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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Dinka- Rezeigat conference appeals for international assistance

By Ngor Arol Garang

January 25,2010 (KHARTOUM) — A peace and reconciliation conference between the territorial connected states of Northern Bahr el Ghazal and her neighboring state of South Darfur, ended today Monday 25, with an appeal for international assistances.

Achuil Malith Bangol, SPLM Secretary for political affairs and syndicate, who participated as facilitator of the conference said a generally applauded conference ended with a number of recommendations encouraging resumption of viable tribal and ancestral ties among tribesmen and women in the regions.

“From my observation while facilitating the conference, I realized that the two sides will honour these resolutions because they seem to have bitter history,” he said.

However, Achuil was quick to mention that the two sides seriously need international assistance with resources to help them implement resolutions of the conference.

“There are feelings and commitments to boost up ancestral ties between these pastoral and territorial communities who have long history of peaceful coexistence but lack resources to implement their wishes,” he commented.

According to him, the three days open and participatory conference attended by over both local leaders and community experts resulted into profound understanding between Rezeigat of South Darfur and Dinka Malual of Northern Bahr el Ghazal.

It further agreed to foster regular facilitations and sponsoring of voluntary reconciliation conference between members of the Rezeigat tribe from Southern Darfur State and Dinka-Malwal from Northern Bahr el-Ghazal. They also agreed to better manage shared grazing areas, water points and protect routes of movement during season of migration mostly dry seasons.

Banggol who facilitated the conference with wider knowledge on community resources management policy, said the three day conference held in Aweil town, capital of Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, “started well and ended happily.”

“All presentations I moderated met no resistance or ambivalent voices before, during and after conclusion, he said adding it began with an approved reading of the agenda, followed by the implementation of the agenda and finally an agreement on five major topics.”

He said major resolutions included management of seasonal grazing routes, provision of basic services for peaceful coexistence, promotion of culture of peace and recognition of existence of traditional authorities with all their roles.



  • Aduol Liet
    Aduol Liet

    Dinka- Rezeigat conference appeals for international assistance
    Ngor Arol Garang.

    I think this is a good move for these two Communities even all others Southern Sudanese supposedly they should have to leave their differences and make reconciliation for the past. All Dinkas did like to stay peaceful with others neighbourhood around them, but only Neur Tribe does not want to do that. In 2005, when I was inivetd in Aweil Community Youth Association, I told them frankly that, I like the way you guys from Dinka Malual resloving your own differences and I would like to see all Dinkas people to have strong unity rather than too much clashes which will not benefit our people.

    We thanks Achuil Malith Bangol and the whole Dinka Malual people for opening that conference with Southern Darfurian Communities and we need all none Arab people to reunited as a brothers and sisters of the land Sudan. On the other hand also, the Darfuian people must show their commitment and love with each other Black Community in either Southern Sudan nor within Darfurian itselves. Southern Sudanese have stood in 40 years ago that, Arab are trying to get ride with African Tribes in Sudan, but the Darfurian did not understand these Arab people are the most problems to Black African and now the Darfurian people have seen the Islamic agendas being set against them. Arab Forest are not very good to share Grazing land with them, but for Darfurian cattles keepers yes, we can accepted them to make reconciliation, because they are our brothers and sisters and this Sudan land belong to all Black people in Sudan.

    In addition to that, as we are waiting Southern Sudan to get independence in 2011, we hopes Southern Sudan will get inedpendence with many more others Regions in Sudan including South Darfuri and Central Darfuri Region, these Regions are very likely to get inedpendence togther with Southern Sudan as well as three others Regions from Nubia Mountaints and Blue will join Southern Sudan. We need to have unity and we need to talk in order to know each other and why Sudan mean land of Black people, but happen in the Sudan.? Although I am a Dinka living far a way from Dinka Malual I think we all one people and I preciate the reconciliation between Dinka Malual and Darfuri Rezeigat of South Region and we hope Southern Sudan will have united after independence.

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