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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan MPs to probe Human Rights abuses in W. Equatoria

February 9, 2010 (JUBA) – Lawmakers in the southern Sudan parliament will investigate three senior government officials for what rights activists say were “human right abuses” during antiriot crackdown by security forces in Western Equatoria

Celebrations of the fifth CPA day in Yambio (photo Mckulka UN)
Celebrations of the fifth CPA day in Yambio (photo Mckulka UN)
Three senior officials have been summoned by the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly for alleged human rights violations.

80 students were injured, harassed and beaten, after Yambio’s 5th anniversary celebrations of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) when Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) soldiers shot rounds of live bullets and riot police attacked, unexpectedly.

The badly wounded are recuperating from their wounds, thanks to Ugandan Army in the region treating the wounded, as the state run hospital lack basic medical supplies to cope with over 80 injuries.

The three senior officials charged are: Governor of Western Equatoria Stae, Minister of SPLA Affairs and Minister of Internal Affairs in the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS).

In an interview with Miraya FM, Acting Speaker of Assembly, Daniel Deng Monydit, the three officials were in charge of security in the south and must appear before parliament to answer questions raised by August House.

Monydit further added that a seven-member committee has been formed to carry out investigations on Yambio’s incident.

Over 700 students had converged in Yambio on January 21 to participate in the celebrations, each was promised SDG30 for being involved

A similar committee was set in at State level Legislative assembly in Western Equatoria State.

Until now nobody in Western Equatoria has taken responsibility for ordering live bullets on innocents civilians.

Unconfirmed report has emerged that, there is counter finger pointing between the state governor and Commissioner of police into who might have ordered the crackdown.

Since then, life has normalized on the streets of WES, however the civilians remain unhappy with the state government as they wait to hear from state authorities.

Many lost properties during the crackdown, among other items lost were monies, mobile phones and other personal belongings.

State Governor during a recorded and emotional radio broadcast has apologized for the civil crackdown by security forces and state police.

Observers say, state governor Jemma Nunu Kumba may lose votes for having failed to stop the army from harassing young boys and girls who had constitutionally demanded their rights through peaceful demonstration before angered by police to violence demonstration.



  • Wal P Muoranyar Biet
    Wal P Muoranyar Biet

    South Sudan MPs to probe Human Rights abuses in W. Equatoria
    Good job SSLA. Time for our government to have long arms. After investigating what happened in W.Equatoria, look into Akot’s Massacre in Lakes State. We people of Southern Sudan are sick and tired of those who commit crimes and get away with it!

    Wal Muoranyar

  • Oduko

    South Sudan MPs to probe Human Rights abuses in W. Equatoria
    The investigations must be carry on cause we citizen of Eqautoria always cliam down respect the South sudan government even their forces treat us badly we never attack government forces isn’t that true southerners !? Or do kiir need us to attack SPLA forces like Neur did !! I kno it’s gonna go ugly if we do so, But we don’t need Arabs to laught at our nation South that we can govern ourself !! so please carry it on peace for all. THANKS

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    South Sudan MPs to probe Human Rights abuses in W. Equatoria
    Shut up!
    Equatorians are always good at crying. None of Students die why always mumbling for nothing. This incident has become anoise.
    Money! money! food! Food! for what while most of you have been entering juba in 1990s to come and kill Southerners. Weak heart indeed.
    This incident is nothing to me. Who die?

  • M.Cool.J

    South Sudan MPs to probe Human Rights abuses in W. Equatoria
    Yes!! They have to face the court and they must know they are daeling with humans not animals.

  • emilio-Wau

    South Sudan MPs to probe Human Rights abuses in W. Equatoria
    An ugly man in the photograph above is holding SPLM flag wrongly.GOSS needs a lot work in south sudan to educate citizens on national symbol.this is like turning south sudan up side down.
    SPLM knows only corruption.

  • david

    South Sudan MPs to probe Human Rights abuses in W. Equatoria
    That is great,i hope those who contributed in violeting the rigth of the pupils should be brought to book and let the law take it’s cost.i wonder what they will say about the innocent civilians who were harassed, injured,and beaten for no reason.
    iam talking as a victim of the circumtance but not a student.favouritism,biasness should not ruin the South Sudan MPs at all in handling this matter.Please do your work with out fear from anyone only God.
    A zande Gentlement from Yambio.

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