Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

N. Bahr el Ghazal donates over 1 billion pounds to SPM Northern sector

By Ngor Arol Garang

January 16, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The southern state of northern Bahr el-Ghazal has given out one billion of Sudan pound to support SPLM Northern Sector a head of national election scheduled to take place next April.

The donation came following the formal nomination of Yasir Saeed Arman as SPLM candidate to contest presidential chair against incumbent President Omer Hassan Ahmed Al-Bashir in the upcoming election.

However, an official from the state government who requested anonymity told Sudan Tribune the donation was discussed and approved on Thursday 14 without involvement of the whole cabinet members by the governor and the minister of finance.

“I and the other ministers came to know it later informally from the ministry of finance through its staff,” he said.

“I talked to governor after his return from Juba. He said that he had received this instruction from GOSS president to give financial support to SPLM northern Sector for electoral campaign,” he added.

The governor also said, according to the source, this donation is not only limited to Northern Bahr el Ghazal State but being communicated to other governors as directed by SPLM leadership

The donation raise heated debates and increased tension among local officials as some ministers as opposed to the move. Some cabinet members question the authenticity of this donation accusing the state government of misusing state resources to buy political support from high ranking members of the SPLM in both South and Northern Sectors.

“Yes, we do not have problem with official donations, we appreciate and respect it if it is done with good intentions and in the knowledge of all. Our only concern now is the authenticity of this donation because it seems to be a donation to individuals. This is an open corruption because this money has not been sent to the official account of the SPLM Northern Sector; it is given to an individual for delivery to individuals in that sector,” said Akuei Deng.

Akuei who was also speaking from Aweil town said the money was given on Friday 15, to Jafar Funj, a national Security officer whom he said returned to Khartoum on Saturday 16, praising the state government for financial support he has received for SPLM northern Sector from state authorities of Northern Bahr el Ghazal.

“I was keenly monitoring his movements and the last and first time I talked to him after he departed Aweil was just now at three o’clock Sudan local time confirming his arrival to Khartoum,” he said.

“How can we in Aweil donate such huge money when schools are being closed because of lack of funds to support their operation,” he posed adding agriculture and health sectors need more attention in term of funding.

Similarly, Kuol Deng Mawien, another critic of the state government said the behaviors of individuals he declined to mention in Northern Bahr el Ghazal are no new to the general populace. “Such practices have been there for years,” he said adding misusing of state resources to garner support from other communities “is becoming the cheapest way to get power in Aweil”.

“There are people whose political existence is through this practice by bribing high ranking officials to influence their appointments,” he said. “This time has finished and yet these individuals are still causing havoc through rigging of electoral exercise,” he further said.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    N. Bahr el Ghazal donates over 1 billion pounds to SPM Northern sector
    I think this article is false.

  • Acid

    N. Bahr el Ghazal donates over 1 billion pounds to SPM Northern sector
    The whole thing is a complete waste of public money and it is only mean to buy someone a leadership. Shame to Malong Awan and his corrupted administration; NBG need those money more than anything, you are spending them like there is no tomorrow!

  • James John
    James John

    N. Bahr el Ghazal donates over 1 billion pounds to SPM Northern sector
    Instead of waisting that amount, it’s better goes to the medical equipment for the citizens…….what a wast????

    Can’t believe this shit happening……

  • James John
    James John

    N. Bahr el Ghazal donates over 1 billion pounds to SPM Northern sector
    Dear, my fellow citizen.

    Can SPLA give us idea where this money coming from and they should explain to us what is NBG???

    Nor now we start to see the money they steal started to come out. Shamed to GOSS and the rest who they think GOSS are real government.

  • James John
    James John

    N. Bahr el Ghazal donates over 1 billion pounds to SPM Northern sector
    That is why I say Kiir Need a change instead of using that money on road he’s just wasting to shit.

    All my Southerners put ur hands together to vote Kiir of the Power before he go too far. Instead they need to build electricity Dam in filla they just shit wasting time.

  • James John
    James John

    N. Bahr el Ghazal donates over 1 billion pounds to SPM Northern sector
    what a corruption sign from Kiir and the rest of Members, instead Kiir is starving his all Southerner’s.

    Corruption should stop and “WE NEED CHANGE”

  • joseph

    N. Bahr el Ghazal donates over 1 billion pounds to SPM Northern sector
    Look at what is happening. How does one single state get so rich that it’s able to donate $500,000,000 US ($0.5 billion US)? Is really there equitable distribution of oil revenue, or is it stashed away in states north of lakes state?

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