Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM created environment of fragmentation

Who is responsible, the SPLM Political Bureau or the SPLM Secretariat?

By Justin D. Wannis

February 5, 2010 — Many SPLM members all over the south have expressed their disappointment by walking out of the party to contest as independent
candidates after being screened out by the Electoral College and
political bureau. Western Equatoria State alone has about 43 SPLM
independent candidates including 2 candidates for governorship.

This seems to be the first time in the history of southern Sudan that
so many independent candidates are contesting outside their own party.
For many who did not know any other party than SPLM during the war,
some are asking questions such as; what went wrong with the SPLM and
what is the future of the SPLM as a party should the independent
candidates win the forth coming elections?

Will they be able to come back to the party voluntarily or opt to join
any other party? It is now a big problem for the SPLM party as it is
most likely that the independent candidates may win the forth coming
elections leaving the mother SPLM party with minority seats in the
parliament including some states which according to observers may be
governed by independent governors. It is also reported that out of ten
states of the south, there are 7 independent candidates contesting to
become governors.

There are speculations that the SPLM party is divided over the issue
of independent candidates either they should remain within the party
or resign. Should the SPLM decide to keep them; it may create
political confusions as one party cannot have two candidates
contesting over one constituency. Other parties may not buy the idea
of two SPLM members in same constituency.

Who is an independent candidate?

An independent candidate is someone who is not a member of any
political party or the one who is dissatisfied with his/her party and
decides to resign from the party. The one who resigns from the party
and go independent is not a member of the party anymore and has
nothing to do with this particular party. It is purely up to this
person to make a decision after the elections to either come back to
the party on conditions, join any other party or forms a new party of
his/her own depending on the number of supporters he/she has.

One needs to have a look on the SPLM constitution what it says about
its members running as independent candidates. If it does exist in the
SPLM constitution or not, then the issue here will be a bit difficult
for the party unless if it tries to play tricky politics by trying to
buy time to wait for the last minute and tell the members that they
are still active members of the party and cannot run independently. By
doing so, it will be too late for the candidates to file any case
against their own party as there will be no enough time for that.

SPLM Loyal Members

When the political bureau decided on who should be the party
candidates, there were reports of those who were loyal to the party
are those SPLM nominated and have the backing of the political bureau.
However, one wonders how the SPLM party justifies loyalty as prominent
members of the SPLM were screened out who have served in the party
since the time it was created and are those who have tremendous
support from the grassroots?

I strongly believe that the whole process of selecting candidates from
the electoral college to the political bureau have created what we are
now seeing as a total political confusion in south Sudan by the SPLM.
If this is south Sudan’s first democratic elections in more than 30
years, how sure are the politicians that it will be any better in a
post independent south Sudan should southerners vote for separation in
a referendum 2011?

What would happen if the seven states are going to be governed by
independent governors?

Some observers believe that an SPLM led government in Juba would do
things difficult for the independent governors to govern their states.
Such policies took place and succeeded during the administration of
the former governor of Western Equatoria Brig. Patrick Raphael Zamoi
when the state was receiving very little money from the GoSS just to
force the administration to fail. After the fall of Zamoi, the GoSS
started to release a lot of money to the state.

But I believe this time it will not be the same as it was by then. The
situation shall depend on the number of seats that shall be occupied
by the SPLM in both the SLA and SSLA (state legislative assembly and
southern Sudan legislative assembly). It shall be difficult for the
SPLM led government (if it shall so be) to sanction seven states out
of ten.

The system we have is presidential not parliamentary, may be this will
help the SPLM as the president of the GoSS will definitely be an SPLM.
We wait to see the process of political and democratic transformations
of the South. For the SPLM, this is a lesson to learn and the only way
forward for the party is either to accept the will of those
independent candidates or prepare for a radical and genuine reform
otherwise the party has already shot itself on the foot.

As I was writing this article, a meeting was taking place in Juba
between the SPLM party leaderships and the independent candidates whom
I believe are those inspiring for governorships.

The author is a Sudanese writer from Yambio.


  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLM created environment of fragmentation
    Justin D. Wannis,

    It seems South Sudanese are not aware for what might happened in 2011.
    In 2011, there might be independent of South Sudan or war eruption,but the majority of our people does not realized this problems. In fact, i thought that we should stick with SPLM and after 2011, anybody who want to form difference party is free to do so after we have clear the path of insecurity we are awaiting ahead of us.

    Certainly, people are prosing their specious arguments in the ways that they wish,yet they forgot the obvious enemy at the back of South Sudan.
    To make this short, i disagree with this independent candidates because lots of them are being enforced by their own tribes or loyal friends to construct the interest of certain people or tribes,but not the interest of the entire South Sudan.
    Ok, if this was true, then why not different tribe men or women is appoint as independent candidates of different states. That is how democracy works let alone this kind of tribal base interest or loyal friends as well.

    I have no doubt about the way SPLM appoint governors. It is an excellence jobs and the absolute things to do across South Sudan because these particular governors were the prolonged freedom fighters that can still defend the country from Arab/enemy during ayear and some months.
    Appearantly, there are alot of NCP agents and money hunters among those independent candidates,and when the war occured as we expected in 2011, they will run rapidly to khartoum or somewhere else for safety and that is why we need dedicated governors that can take us out from aggression. Where were those unidentified people during the war?. please let approciate the work done by our heros SPLM governors appointees because they desrved it and they will defend our country for sure as they did it for decades.

    I know we have young writers, two Justics and Okuck always attempting to undermine the tasked of SPLM by their own wish,but i have to mind them that their temperament can not exhilarate their traitoring.
    People must undertstand that democracy is not an easy duty, it take spare time to implement it.

    My advise to those who write rubbish about SPLM is that, you have to understand that we need to respect this slogan”SPLM” before talking.
    SPLM is our liberator and our soul too.
    Let wait 2011 and then we will form liberal, independent, SPLM ,and NCP etc.
    I hate people who talk shit about SPLM.

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