Marial Lou Hospital.

The policeman was traveling to Tonj East County, where tribal clash occurred last week, for community policing mission.

Bol Bong, a local official who was traveling to Thiet, a local town east of Kuajok, Capital of Warrap State and north of Tonj town, said heard repeated sound of a gun shot at ten o’clock in the morning, Sudan local time in an area called Ajak.

The gun shot sound appeared different and so began to ride my motor toward the area in suspicion and careful till I reached the scene. On arrival, I met people caring Capt Gum Duer, a police officer in a local stretcher to Marial Hospital.

Capt Gum was shot in his right leg and left arm and was bleeding profusely, he said stressing that unknown gunmen on Saturday just emerged out of a grassy area and started to shot at him.

All his personally belongings including personal identification cards and traveling permit in the pockets and a motor bike were taken by the attackers.

However, officials from the area and particularly at the state headquarters in Kuajok vowed to catch those responsible. “We were caught by surprised; we are angered and therefore condemned this behavior,” said police Capt Kuc Aleu in Kwajok town.

He said this officer was on community policing mission whose main purpose is to keep community safe. When individuals attack a police officer, they’re attacking our entire community and the government as well, he said.

He went on to say the officer was attacked by criminals who not are happy with his work in improving community security. “He was deliberately shot because he was a police officer. There’s nothing accidental about it, he said. We will get these criminals no matter how long it takes,” he swears.

Reports from the hospital indicate Capt Gum who was immediately rushed to the hospital underwent surgery and is his conditions are reported stable.

“I am told he talks well to visitors, he said adding he was able to talk to him and his wife on the telephone this afternoon on Sunday 10.”

Although the assailants are unknown, police are gathering information including calls to local chiefs saying they have identified possible suspects, who have in the past been accused of similar acts.

“We will find individuals involved in this and bring them to justice,” said Capt Kuc who is in the investigation department at the police headquarters in Kuajok, Warrap State.

But declined to give names of suspects saying it will be done when it is proved to be them. For now, people are just suspicious about their involvement because of their behaviors in the community, he said.



  • James John
    James John

    Police officer in Warrap survives ambush by unknown gunmen
    All this cause are lack of leadership and lack of Education in our government are causing all this trouble in the area.

  • babadit

    Police officer in Warrap survives ambush by unknown gunmen
    HAI LADIES AND GENTLEMEN , CHIEF:BABADIT is now back after a long week in Eastern and southern Africa during the festive season.you may contack me on my email:[email protected]

    Hello Guys with only 10 days into the new year , Warrap one of the disorganised state in the south has started it with war aganist each other what ashamefull senerious is this for southern sudan.

    Look at those iginorance in Warrap State, why do you
    attack police who is on his duty …………………?
    Warrap state will never see any sign of peace in the state as long as they continue to fight each other.
    the gov’t must make sure that those who are involed in those crimes don’t go unpanish and they must be brought to book

    please learn from other communities in the south

  • Time1

    Police officer in Warrap survives ambush by unknown gunmen
    This shows the urgency of affected states to draw up a new security strtegic plan to combat this lawlesness going on in the ocuntry side, it will be a good plan to see active police involvement in the community,There should be a police ommand control established ine very state capital, then there should be parmanent police posts in every payam and in local areas especially border areas or areas of trouble, this posts will then give frequent update and report to the state central command on daily or weekly basis, this police posts should include in each, police CID, police intelligence and community liason officers, they should each be euqipt with communication equipment, walki talk and mobile phones, motorcyle or one vehicle for each local station, this will make their work efficient, each will carry out their work and submit a report to the central command of each state capital at the end of every week, the weekly police report to the central command should include everydays update on the security situaton, the central comman with asses those updates fromt he local and payam levels and see if any early actions are needed, they will also work with the state judiciary system.
    Now this will make a big difference on the ground, if they organise it well then it will be easy, the military will be left to work only at borders or crossing points of each state, the work to maintaining community law and order and security is work of the police.

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    Police officer in Warrap survives ambush by unknown gunmen

    Whenever, you hear about Warrap it is like you are mentining death since Warrap is breeding area of death and the most dangeriously place for human being to live.

    People in Warrap will never change their madness of killing and raping their own brothers and sisters may be their grand grand Child.

    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

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