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Sudan Tribune

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NCP endorses Kiir for South Sudan presidency, calls on SPLM to reciprocate

January 27, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) has made the surprise move and announced that it will not nominate any of its members to run against South Sudan president Salva Kiir in the upcoming elections scheduled for April and called on the Southern ex-rebels to return the favor.

SPLM deputy Secretary General and Sudan presidential candidate Yasir Arman (left), SPLM Chairman and South Sudan presidential candidate Salva Kiir (right)
SPLM deputy Secretary General and Sudan presidential candidate Yasir Arman (left), SPLM Chairman and South Sudan presidential candidate Salva Kiir (right)
The NCP spokesperson Fathi Sheila was quoted by state media as saying that the Second Vice President Ali Osman Taha notified Kiir and his deputy Riek Machar of the decision in a telephonic conversation.

Furthermore, Sheila said that the NCP will also not run in any constituency against any member of the government of national unity (GoNU) which would include senior presidential assistant and head of Sudan Liberation Movement Minni Arcua Minnawi.

The state minister for information and communication Kamal Obeid said that the NCP attempted to reach similar arrangements with opposition parties but with no success citing their focused interest on the presidential race despite his party’s desire to have opposition voice in the legislative assembly.

The position taken by the dominant party in the country signals concern that the elections may not turn out a ‘slam dunk’ requiring forging of alliances and reaching compromise to avoid the comfortable majority it currently enjoys.

The NCP’s presidential adviser Ali Tamim Fartak told Reuters that the decision not to field a candidate for president of the south, which will vote on January 9, 2011 on independence, was to “maintain a good partnership” with the SPLM.

“And we hope the SPLM will do the same by withdrawing their candidate for the president of the republic,” Fartak said.

The SPLM deputy Secretary General for Northern sector Yasir Arman has been tapped by his party to run against Bashir in the elections, a step which could deny the Sudanese president millions of votes in the south.

The head of the SPLM for Democratic Change (SPLM-DC) Lam Akol, who backed Bashir for presidency this month, has been dealt a severe blow by NCP’s endorsement of Kiir, several observers in Khartoum told Sudan Tribune.

He will run against the SPLM chief for the post of South Sudan president after winning the backing of an alliance of small Southern political parties.

Akol, who defected from the SPLM party, has been a fierce critic of its leadership accusing it of lacking democracy and corruption. His close ties to Bashir’s party have alienated his colleagues at the ex-Southern rebel group.

The former foreign minister has insisted at the time that the SPLM partnership with the NCP is particularly valuable and also campaigned in favor of the Sudanese President after the issuance by the International criminal Court (ICC) of an arrest warrant against him.

The SPLM top officials quickly dismissed the NCP’s gesture and rejected any talk about withdrawing their candidates. The SPLM ridiculed the overture, saying it showed Bashir was worried by the challenge for the presidency.

“They may be worried but that is normal … they have mismanaged the country for the last 21 years,” SPLM Secretary General Pagan Amum told Reuters.

“Lam Akol is the NCP candidate … the NCP was collecting signatures for Lam Akol in south Sudan,” Amum added.

He said the SPLM would not withdraw Arman’s nomination.

The SPLM along with opposition parties have threatened to boycott the elections the elections last year if a number of deliverables are not achieved including removing restrictions on political activities, press censorship and reigning in the powers of the security bureau.

But later the coalition appeared to have a change of heart suggesting that they do not wish to allow the ruling NCP to automatically capture the votes if they were to boycott.

The major opposition presidential runners include Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi (Umma Party); Hatem Al-Sir (Democratic Unionist Party); Yasir Arman (SPLM); Abdullah Deng Nhial (Popular Congress Party); Mohamed Ibrahim Nugud (Sudanese Communist Party); Mubarak Al-Fadil (Umma Reform and Renewal Party); Abdel-Aziz Khalid (Sudan Alliance Forces); Fatima Abdel-Mahmood (The Socialist Democratic Union).

Observers say that under normal circumstances, it is all but certain that a second round will be needed for the presidential race given the weight enjoyed by the contestants.

The NEC website says that if any one candidate could not achieve a 51% majority then a second round will be needed between the two top nominees.

If this happens, this will open the door for coalition between the opposition parties to back one candidate to beat Bashir.



  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    NCP endorses Kiir for South Sudan presidency, calls on SPLM to reciprocate
    What can i say now? in your face Gatwech tot yual and logic boy ahhhhh ahhhh ahhh ahhhh ahhh ahhh death to all nuer nyagateen ahhh the they are now loser gatwech tot yual eat my short dog every one is loser and the king mr dr kiir is the best ahhh

  • The Sudanese Soldier/Builder
    The Sudanese Soldier/Builder

    NCP endorses Kiir for South Sudan presidency, calls on SPLM to reciprocate
    This means one thing, both NCP and SPLM are afraid from Dr. Lam Akol winning the election, Coz if the NCP is a national party it shoud not give up its reposibilities in the South ( the south is still part of Sudan , a living flesh yet).

  • SPLA

    NCP endorses Kiir for South Sudan presidency, calls on SPLM to reciprocate

    Where is Dr. Riek Gai to face Kiir for GOSS presidency? The NCP cannot find a strong candidate to face Kiir so they ferfeited the position of GOSS presidency to Kiir.

    I hope the SPLM will not listen to NCP and withdraw Yasir Arman candidacy for Sudan presidency.

    SPLM/A Oyee, Victory Oyee, down Riek Gai, Lam Akol and all traitors.


  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    NCP endorses Kiir for South Sudan presidency, calls on SPLM to reciprocate
    Great, that is what we really want.

  • Time1

    NCP endorses Kiir for South Sudan presidency, calls on SPLM to reciprocate
    This is a positive move from NCP late, first Omer bashir said will support seccession, now they also say they will support the president of south sudan salva kirr, this is what we want from NCP working in coordination, however it is too late to recall SPLM candidate because Armans name already been submitted to the NEC, however SPLM will maintain the first vice president seat. so salva kirr will remain president of south sudana nd also the first vice president and will work with NCP to implement CPA letter by letter to its last chapter.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    NCP endorses Kiir for South Sudan presidency, calls on SPLM to reciprocate
    Very big shame on Kiir, this is another way of displaying igorance to the World that South Sudan is a failure nation. Kiir is totally trying to dtetrimet the image of our people forever, why one person with million lives? Kiir and his Biong loathing not to win the independence of South Sudan. Those two gentlement share something in common which could be especial interest. Now NCP are scared of him because of his strong SPLA cammander in chief, simply tyrant. I pity we the concern citizen of South must act, this will never be a sucessful strategy of granting ourselves independence. We will remain losers, because being cruel is the worse way ever.Dr Riek and Igga should come forword for selt determination and exercise their power aganist this dictator Kiir. I feel sorry for this savage idea of being SPLA chief and still pursuiting presidency in South.

    New Year Message continuous to inspire

    Time for tribalism has gone, its new year 2010 which is not a time to generalise tribe or community instead of one person. It is time to focus on the real issue far from tribal criticism, political party criticism, leaders criticism, and very far from abuses or insults. We should also debate far from abuses of any single commenter on ST forum, to myself I want to be a man of tolerance, peace, responsbility, respect, forgiveness, love, unity and courage . It is time to get serious and work for the betterment of my nation South Sudan Democratic Republic of Victoria, South Sudan should be call Victoria, because the long struggle is victory, CPA is victory, South Sudan liberation is victory, our insecurity will be a victory, election and referrendom are potential victories. South Sudan future source of hydro electricity power is White nile which has its source at Lake Victoria, unqestionable the name fits.

    I didn’t change myself because of pressure or whatsoever, it could be my 2010 resolution. Sometimes you don’t expect the public to pay their attention on you.Brave man conquers the fear like I did previously. However I come to realised that, I am not truly free if I am taking away and abusing someone else’s freedom of expression and speech, just as I am not free when my freedom is taken from me and been abused. This is why I finally come to reason that, me and the rest of concern Southerns will transformed South Sudan into a country that is not comfortable place for those who opposed to democracy, parliamentary law, parliamentary debate, independent and fair courts. For now lets start new year with fresh mind and positive ideas that will improvement the managment of South Sudan, childish comments must be ignored. Some individual comment aggressively when they are defeated in debate, this spirit must be abandon. We are here to play a game ie you get defeated or you defeat others defends on the article and the extend of your debate, but don’t insult people. This is my new year inspiring message to ST viewers, contributors, pseuds, readers and editor. Finally if you come across a mistake or opposing view, please address it with dignity.

    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

  • Aturjok

    NCP endorses Kiir for South Sudan presidency, calls on SPLM to reciprocate
    Wow, the National Congress Party has overlooked Lam Akol and decided to endorse Kiir. I am curious to hear what Lam will say about this move.

  • murlescrewed

    NCP endorses Kiir for South Sudan presidency, calls on SPLM to reciprocate
    This is a shrewd move on the part of the NCP. Are they threatened by CDR Yasser Arman winning in the North, South, and West? Maybe. But the truth of the matter is that a dog would win election in the South before an NCP candidate even get elected. So it is really irrelevant whether field a candidate or not. CDR Arman on the other hand is a genuine agent of CHANGE and will garner wide support from all parts of the country except in al-Bashir’s hometown.

  • Simon Wicheng
    Simon Wicheng

    NCP endorses Kiir for South Sudan presidency, calls on SPLM to reciprocate
    I personally welcome the NCP’s endorsement of Cde Salva for Goss presidency but advising the SPLM to withdraw it is candidate for national presidency is the fact that NCP sence lossing considerable majority to win in the upcoming General election. They have sensed that, they will lost with considerable margin in the Southern Sudan and regions in the North where SPLM enjoys wider support. They are also worried that the opposition may form an alliance by supporting one candidate, which most likely is going to be our Chief Yaser Said Arman.

    Vote for Cde Yaser Arman, vote for SPLM, Vote for the people’s party

  • Gatwech

    NCP endorses Kiir for South Sudan presidency, calls on SPLM to reciprocate
    Dear readers,

    Those who rejoice over this tricky NCP maneuver thinking it will be in their favour are simply political idiots who do not understand the trick about the whole thing. But I would only accept their celeberations if they turn it around beyond the status quo…

    Believe me, you will soon see withdrawals of candidacy, disqualifications, replacements and even re-alliances within the next two months. Some body else’s way is indirectly made smoother so that he does not face multiple contestants. Ahahahahahaaaaa… God is at work!!! Thanks God…

    Victory to separatists…

    Independent South Sudan Oyeee…

  • Rodolfo Riak
    Rodolfo Riak

    NCP endorses Kiir for South Sudan presidency, calls on SPLM to reciprocate
    This is a game for big boys Lam:

    Somalia supported America against Russia, so America in return made a coalition with Russia to fight algaeda in somalia. Sorry Lam, Bashir doesn’t know you at all. You have no room in sudan political arena at this time. Accept the humiliation in a sport spirit.

  • Amir Ageeb
    Amir Ageeb

    NCP endorses Kiir for South Sudan presidency, calls on SPLM to reciprocate
    It is not a strange move for those who know the NCP HYPOCRISY! And who observe the situation well.

  • Bazinguaboy

    NCP endorses Kiir for South Sudan presidency, calls on SPLM to reciprocate
    I like the request for “reciprocation” but brothers pray be weary of the sly NCP masterminds who can always be counted upon to come up with a counterstrategy. My hope is for a peaceful April, May and June this year.

    “Do not rejoice in his defeat, you men. For though the world has stood up and stopped the bastard, the bitch that bore him is in heat again” … he is not yet defeated and some are already rejoicing.

  • James Okuk Solomon
    James Okuk Solomon

    NCP endorses Kiir for South Sudan presidency, calls on SPLM to reciprocate
    What a good news to SPLM-DC and the coming right President of the GoSS, Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin to replace the illegal SPLA 1st. Lt. General and incompetent leader who has been working for the Somalization of South Sudan since 2005. Surely, God is on the side of Dr. Lam and his SPLM-DC team because the real truth is getting revealed now that the propaganda that has been circulated by SPLM wrong SG, Mr. Pagan Amum Okiech, is getting disqualified by facts.

    The fact that the NCP endorsed Kiir Presidency, tells alot that the SPLM-DC is not NCP-DC. The NCP shied away from endorsing Dr. Lam because they are afraid of him as he is determined together with Dr. Riek and Alliance of South Sudan Politcal parties to ensure that the right to self-dtermination is implemented in 2011.

    Now the politics ball has been thrown on the side of the SPLM while the SPLM-DC members, allies and Dr. Lam are loughing to the top of their voices because of the great relieve from overdue propaganda. Will Kiir SPLM endorse Al Bashir Presidency while he prepares himself to go home in May 2010? Very good hock and we are waiting for Kiir’s answer so that we laugh best at last.

    God is so great and Southerners cannot be fooled any more! or once more!!! Dr. Lam has been honest with the cause of South Sudan but Mr. Salava Kiir and Pagan Amum and Yasser Arman and etc, have been dishonest. Now democracy is exposing them badly.

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    NCP endorses Kiir for South Sudan presidency, calls on SPLM to reciprocate
    That is a game many southerns may not understand. “NCP endorsed Salva Kiir”, no supperis at all, when SPLM already endorsed their brother in-law who is Yahser Arhman from Northern as their president. so what else do southern want?endorsing northern,show that you love northerners.In my point of view,it is okay to play a game that won’t harm civilians. But we will not allow more five years of corruptions, looting and insecurity to happen again in south Sudan.

    I have question. which state in southern Sudan Yahser Arhaman belong to or registered in???.If he registered as an Abyi State,he has no right to run as southern candidate.

  • Gatwech

    NCP endorses Kiir for South Sudan presidency, calls on SPLM to reciprocate
    Dinka tribalists,

    I know that you have already reduced Salvatore Kiir as your tribal chief and not leader of all times combined, thus earning the name “akul baraw” group. You can fight for his incompetent leadership, there is no problem since you think it is your right as a Dinka chieftancy.

    And when it comes to this NCP’s latest trick, ah, I don’t blame you guys for your low IQ if you truly believe that the NCP can suddenly endorse wholeheartedly the nomination of Salvatore Kiir Miyerdit. And this is why I call you political idiots. This cannot happen from the NCP.

    What the NCP is doing is a very smart trick to catch Salvatore Kiir while giving him a false euphoria to celebrate at the moment. They already know that he is disliked in the South. Only 200 people accompanied him to NEC branch office in Juba to submit his papers despite the two days mobilization to get 10,000 people.

    Let me give you this good example: I hope some of you might have experienced fishing and know how to catch a fish.

    I had been a good fisher boy before I came to the United States of America. Read this example here: You put a fish meat or a maggot on the hook, throw it into the river while holding the rope tight. The fish sees the feeds and comes to catch and swallow it. The fish turns around happily thinking that it has got the food it wanted. Suddenly you pull it back and out of the water and finds itself drying on waterless surface.

    This is exactly what the NCP is doing to Salvatore. The fisherman is the NCP, the fish is Kiir and the maggot is the false endorsement and the hook is the tactic itself. Mark my words…Kiir’s leadership can never come through NCP’s endorsement…

    Believe me my poor cousins, this NCP’s move is a very well calculated tactic beyond your understanding, my little ones.

    Actually I would describe it as the MOTHER of all latest tactics, which even Kiir himself and his tribal advisors will NEVER understand it until they are caught by a complete surprise. ahahahahahaaaa… What a very smart way!!!

    Those who rejoice over this tricky NCP maneuver thinking it will be in their own favour are simply political idiots who do not understand the trick about the whole thing. But I would only accept their celeberations if they turn it around beyond the status quo…

    So I rejoice it in my own and universally shared understanding and interpretation of it!!!

    Believe me, you will soon see withdrawals of candidacy, disqualifications, replacements and even re-alliances within the next one to two months. Kiir is potentially out! South Sudanese people are not ready for another five years’ term of corruption, looting of public money, tribalism, land grabbing, lack of political direction, lack of development, incompetency and you name it.

    Some body else’s way (not Kiir) is indirectly made smoother so that he does not face multiple contestants in the South. He is being walked into that path slowly but surely. And you political and spiritual idiots will NEVER understand it until you are surprised. Ahahahahahaaaaa… God is at work!!! Thank you God!

    You will have little time to laugh but alot of it to mourn…

    Mark my WORDS!!!

    Victory to separatists…

    Long live the Champions of Self-determination..

    Independent South Sudan Oyeee…

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