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Sudan Tribune

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Party official arrested in murder case in Lakes state

By Manyang Mayom

February 3, 2010 (RUMBEK) – The SPLM secretary for Wulu County, Benjamin Akol Muorwel, has been arrested. He is accused of having stood behind the killing of Lakes states’ deputy director on the Ministry of Local Government, Sabit Nichola Majok who was killed in June last year in an ambush carried out by unknown gunmen.

Benjamin Akol is detained in Lakes state civil police custody despite his party immunity; he is facing unknown charges related to the killing of Cde Sabit Nichola Majok. Benjamin Akol on Tuesday night at the police station refused comment. Akol said, “I really don’t understand what is going on now; I will talk while in court.”

The matter is at the desk of Criminal Investigation Department (CID) but police officials did not indicate when Cde Akol Muorwel would appear in front of civil court in Rumbek.

The victim in the case in which Muorwel is alleged to have taken part was killed between Wulu County and Rumpanbuolriak by unknown groups of gunmen on Saturday in June 2009. Majok was going out from Rumbek town center for a weekend to visit his familu in Wulu county. He left behind three small baby girls and his wife.

In the aftermath of Majok’s death, Rumbek East County youth were also accused of having had a hand in the murder, which they denied. Relations between Wulu County and Rumbek East County remain bad after Sabit death was confirmed by a Wulu native. Since the slaying of state SPLM official Sabit Nichola Majok, immediately his Wulu county natives spent night and day seeking for revenge, targeting some inhabitant by Dinka-Agaar tribesmen on the borders of Wulu County. Over 600 people were displaced in Western Bahr-El-Ghazal state of which most of the displaced people are children and women.

In a separate report, the deputy chairman of the ruling party of Lakes state in South Sudan has resigned his position in order to contest as an independent candidate in the forthcoming April election. Isaac Kon Anok left the secretariat of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) aiming to contest for the geographical constituency of Awerial County.

Isaac Kon was officially appointed in 2006 as minister for parliamentary affairs. In 2007 he was elected as SPLM deputy chairman in Lakes state. He also became a member of Lakes state parliament in 2006 after Lakes government was set-up as part of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. Anok lost his ministerial post in 2008 when South Sudan authorities ordered a reshuffle of the Lakes state government when insecurity was increasing.

Kon’s resignation letter mentioned that “the result of Lakes state Electoral College Committee were badly conducted and those results of Electoral College were not fair, I decide to contest independently for the seat going to Lakes state parliament”.

SPLM State Secretary Samuel Mathiang Keer said that Isaac Kon Anok’s resignation has not been approved yet by SPLM Lakes state chairperson Lt-Gen Daniel Awet Akot. He also added that SPLM party at Lakes state have already 14 members pending papers for approval to contest independently in nationwide election but only one was given an OK by Daniel Awet. The party members are aiming to contest to various seats in state parliament, GOSS parliament and GONU parliament.



  • babadit

    Party official arrested in murder case in Lakes state
    Give him the chance like any other south sudanses runing for the same status as an Independence candidate in sudan.
    Stop playing with others rights, do not block some one from trying his own luck it might work for him if the community is with him

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    Party official arrested in murder case in Lakes state
    Lake state will be the best state in southern Sudan, because they have been triying hard to stop those fact one. IAm realy great full to those lake state people by voting out govt Awet.This show that there are educated people in the state that do not want unqualified person.The remain is gov Koul manyang in Jungly State. I hope those people are wise enough to know what is wrong and good one.

  • Pete

    Party official arrested in murder case in Lakes state
    Come on Manyang be a good Journalist!
    You’re reporting two different stories at once!
    Criminal report and Political report at once?

    Most of us here read only the title. I know you break it down as a separate report but it would make more sense to have its reported separately otherwise it is good to know that just is being prevailed.

  • junub

    Party official arrested in murder case in Lakes state
    Worse seems to revealed itself in Benjamin Akol Mourwel’s case. The man is an SPLM official but is severely targeted with scapegoating of tribalism. Mourwel is targeted by his fellow members of SPLM party merely because they see him as chellanging threat in leadership. Akol Mourwel was accused of been behind the killing of commerate Sabit Nichol Majok who short kill on the Wulu-Rumbek road. There is no laws anywhere in the world if not in the Rumbek only where the tribalism is on its peak that Benjamin Akol Mourwel can be facing an unknown charges. Nothing until now showing Akol Mourwe might have connection with the criminal or criminals who killed Sabit Nichola. Please lets us be honest with the truth here, Akol Mourwel is not a criminal but a true SPLM loyalist. Why not leave the man alone even though he zipped his mouth to see the judges themselves. It not fair to target Akol Mourwel just because of tribal jealousy.

  • M.Cool.J

    Party official arrested in murder case in Lakes state
    The murderer desreves slaughtering.Why should he not talk? Because of fear of death?

    Murderers must be dealt with.

  • makuei

    Party official arrested in murder case in Lakes state
    Yes, this is the result of self assumption. Manyang Mayom broke out of Ager Gum Primary School in the year 2002 before completing Primary School level. He then proclaimed himself “journalist” without studying for this demanding career. No wonder he is making mistakes by continuosly reporting different news items under a contradicting title. Come on man, go back to school

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