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Sudan Tribune

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SLM-Nur suspends spokesperson on self determination call for Darfur

January 26, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The rebel Sudan Liberation Movement led by Abdel Wahid Al-Nur (SLM/AW) suspended a spokesperson who had called for self-determination for the war ravaged region of Darfur during the last month.

Abdel Wahid Al-Nur
Abdel Wahid Al-Nur
The London-based spokesperson had issued several statements since December calling for self-determination for Darfur referring to the crimes against humanity and war crimes committed in the region since 2003 by the government of President Omer Al-Bashir. He also asked the mediation to put this issue on the agendas of the peace negotiations.

Al-Nur at the time issued a statement reaffirming the SLM commitment to “establish the Secular Liberal Democratic and United Sudan where all citizens would have equal rights of the citizenship without discrimination of any kind”.

“The Leadership Command Council of the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army, after a long period of consultations, has decided to freeze the work of its official spokesman, Yahya Al-Bashir (Bolad). said a statement signed by the military spokesperson of the rebel group Nimir Mohamed Abdul Rahman.

Nimer also added that it had been decided to nominate Ahmed Ibrahim, Manager of the Office of the Chairman, to take over the office of the former spokesperson.

The Sudanese Government, despite Nur’s remarks and a statement issued by his office denying the demand, continued to attribute the call for self-determination to Al-Nur saying it had been dictated by Israel to topple the peace process.

The rebel SLM/AW says it is willing to go to the Doha talks but asks Khartoum to provide guarantees on civilians’ security. The group accuses the government of continuing to bomb its positions in Jebel Marra and carrying out attacks on civilians there.

Al-Nur and the Joint Chief Mediator Djibril Bassole have conducting a series of meetings on the issue but the rebel leader is still reluctant to move to Doha where peace consultations are taking place.



  • David_N

    SLM-Nur suspends spokesperson on self determination call for Darfur
    It is better for Darfuri to have self-determinations of Freedom in Dafur, and should learn from Ethiopia, which is not too far from Darfur.

    The strength of Ethiopia overwhelming Darfuri strategy, which considering Darfuri is looser and it’s political assylum peoples.

    I never heard about Fur tribe, and is it still exist in Africa?
    Where are they?

    Al-Nur, it is your time to retire Now!


    SLM-Nur suspends spokesperson on self determination call for Darfur
    I was wondering why Yahya Bollad the Spokesperson of SLM/A was singing out of the flock. Not only that but we have read his statement criticising the Chairman of his Movement. As I knew this guy he is not so smart; but the latest statements published with his name were bigger than his mind. I immediatley accused the US Special Envoy to Sudan Gration who was paid oil money by Sudan Government and Qatar on other side to bring Wahid to Doha.

    Haaaaaaa, Gration do you think that any black man is stupid like those whom you have manupulated them to work against their wills? Wahid is not so stupid to sit with a person who have no legitimacy to discuss the issues of a country like Sudan. Those maggots who are paid $200 a day to stay in Sheraton Hotel in Doha are blind to know that the deal they will sign will be vaild for 3 moths only. when Bashir and his holligans will go and Gration will take his money and go like his predecssors, then they will roam on the streets of Khartoum like a strayed dogs.
    I hope I am wrong

  • telfajbago

    SLM-Nur suspends spokesperson on self determination call for Darfur
    The most stupid spokesperson in the history of the profession, I believe was the SLM/A spokesperson Yahya Bolad,and Iam sure Mr.Wahid will not repeat the mistake of having his likes in the SLM/A prestigious revolutionary organization. However, I had being thinking a lot, about how the SLM/A self-appointed spokesperson suddenly got the capabilities and resources to make this huge self-determination propagand in the media, then I was told that, he became victim of U.S special envoy to Sudan Gration and the Sudanese Intelligence a long with the Qataris aal-Mahmoud, to make Buzz about self-determination of Darfur, and eventually force Mr.NO,to go for the Arab negotiated settlement of Doha. It is too good that, the scheme of the schemers crushed in serious media accident by desinating new qualified spokesperson, thumb to you up guys.

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