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UN chief remarks on African cooperation with ICC draws rebuke from Sudan

February 1, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese ambassador to the United Nations (UN) Abdel-Mahmood Abdel-Haleem slammed the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon over his call for African states to support the work of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon (Reuters)
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon (Reuters)
The Emirates News Agency (WAM) quoted Abdel-Haleem as saying that the UN chief is constantly defending the ICC after he felt that the message of the African continent has reached him which is that the court is a source of concern.

The Sudanese diplomat criticized Ban’s activity on the ICC subject rather than threats to peace and security in the continent.

Over the weekend Ban addressed the African Union (AU) summit in Addis Ababa saying that prosecutions in The-Hague based court “are not dictated by political considerations”.

“The Court is composed of independent jurists who do not receive orders from any governments” he added.

The UN chief also called on African nations to actively take part in the review conference of the Rome Statute which is the founding text of the ICC which will take place later this year in Uganda.

“I hope that African leaders will come massively to that important meeting in Kampala. I am convinced that the democracy the Africans are trying to build cannot be separated from justice,” said Ban.

The AU has grown hostile to the ICC since the indictment of Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir last year and issued a resolution declaring that they will not cooperate in apprehending him even in states that are signatories to the Rome Statute.

However, countries such as Botswana, Chad, South African and Uganda later dissented from the AU’s decision warning the Sudanese head of state that he faces arrest if he was to set foot on their territories.

African states are proposing changes to the Rome Statute including empowering the UN General assembly to defer or refer cases to the ICC and imposing other restrictions on the prosecutor’s investigations.



  • Aduol Liet
    Aduol Liet

    UN chief remarks on African cooperation with ICC draws rebuke from Sudan
    To: Sudanes Idiot Abdel Mahmood Abdel Haleem.

    Making criticizing for Omar al Bashir’s cases will not going to solve anythings but it will add more additional needed from the National Congress members to get indictments too. Look barking like a Dog without tails will not help Sudan’s government and particular this Omar al Bashir as a whole. We have been telling you that, nobody above the law but you guys couldn’t listen to hand this indictment killer to the ICC Judges and I am hoping to see Sudan government is facing seriously punishment from the world nations, because this is about human lives and individual citizen rights and such a killer like Omar al Bashir must not get a way with genocide and war crimes.

    U.N. Secretary general Mr, Ban Ki-Moon is a wonderful person and I don’t buy the Idea of stupid people like you Abdel Mahmood Abdel Haleem, you must respected him. Omar al Bashir, he was been giving warning in 20 years ago, about his misconducted in Sudan nation for war crime, but he did not listen on that time even ” Today he is still don’t belief there is a rule of law. For you guys Sudanese National Congress guilty Party, just put in minds that, there will be no any complain or Mausoleums people in the case of indictment killer Omar al Bashir, simply because he had break the laws in many direction and he has to get what he deserve. Africa leaders don’t understand that, the world is changing in everythings around us. Omar al Bashir was been asked by they Judges of ICC if he think he was innocent then, he should have gone to the Court of ICC in the first announcement for his indictment, but he had repeatedly refusing even he did not step down to respect his own citizens within Sudan nation and that show the indictment for war crimes and crimes against humanity was absolutely accurately and I think U.N. Must move on. to plan A. Or plan B.

    The ICC Judges, I am guessing that, maybe they were very fair to Omar al Bashir otherwise, they shouldn’t left out this genocide case to be including to many others which we have had hear it in the first indictment. We Sudanese people beliefs strongly that, Omar al Bashir had committed a genocide for real, war crimes and crime against human beings and perhaps, we are calling upon on the ICC Judges and the U.N. To teach Omar al Bashir the last lesson as his friendhood Saddam Hussein did gone through that lesson. United Nation Councile must not listen to those childishly people of Omar al Bashir. Million Sudanese people are desperates in Sudan and they need U.N. And many others countries in the world to do a quick action against Sudan government and yes, indictment killer Omar al Bashir must held accountable. U.N. Should have sent a letter to Omar al Bashir and his National Congress explaining to them that, Omar al Bashir will not be allow for relection if there is a rule of law then, criminal wanted should seek relection while he did not obey the rule of law.

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    UN chief remarks on African cooperation with ICC draws rebuke from Sudan
    Good speech Ban Kin Moon.

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