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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan reviews its Strategic Plans for 2010-11

By James Gatdet Dak

February 1, 2010 (JUBA) – With only ten months left in the count down towards the conduct of referendum in January 2011, the semi-autonomous regional government of Southern Sudan has resolved to review its Strategic Plan for 2010/2011.

GoSS Council of Ministers chaired by President Salva Kiir Mayardit, Juba, November 27, 2009, (Photo by James G. Dak, ST)
GoSS Council of Ministers chaired by President Salva Kiir Mayardit, Juba, November 27, 2009, (Photo by James G. Dak, ST)
While its Growth Strategy document completed, this is to review the Government of Southern Sudan’s (GoSS) priorities for the last five years, develop an action plan that outlines areas of emphasis and expected impacts.

The outcome of the review process would serve as an instrument for monitoring progress in guiding government’s priorities as well as those of its development partners.

In the Friday’s meeting in which the issue was resolved by the cabinet chaired by the Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny, it was also resolved that ministers and senior civil servants will be exposed to a two-day workshop by mid February on the review process.

This will also include discussions on estimating investment requirements for 2011 and potential sources of funding. Constraints to implementation will also be discussed, among others.

The Acting official spokesperson of the government, Madut Biar, said a number of experts in economic recovery strategy will also be invited from some of the neighboring countries to share their experiences with the government ministers and senior civil servants.

GoSS had an overall Strategic Plan document drawn out from various ministries’ Action Plans, but the cabinet meeting noted that there has not been a consolidated or harmonized priority plan of action and stressed the urgent need to develop one.

Earlier, the cabinet identified the upcoming conduct of referendum in the South as one of its priorities in the 2010 fiscal year budget.

It also established a Southern Sudan Referendum Taskforce to be chaired by the Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar, in order to give political guidance to the government on issues in the process leading to the exercise of the referendum as well as on post-referendum scenarios.

The people of Southern Sudan, in accordance with the 2005 North-South peace deal, shall vote in the referendum to either confirm the current unity of the Sudan or create an independent country in the present semi-autonomous region.



  • Gatwech

    South Sudan reviews its Strategic Plans for 2010-11
    Bravo excellent strategists,

    Review this crooked government. It has been ugly for the last five years. Install a vibrant system to make a real change by 2011.

    Gosh, I dislike incompetent leaders who just enjoy being called leaders without the vision.

    Yes, referendum Taskforce should give that badly needed political guidance. Our goal is total freedom 10 months from now. And this should include economic freedom as well.

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