Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM has messed up with voters’ rights

By Isaiah Abraham

January 25, 2010 — The SPLM primary election in which the governorship of that State was awarded uncharacteristically to the incumbent, the loser, Brig. Taban Deng Gai against the will of the people of the State has only added fire to an already burning political differences between the President and his Deputy in the army on one hand, and the President and his Vice President on the other. The High Body of the party bundled its calculation too badly. There have been serious questions raised against those decisions from all walks of political life, one of which goes thus: if the SPLM could not trust all its members from some regions, because of their age in the Party, why is it that the system would expect votes from these regions and not their voices? Brother Gatkuoth Deng in one of the websites, a week ago justifiably lamented the process through which Comrade Joseph Monytuil Wijang credentials were thrown out/rejected by his party, the SPLM. Today his discourses and predictions are coming slowly to roast. The Western Upper Nile State (WUNS) people will teach the SPLM a bitter political lesson in April, now that Madame Angelina Jany Thomas has joined the prey.

Let’s return to the hypothesis above, especially the rationale behind Political Bureau interest in the man called Taban Deng Gai. To starters, Brig Taban is the man Dr. Garang tagged as the ten men in one. To Garang at that time, he has never found an equal to Taban when it comes to management (resource mobilizer wizard). Whether that was mere rhetoric on Garang side or not, the point then remained: Taban is a creative and innovative person; from nowhere, Comrade Taban can deliver development. No denial. In WUNS, we have seen his magic or touches in schools, roads, governmental structures and so on. Comrade Taban efforts to work closely with everyone; his inclusive policy in appointment, demonstrates his willingness to advance policies of his party.

His somewhat bright path nonetheless has been overshadowed by what critics say gross misconduct and abuse of his office. To them, Comrade Taban economic mismanagement is too much to bear or keep him there. He has sharpened his ‘spoon’ and uses the 2% State allocation to enrich his cronies. He has perfected the art of political divide and rule using cash and other related ‘hand shakes’. To some moreover (unproven though), Mr. Taban is accused of having struck myriad contracts with key government officials related to big fish in Juba for economic deal; deals that are estimated to be in billions of pounds. Mr. Taban generally kept his closeness with Gen. Kiir on the expense of native heavy weights (Dr. Machar and Gen. Matip). The above last charge is sensitive and had contributed much for his down fall (unpopularity).

To this writer, the allegations projected above among others couldn’t be wished away easily, but more important thing is the hijack of democratic rights of the people of WUNS; their rights were stolen by a few who arrogated themselves powers in Juba. Democracy has suffered much by that single incident in WUNS. Even the voice and plea from his Excellency the next President Dr. Riek Machar Teny was damn on the ears of those to whom Taban has snared their hearts due to narrowed interests. To them, Comrade Joseph isn’t yet an SPLM member or simply unknown figure, something the critics rebuff with a question: if Dr. Joseph isn’t known what then qualified Mr. Tor Deng Mawien to take over the leadership of Warrap State from Gen. Bol Madut when the later (Joseph) came earlier to the party than him? Look, the team under Comrade Joseph is a serious teams especially his deputy Comrade Samuel Lony Geny Magok. This man (Gat Geng) is a senior long serving SPLM member right from Jamus Battalion and had made tangible contributions for the success of his party. Dr. Joseph is a gentleman who is down to earth with what is best for his people. He is simple, very polite, cut across from Bull to Leek and has a fascinating charm of working with all and sundry. Why would Juba go against the will of the majority to impose Brig Taban who has shown malignancy to eliminate his opponents including Her Excellency Angelina Teny. Dr. Joseph has turned around and threw his weigh behind Madame Angelina, where will Taban going to get votes from? A million pound question, yeah?

To my little judgment, the SPLM has its own political problems especially the tuff between the man who refuses to give up power when he doesn’t know what to do with it, and the man Southerners all over want to rule them. The Political Bureau on many occasions attempted to play it down but surely there is no way the top political body should play a game about it. The WUNS is seen as a stiff political strong hole of Dr. Machar and people who are still hoping against any hope, wants to undercut the popularity of Dr. Machar there by taking the war to his backyard. Kiir team banded their proxy person called Taban in an attempt to score any political mileage against Dr. Machar. Shush! There is nothing like that in this part of the world. Madame Anglina with or without the SPLM ticket is a person to beat! Her announcement to stand from an independent candidature has sent a shivering wave in Juba, something they will rue but do nothing about. The party has committed a big mistake to refuse to listen to Dr. Machar at that night, and this trend will repeat itself next year January when Kiir goes against his own word, when he will officially be asked to step down for Dr. Machar. The march has just began, to stop Kiir and his team from manipulating people will for change. A system that is rotten at the top must start to change from the State and then to the top.

The SPLM primarily election however was largely fair, but Taban has dented the exercise. It would have been a straight ‘A’ had Taban and Simon Kun Puoch issues were handled with sobriety. Democracy is painful but beautiful. It was thought the SPLM should start in a new political sheet by allowing transparent and open competition. If a loser loses, he/she loses. Our solid foundation dictates everyone including our leaders to stand firm when short term temptations crop in to shroud the process. We are trying to rebuild our land by adopting formidable pillars of progress. Democracy is one these pillars. It mocks logic therefore to have defeated candidates laugh their way back to very seats the voters refused. I don’t think this is a best way to start. Mr. Pagan interview on the 15/01/2010 was widely received and non was in a mood of expecting such a decision to come there after all. It was a blow to democracy on the side of the SPLM party!

In all, nothing is lost. I applaud the spirit held by Gen. Daniel Awet Akot and Gen. Mark Nyipuoch Ubang when they were defeated. After the announcement by the Secretary General at Home & Away Hotel, they kept their cool and never rush to seek alliances with the NCP affiliates. That is maturity and my big pat goes to the big two. It’s now upon the SPLM top leadership to note the patriotic gut the two gentlemen have. If it pleases the leadership, the two should form part of the next government. May be the SPLM losers (Dr. Joseph case excluded) ought to embrace and accept the decision made by their party even if that is odd. By standing together we can do more, especially to garner the 10 states governors’ seats. The State Governorship seats are important seats; they should not be allowed to go to the NCP at whatever cost, given the task of referendum in 2011. But also, there is likelihood of another arrangement in January 2011 when we formed our own nation. Seven months hence in power isn’t long or a big deal to cry wolf. Let’s unite together under Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit to the finishing line in January 2011. There we shall bid him (Kiir) bye. He has pledged anyway to pave the way for the man we all loved.

Separately, its time for the House to get dissolve; the Budget debate has taken longer time than expected. The same could be true with the Executive. This is to allow political level ground for all. Mr. President (illegal general), are you there?

Isaiah Abraham is based in Juba; he can be reached at [email protected]


  • Gatwech

    SPLM has messed up with voters’ rights
    Professor Isaiah Abraham,

    The SPLM under Kiir’s incompetent leadership has already shot itself in the foot. His conspiracy against Dr. Machar will soon backfire on him.

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