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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM threatens to sack independent candidates

January 28, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – A senior official of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) has issued strong statements threatening to sack members who declared themselves as independent candidates to contest the upcoming elections for gubernatorial and parliamentary seats across southern Sudan.

Pagan Amum
Pagan Amum
The SPLM Political Bureau nominated those it calls loyal and long serving members for all the public positions the party wants to contest, but the process has been widely criticized as ignoring the choices of the people in the constituencies concerned.

Three senior officials of the party have officially declared their independent candidacy for governorship. These include Southern Sudan President’s advisor on Diplomatic Affairs, Alfred Lado Gore for Central Equatoria state, the state minister of Energy and Mining in the Government of National Unity, Angelina Jany Teny for Unity state and the incumbent governor of Eastern Equatoria state, Aloysius Emor Ojetuk.

Their decisions to stand independently besides official nominees of the party were previously backed up by the political bureau saying it was meant to foster internal democracy.

However, Pagan Amum, Secretary General of the southern Sudan ruling party, on Thursday slammed the decision of independent candidates saying it was not officially approved by the political bureau which is the supreme organ of the party.

“Yes, there were voices within the political bureau that talked about it and asked for permission from the leadership to consider allowing members of the SPLM to contest independently but no formal agreement was reached,” Amum said.

“It was just a suggestion made by individuals who did not emphasize importance of allowing members of the same party to contest independently against their comrades,” he emphasized.

Nevertheless, Mr. Amum was quick to acknowledge legitimacy of some cries and dissatisfaction disowning political bureau nomination results arguing members have to abide by decision taken by their leaderships.

Concerns and challenges exist within the SPLM as there are similar situations facing parties governing developed nations but these do not need to be settled by allowing members go against established rules and policies governing the SPLM since its inception, he said.



  • majook

    SPLM threatens to sack independent candidates
    Mr Amum, I,m a true member for SPLM since its inception. I was born in the bush,grew up in the bush and take part in the libration struggle. The rights of voters has been violated by the SPLM leadership.Who are those you call true SPLM members and Long serving members. you people in the SplM leadership were just picking your personel supporters. everybody is a long serving memeber of the SPLM but you took the SPLM as your own in the political beureau which is not nice. you must change your excellency because we can not leave SPLM .

  • Lokorai

    SPLM threatens to sack independent candidates
    Mr. Amum,

    You smart, this is indiscipline and lack of respect for the party; you got to crack the whip on them sir.

    You are slowing becoming an icon Mr. Amum, please don’t allow NCP moles to donned in the name of an independent candidates to cause us mayhem, enough with traitors, flash them out.

    SPLM members must sweep governorship seats, Juba House, State House and sizeable in Khartoum; whether through ballot boxes or otherwise.

    Others must wait in the dark until we see the light in 2011

    Thanks sir!


  • K Bambo
    K Bambo

    SPLM threatens to sack independent candidates
    Mr Amum,

    It looks like you are off the truck of democratic process. If you have said what has been reported, then you should have not gone out to demonstrate before Sudanes Parliament in the first place. You in the SPLM Political Bureau has to take the responsibility and leave with the result of what will come out of the coming election.


  • Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun
    Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun

    SPLM threatens to sack independent candidates
    Bravo bwona Amum,

    The SPLM boyz are too green to see and to understand what they mean by independency and what its out come will look like. Please tell them to stop it before it is too late. This is a clear indication of NCP,s works. It is very unacceptable, we the true SPLM members do not want to see that thing continuing, call those boys who have grown too big under their coats to join the main stream as the struggle continued.

    They must know that, divided we fail and united we stand. Why throwing this golden chance to the mundukurus a gain? These independent cadidates need to know that there is no any other go Arab a part from Arman. The good others are those dead ones and of course I even do believes that they are not that good, simply because once they are not well barried, their… is still poisonous.

    Be blessed,

    Deng Akol Agut-tungduon a man far away from tribalism.

  • Wal P Muoranyar Biet
    Wal P Muoranyar Biet

    SPLM threatens to sack independent candidates
    Mr. SG P. Amum, you are so right about these issues. We the members of SPLM believe in democracy and freedom. If any one feels unsatistified with how the process took place, decided run as independent against the very party, then there is no reason why the routes of their exodus should remain open. This is a political party, a party formed out of the blood of people, if anyone felt that something wasn’t right, why run away? Why not call for reform and show resilence just for the sake of our fallen heroes. Many of SPLM members are not quite sure about how the selection of candidates took place, but that shouldn’t be the ground for mutiny. That is bad. I wonder, where is the party of angels that those independent candidates are vying for? If we the people of Southern Sudan sought the change for Sudan, why does it seem undoable for some to seek change in SPLM’s political process?
    Transparency, transparency. We want political bearau to be clear about how the candidates are selected. We are a nation made of tribes. Mixed signals and blurry acts could cause distrust of the party and ignite flammable tribalism. I suggest that SPLM Political be frank and clear when it comes to chosing candidates. We the people of Southern Sudan may take it now, but remember, we will not be swallowing hot potatoes every now and then. Selection of a leader is people’s power. Imposition of a leader onto people is part of the reason we picked up arms, because hand picked leaders tend be loyal to those who brought’em into the power, but not the people.
    I agree with you, any one who leave, should not be allowed back. Reattaching a lost limbs causes unending pain and can even cause serious infections. (Behold Lam Akol)

  • M.Cool.J

    SPLM threatens to sack independent candidates
    That Shilluk boy does not know anything.He does not even see what will judge him later.

    All these things will finish soon and their corrupt atatements will be highlighted where they swim in the sea of shame.

    Where has it been existing that independent candidates are sacked because they are practicing their democratic rights? These corrupt guys are fearing because independent candidates are the most popular in the South.May God open the way for them!

  • Osorubeng-Beng

    SPLM threatens to sack independent candidates
    Its an acceptable game for the members of the same party to rival among themselves but when the nomination is done and like wise who ever think the nomination was unjust can drop their party affiliations and seek second/different registered party whom she/he might be comfortable with to run for an office in national/States elections.

  • Taban Yei
    Taban Yei

    SPLM threatens to sack independent candidates
    MR. Amun,
    Congratulations for playing the tune of your master.
    But when the song change to war song, will you dance, for that is what you guys are calling for, going aganist the will of the very people you claim to serve.

    Your conspirance to loot and stripe the south Naken shall one day backfire.
    put the people first.
    I am disappointed in you

  • De-Lam Lam
    De-Lam Lam

    SPLM threatens to sack independent candidates
    To: SPLM Political Bureau.

    I would like to assure your office that the decision taken by some potential SPLM members to contest as independent Candidates is right and it is a symbol of Democracy. The nomination criteria done by SPLM Political Bureau was not done democratically, it was done under the influences of ” Garbage in Garbage Out” Which implies that corrupted officials nominated corrupted leaders who will be practicing corruption, discrimination and torturing of citizens without trials.

    The nomination of the so calls loyal and long serving members for all the public positions the party wants to contest was affecting the choices of the people in the constituencies concerned and independent candidates are trying to meet the targets of the public.

    I am advising your office to allow those members who wants to contest as independent candidates to go ahead, and it’s the choices of the citizens which will determine who is fit to be a leader in those positions. Remember the selection done by SPLM Political Bureau was favoring the interest of the party, but our target as southern Sudanese is to choose the person that will meet the demands of the public in general.

    To sack independent candidates meant the SPLM party does not know where they are originated from and where they are going. And to choose leaders base on Citizens’ choices means fighting corruption and ending of military regime.

    By WED Junnub Anti-Tribalism.

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