Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Egypt is not far from peace talks, Israel also : Sudan FM

KHARTOUM, April 21, 2004 (MENA) — Foreign Minister Mustafa Ismail said Egypt is not far from the Sudanese peace negotiations between the government and the Sudanese People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) as the Cairo and Khartoum are linked with strong ties.

In an interview with MENA here on Wednesday 21 April, the minister asserted continued consultations between the political leaderships in Egypt and Sudan regarding all issues of concern in the region and not only Sudan.

He noted Egypt’s efforts on the Arab arena to reconstruct south Sudan, adding that this proves that shunning Egypt away from this file is not true.

Evaluating integration with Egypt, Ismail said relations between the two countries will be raised from cooperation to the level of integral strategic partnership.

He pointed out to tangible achievements reached in the field of promoting integration in order to cope with the current changes in light of the two countries’ adoption of the free economy policy.

The coming steps to be taken to enhance integration between the two countries will be to enforce the four freedoms agreement that has been sanctioned by the two countries’ parliaments and continue efforts to liberalize foreign trade and encourage the private sector to join in joint ventures in the field of infrastructure, he added.

The Sudanese foreign minister denied reports that Egypt’s only concern with the peace process in Sudan is to avoid the separation of the south in order to protect the Rive Nile water, pointing out that Egypt, from a strategic perspective, is mainly concerned with Sudan’s unity and stability.

Egypt was one of the pioneering countries in adopting initiatives to settle the Sudanese problem, he said, referring to the Egyptian-Libyan initiative.

As for Israel’s interference in south Sudan, Ismail said Israel has been plotting many schemes and trying to find a place in this important part of the world which includes water rivers.

We will not allow their schemes to succeed, he said. We will foil any attempt to interfere in the south by joining hands with all those concerned including Egypt, he said.

On whether work in Jonglei Canal project would be resumed, the Sudanese foreign minister said there is nothing which would hinder the resumption of work in this project once peace with the SPLM is achieved.

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