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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan forms referendum taskforce as clock ticks to January 2011

By James Gatdet Dak

January 16, 2010 (JUBA) – The semi-autonomous region of Southern Sudan has formed an oversight body to oversee the conduct of referendum as the countdown begins to January 2011.

GOSS_ministers.jpgThe referendum law for Southern Sudan was passed by the national parliament last month, paving the way for the exercise in which the people of Southern Sudan shall decide their future destiny.

After signing of the bill into law by the President of the Republic of Sudan, a commission shall be established per the law to implement the conduct of the referendum.

In a joint cabinet meeting on Friday chaired by President Salva Kiir Mayardit and attended by GoSS ministers, SPLM GoNU ministers from Khartoum and governors of Southern Sudan states, the gathering resolved to form a high level Southern Sudan Referendum Taskforce to be chaired by the Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny.

This is in the wake of the limited time of only eleven months left to conduct the referendum.

The Taskforce is aimed at giving political guidance to the Government of Southern Sudan in the process and will act as a separate body from the would-be formed national technical Southern Sudan Referendum Commission.

The Southern Sudan Referendum Taskforce shall have the functions of an oversight body and will assess the necessary preparations for a successful conduct of referendum in the region by identifying challenges and recommending solutions.

Its membership will include technical sub-committees to be headed by a number of ministers from relevant institutions and will also draw such technical membership from the ten Southern Sudan states.

The Taskforce will also have a secretariat to be headed by the GoSS Secretary General, Abdoun Agaw, to assist in facilitating the secretariat work to the body.

The Taskforce is also charged with the responsibility to assess and study the post-referendum scenarios in case the referendum results to unity or secession in the country.

In case of unity the Taskforce shall study how the country should look like starting with examining the interim constitutions, structures of the Sudanese state, peace in all parts of the country and share of resources, among other things.

In case of independence for the South, the issues of currency, oil production, transportation and marketing, Joint Integrated Units (JIUs), waters, assets and liabilities, international agreements and contracts, North-South border issues and with respect to relations between neighboring communities on both sides of the border among other things are to be studied and resolved on.
This will also include the status of international borders with the sisterly countries.

Abyei scenario shall also be as agreed by the parties for Southern Sudan scenario in case it will vote to join the South.

The case scenario study will also include the fate of southerners currently in the North, either working as civil servants in the government or thousands of students studying there in addition to prisoners still filling prisons in the North.



  • Gatwech

    South Sudan forms referendum taskforce as clock ticks to January 2011
    Dear readers,

    Yeah, I know the incompetent cowboy and his unfortunate corrupt group always look for Dr. Riek Machar for good ideas with quality and courage when things are tough to do the job well and relentlessly. But when the job is done they resort to idiocy and tribal conspiracy against the very man (Dr. Machar) who charts the way forward. Coward and corrupt IDIOTS!

    Do you think that God and the people of South Sudan are not watching? Do you think they don’t watch all the good things Dr. Machar has been doing for the nation? Even the world is watching and appreciating what he has been doing.

    Dr. Machar is patient giving you idiots the benefit of the doubt and for the sake of maintaining unity of the people of South Sudan behind the right vision of self-determination to independence.

    Kiir refused to contest against Bashir for only two reasons: he is not confident of himself and afraid that he would fail the elections and at the same time didn’t want Dr. Machar to contest for South Sudan presidency. So he wanted to let go the national presidency in order to block Dr. Machar from contesting in the South.

    The so-called SPLM Political Bureau is mostly composed of handpicked political idiots who do not see things beyond their short noses. They would have recommended for primaries elections first like the way it is done here in the United States of America in order to nominate the one that has won majority votes in the ten states of the South.

    But you will soon be shocked of God and people’s joint final and natural verdict on you! Idiocy is not acceptable!!!

    Salvatore Kiir Miyerdit will NEVER be sworn in as the next and first ELECTED president in the South. He is lucky to have enjoyed his appointed leadership for the last five poor years.

    There are too many legal and too big challenges ahead of him. The people of South Sudan are NOT ready for another doomed and gloomy leadership of five years of incompetence, corruption, tribalism, insecurity, lack of vision, lack of development (service delivery), land grabbing, etc.

    Mark my words!

  • ayuairech

    South Sudan forms referendum taskforce as clock ticks to January 2011
    Good and bravo to the government of south sudan for the job wel done, this independant body of the government will only act as a watch dog to guide southerners and to make sure that full right is exercised by the southerners during the referundom exercise by january next year and they need not to be interfered with by any one and we must support them by casting our votes in the right boxe for the future of southern sudan.

  • joseph kuir
    joseph kuir

    South Sudan forms referendum taskforce as clock ticks to January 2011
    Message to all whom wasting their times here,pleaese please my dears , this is really war we facing in time coming let us be united as southerners for South independency and leave a side the unity of whole Sudan they talkimg to finish our strugle which took siblings life and forget about the current condition we experiencing.
    I apprecaited our GOSS president with his powers /policies workers not policies makers by putting our Vice president of GOSS EH Dr Riek Machar Teny De Dhurgon as the Head of that taskforce ,Why , because Dr Riek was fighting for seperation of the south,therefore is a right persons in right mission
    my only advise to our south sudan vice president is that room is your future room whether far or blank despite all suspeciousiness among your generation of to day in Bentiu and insited majority by the north not naath.

  • Kuany Dak
    Kuany Dak

    South Sudan forms referendum taskforce as clock ticks to January 2011
    Dear all,

    Vision is not learned, but wisdom you are born with. In the SPLM, there were three minds while others were marginals as they are. First was Dr. John Garang, whose ideals are not played right in Sudan and has gone with all he inspire people of south sudan and marginalized regions. Second, is Dr. Lam Akol whose always visionary but wants all powers for himself and self-interest person who always see reality and escape from it. He is out of SPLM system because SPLM pack in the bureau kick him out to form new party. Third,is Dr. Riek Machar who is always a man with vision of south independent and unity alike. Machar work day and night to advance those dreams for its people and he is still pending scrutiny by the pack in the bureau whose reality is to protect their interest.SPLM BP members are the one who are looting the money in all corners in the south because they are governors, military generals, ministers, and civil servants. They work as the team to protect themselves while enriched themselves in expense of others. However, they forget the objectives of our struggles and CPA is about to died in their hands. What are these pigs are doing? What is the legacy of John Garang stance for? Garang legacy will depend on success of this CPA, but not wealth that each member of political bureau accumulated.
    SPLM political bureau is composed of different interest group whose objective is not connect to southern sudan masses or marginalizes regions.
    In God sake, they are dominated by Dinka and a lone wolf of minority tribes who have no popular support from their constituencies.
    To begin with,Dinka has no political reality and lose their direction since the death of John Garang those remain in the bureau circles today including, Saliva Kiir has no vision, and does not fit to lead civilize people. Kiir’s government for five years let us down and will never been forget in history of south sudan. The same pack wolf who nominated Yasir Arman, are emblezzling money to foreign banks and want to maintain the same practice for another five years in the south.

    Finally, Dr. Machar is only person has reality and know very well as the survival in the movement, but the tribal situation in the south is curbing him down. We need peace and not war, we shall have south sudan is our reality and there is no one shall do what Garang’s role now if Riek Machar is out among this wolf pack formed allies against him. Machar is only survival from the SPLA/M several military high command who is a leader, administrator, manager and peace-maker. Now, he is just doing what is expect of him by the people south sudan that supposingly, Dr. John Garang will do if he is today alive.

    If people do not see reality, time will come to acknowlege wonderful leader’s achievement. Tribalizm is not the solution in the south, but we must advance our differencs for our common good.

    Thank you,
    Kuany Dak

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