Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Constitution prohibits SPLA uniform in civilian politics

By James Okuk

January 15, 2010 — The Interim Constitution of Southern Sudan (2005), which is a corollary of the Interim Constitution of the Sudan, does not allow the contestants for the highest seat of the President of the Government of Southern Sudan to be in military uniform or possess a military title. In short, these constitutions ban military dictatorship even if in defense of democracy.

Unless the Abyei Minister, H.E. Dr. Luka Biong, who holds the portfolio of Ministry of GoSS Presidential Affairs has a private or gentlemen-agreed constitution of Southern Sudan different from what is known publicly, nothing legal can back his claim for defending the tricky situation and dilemma that H.E. Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir is falling in now as the Sudanese people enter into the real elections process. With the succession case of Lt. Gen. Paulino Matip Nhial pending, I can only remember the wisdom that says whoever digs a pit in the dark for his brother or sister, finds it difficult to avoid falling first into the same pits when surprised suddenly.

It is know world wide from political democracy sociology and comparative democratic transformation politics that official democratic elections process starts when candidates present their written intentions to run for identified post(s). Let us try to be legal so that we are safe as it is said. Article 111(1) of the Interim Constitution of Southern Sudan (2005) states it clearly that the President of the Government of Southern Sudan shall only be the C-In-C of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army “prior to the elections that shall be held during the interim period.”

The Southern Sudan Interim Constitution does not say the person who contests for the presidential seat of the GoSS should be the C-In-C of the SPLA during the elections period. I studied jurisprudence in my BA and MA endeavors and can confidently offer my academic competent here. The core terms of reference in the constitutional interpretation we are arguing about here are “Prior” and “During”.

That means, Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit is not prohibited by the referred Constitution to be the C-In-C in Green SPLA military uniform with Lt. Gen., title as the President of the GoSS “prior to the elections.” Let us state the article as it is: “Prior to the elections that shall take place during the Interim Period, the Chairman of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, or his successor, shall be the President of the Government of Southern Sudan and Commander-in-Chief of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army in accordance with this Constitution. By virtue of being the President of the Government of Southern Sudan, he or she shall be at the same time the First Vice President of the Republic of the Sudan.”

However, this SPLM Chairman, SPLA C-in-C and the United Sudan VP is categorically not allowed to be so during the elections process if he chose to run for any top seat at the level of any Government in the North or South (even if a governor of Warrap State or MP of Gogrial West or East Constituencies). This constitution was put into fulfillment after the untimely death of beloved late Dr. John Garang de Mabior Atem, because thereafter, Mr. Cdr. Salva Kiir was declared by the SPLM leadership Council as the “successor” of Dr. Cdr. Garang.

Any way, Let us stop here for now because if we go to 2008 SPLA Act, things would be even more worst for Kiir and the company, because this Act states it clearly (without any headache of legal interpretations) that no member of SPLA is allowed to participate in civilian partisan political activities. It is good that the Abyei Minister confessed this SPLA White Paper’s categorical imperative.

The procedures of the National Elections Commission (NEC), backed by the Sudan 2008 Elections Act, are clear and definite on the conditions that band those who wear military uniforms and titles from contesting in civilian democratic elections. So, let the Abyei Minister in the GoSS lie or expose his constitutional ignorance somewhere else, not to the enlightened and well-informed Southerners of 21st Century. Let him and his nominee (Salva Kiir) prepare themselves for legal shock once Kiir’s full name appears in the NEC’s list of elections candidates soon.

Those whose democratic political activities in the South have been upset and affected by Kiir’s written directive of 9/11/2009 through H.E. Dr. Minister Luka Tombekana Monoja, the GoSS Minister of Cabinet Affairs, are now preparing objection cases with concrete evidence to the NEC Chairman (Hon. Judge, Abel Alier and colleagues) in case Kiir’s name appear amongst the GoSS Presidency candidates. No doubt, if this happens, the NEC shall disqualify Kiir’s candidacy with reference to law because nobody is supposed to be above the law in a civilized society.

The Interim Southern Sudan Constitution states: “Any person aggrieved by an act of the President of the Government of Southern Sudan may contest such act: (a) before the Supreme Court of Southern Sudan, if the alleged act involves a violation of this Constitution, a Southern Sudan state constitution, the Bill of Rights, the decentralized system of government, or the comprehensive Peace Agreement; (b) before any other competent court of law, if the allegation is based on any other legal grounds.” Many available evidences show that the SPLM-DC has already filed a legal case in a competent of law against Kiir’s directive that had banned the SPLM-DC from practicing the Bill of rights in the South.

Dr. James Okuk can be reached at [email protected].


  • murlescrewed

    Constitution prohibits SPLA uniform in civilian politics

    Who cares what the constitution says? There is a practical reason why Kiir ought to stay in the army as he navigates the country’s future towards a referendum. It does not matter what the constitution says because South is in a state of insecurity and this requires Kiir to have direct command of the army’s chain of command.

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Constitution prohibits SPLA uniform in civilian politics

    The process itself it’s a cheap conspiracy against Dr. Riek and likes in the long run. They gave it a try during SPLM 2nd National Convetion, but failed miserably. And hopefuly, they will sow their misjudgement when the D-day comes.

  • Luk K Dak
    Luk K Dak

    Constitution prohibits SPLA uniform in civilian politics
    Dear Dr. Okuk,

    I didn’t understand what you meant by ” An Abyei minister?”

    Please explain!

    [email protected]

  • Atem Angok
    Atem Angok

    Constitution prohibits SPLA uniform in civilian politics
    Folks, leave this useless PhD holder guy called James Okuk. he is arabised guy sent by jallaba to come and confuse the minds of Southerners. Okuk and Lam have the same motive. We just wait for them here and see where they will come with their rotten plan to remove General Kiir from power. after all barking dog seldom bites.

  • Time1

    Constitution prohibits SPLA uniform in civilian politics
    NCP an its hardline supporters like Okuk and others, when will you stop licking Arab boots?

    Even if Kirr run as a civilian it will not change anything on the ground my friend, he can still get his position back soon as he wins the election, some of this Arabs think by insisting for kirr to run as president this will help thier cause, but it will not help them. Kirr running as civilian will not bring unity to Sudan, insisting on it will on strengthen the cause for seperation and independence of south sudan.

  • Time1

    Constitution prohibits SPLA uniform in civilian politics
    James Ouk

    what do yo and Gatwech have to say about this?

    Omer bashir has been indicted by the ICC, he is now considered a criminal by international stndards, he is a fugutive from international justice system, so he cannot be a president,the constitution objects to anyone who has crime records or has been convicted to crimes whic include war crimes to run for presidency, then why is Omer bashir running and NEC did not complain or insists?

    Last week NEC said it will drop the demand which requires candidate to have no crime record or are crimes convictions? NEC dropped that demand but does the constitution allow that?

    now the NEC will have to consider the crimes records and convictions of all candidates as required by the constitution,if they insist on Kirr to be a civilian then SPLM have to insist to NEC on the crimes against Omer bashir which includes war crimes and his record in the army and civil war, therefore Omer bashir cannot run for presidency according to constitution, NCP has to nominate another candidate not bashir.

    You know the strange thing last week the NEC decide they will drop demand for crimes records of candidate, This NEC they are JUST violating the constitution themselves, they did that after other parties complained that Omer bashir did not qualify based on his crimes conviction by ICC and also his crimes records in civil war and in Darfur.

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