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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Over 400 aspirants contest as independent candidates in N. Bahr el Ghazal

By Ngor Arol Garang

January 29, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – A member of the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly (SSLA) said he will run as independent candidate for Juba based chamber, reaffirming that over 400 aspirants from the state are resolved to run under independent ticket for various positions on regional and national levels.

Major General Dau Aturjong Nyuol speaking in a rally declaring his candidature for Northern Bahr el Ghazal State Governor (File/ST)
Major General Dau Aturjong Nyuol speaking in a rally declaring his candidature for Northern Bahr el Ghazal State Governor (File/ST)
SSLA member for Aweil North, Deng Thiep Akok, whose name never appeared in both SPLM State Electoral College and Political Bureau nomination results for parliamentary seat in Juba, said he is determined to run the upcoming elections independently.

Akok said he had no intention to leave the party but wants maintaining SPLM popularity in the area by winning supports of his rural based supporters.

SPLM leadership recently issued several warning against candidates who run for local regional and national positions under independent ticket. The party’s secretary general Pagan Amum admitted that legitimacy of some cries and dissatisfaction disowning political bureau nomination results.

Amum, however, threatened to sack them saying they have to abide by decision taken by their leadership.

But Akok criticized the credibility of the nominations adopted by the SPLM Political Bureau saying “It does not act as highest organ of the party respecting rules and conducts but as body formed to represent individuals’ interest than majority”.

SSLA legislator stressed that over 400 SPLM members have also, on Thursday declared their intentions to run for various seats including gubernatorial chair of Northern Bahr el Ghazal state as an independent candidates.

“They enjoy more local support than the handpicked official nominees,” he said.

Among the officials who declared their intentions to contest independently two erstwhile ministers of finance and economic development in the regional government of South Sudan, Arthur Akuien Chol and Kuol Athian Mawien.

Kuol contest against Mel Wal Achien while Arthur Akuien Chol contest against Dr. Ahoy Ngong. Both Mel and Ahoy are official nominees of the SPLM but whose success at elections stands next to impossibility being less influential in the area

While some candidates say the southern Sudan ruling party tolerated the existence of independent candidates in a first time, the Secretary General emphasizes that it was not officially approved by the supreme organ of the party

The importance of the phenomena led some Western observers to conclude that it indicates in a way or another lack of discipline, weakness of the SPLM apparatus and prevalence of tribal links.



  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Over 400 aspirants contest as independent candidates in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    I cann’t believe that Southern sudanese article writers uses infinite names (i mean unnecessary names). please be advise that, journalism is a career such that unqualified journalists make themselves famous to incur rotten death pit money! all is bullshit otherwise kiss my ass! son of bitches.Nuers encourage your fat ass to make peace implemented between upper nile internal enemies.suck my dick best for you!

  • Acid

    Over 400 aspirants contest as independent candidates in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    That is what you get when you are not truthful with yourself and disorganize. Shame on SPLM political Bureau!

  • Jeremiah Mach
    Jeremiah Mach

    Over 400 aspirants contest as independent candidates in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    Dear SPLM,

    Whoever disobey the party rules and decided to run as an independent must be ask to relinguish his or her membership in the party.

    How on earth can a members of the same Political party run against one another? Anybody who object SPLM nomination process has a reason of doing so and his or her democratic right must be respect, but running as an SPLM and a independent is absolutely ridiculous and absurd.

  • James John
    James John

    Over 400 aspirants contest as independent candidates in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    Why in the world we will let this cattle keepers to led us??? We have to be serious here, this is not picking a class monitor but a leader for people…..nor this is not stealing cattle, this is a country people are playing with….. shame on Dinka people.

    But very soon every cultures in Southern Sudan they should have their own Party I think that will help lot in other way.

    But ma dear brothers and sisters let us wait for South to become a country and we will see.

  • wang

    Over 400 aspirants contest as independent candidates in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    No Need of killing myself for that, we gonna a do it in the Sudanese way to change that misreable condition in the South.

  • wang

    Over 400 aspirants contest as independent candidates in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    You sound like a none-Dinkas. For information Nuer don’t practising cattle Wrustling lik you guys if you are Jaag. Second, Nuer are the most matures and have the excellents attitudes in the Sudan general.


  • Gatwech

    Over 400 aspirants contest as independent candidates in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    Dear readers,

    This trend is an inevitable wind and there must be hundreds and even thousands of popular politicians that will contest as independent candidates throughout the region. Imagine that only one state has got 400 mostly popular independent candidates among the populations.

    This is a result of the handpicking selection process by the SPLM Political Bureau. The SPLM has deceived the people that it is fighting for democratic ideals, yet it has given a big blow to the very democratic process by removing names of politicians who are nominated by the local population and brought in personal friends in corruption, whom they call loyal and long time serving in messes.

    This is not a greed for power by those who want to contest independently as some SPLM officials want to use as a blackmail statement, but it is a natural expression or reaction to the undemocratic process by the Political Bureau.

    SPLM should not make a mistake of threatening to sack these popular members otherwise it will lose popularity in the South because these politicians may influence the population to ignore the SPLM.

    Democracy doesn’t fear democracy unless the Political Bureau is applying ‘democrazy’, not ‘democracy’.

    Let the independent candidates contest and if they win the constituencies than that has answered the yearning voices of the people who want change by bringing in honest and not corrupt leaders and at the same time will maintain their support to the SPLM. People do not want for another five years most of the same old corrupt guys who have been squandering their resources for the last five years. They should be voted out.

    Now about seven states out of ten states have independent candidates for the position of the governor in their respective states. SPLM Political Bureau members must change their corrupt mentality or the coming change will change them!!!

  • machiiiiiiiiiine

    Over 400 aspirants contest as independent candidates in N. Bahr el Ghazal

    Dear bros what does that over 400 aspirants mean ? 2 me my answer will be defined that they r making long line to vote any one apart from them [4oo].Second 2 that ,let us advice them not 2 corrupt their great land like those who never join any schools since 400 years ago, N who r they ?,N Where r they living now?.

    and thank you.

    by:Machiiiiiiiiiiiine Gidaaaaaaaaaam Yinaaaaaaaaaak

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