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Sudan Tribune

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Western Equatoria independent denies concession in favor of SPLM nominee

February 11,2010 (KHARTOUM) – Joseph Bakosoro, a gubernatorial aspirant from Western Equatoria state has denied allegations that he is among those reported to have changed their minds from contesting upcoming April elections as independent candidates in favour of official nominees.

Joseph Bakosoro Independent candidate for WES Governorship  (by R. Ruati - ST)
Joseph Bakosoro Independent candidate for WES Governorship (by R. Ruati – ST)
“Who said I have declined my stance which I have made known to the public. I have not told anybody nor accepted persuasion to reconsider my position though pressure on me like other comrades in the other state is mounting,” Bakosoro said.

He also stressed he has no intention to reconsider declining from contesting upcoming elections adding he has not seen any change of support from the people of western Equatoria State.

“I do not have intention to betray their trust and confidence in selecting me as candidates of their choice,” he said adding he was asked to stand independently by the people of western Equatoria earlier before SPLM political bureau nominated and announced official candidates.

“When I said it so, I was fully aware of possible irregularities in the selection process as State Electoral College and public bureau decision confirmed, because SPLM is titling towards loyalty to individuals at the apex of leadership than the party we badly served at the odd days,” he said in regretted voice.

Joseph Bakosoro entered SPLA as early as Youngman and became one of the first few privileged Western Equatoria sons to have served under command of late Samuel Abu john who died as sitting governor of the state after short illness in 2007.

He (Joseph) was on the list for the same gubernatorial chair in 2008 when the position fell vacant after the death of Abu john but appointment came out in favour of incumbent governor Jemma Nunu who was holding parliamentary seat in the national assembly on women ticket in Khartoum.

However, and notwithstanding the fact that he initially seemed to have lost hope and trust in presidential appointment, he made it possible to secure supports from local authorities including church leaders.

A retired Roman Catholic Bishop Joseph Gasi was reportedly quoted as saying he would give his support to Joseph Bakosoro if he stands for the chair saying he could not support him in the past because he was still young and unprepared for political challenges than this time.

The post CPA Ex-governor Patrick Zamoi was also quoted calling on his supporters to give votes they would give him to Bakosoro saying he would serve his people in military serves.

But SPLM Secretary General, Pagan Amum, on Friday told press that a number of the independent candidates have reversed their decisions to contest as independent candidates in the elections. Eastern Equatoria State incumbent Governor Ojetuk among others is rumored to have secretly conceded.

” I know there were mistakes as admitted by SPLM Secretary General, this is why I accepted call by made people of Eastern Equatoria state, to challenge State Electoral College nomination result,” he said adding he will reconsider his position in the interest of peace and unity of the party.

He is the first SPLM official to have been quoted making remarks showing that he is ready to step down from his initial position. Individuals from Western Equatoria state also rumored to the media decision of Joseph Bakosoro to consider stepping down but was quick to deny having told anybody intention to withdraw from the race in favor of official nominee incumbent governor Jemma Nunu.

Amum said SPLM leadership has dispatched teams to various states for consultations with the rest of the nominees to dissuade them from contesting as independent.

So far, he said, all the independent candidates who are competing for governorship positions have declined to change their stance.

But talks in Jonglei, Central Equatoria, Unity and Northern Bahr el Ghazal States to name but few are deadlocks. General Dau, Alfred Ladu Gore, and Angelina Teny have shown no acceptance to reconsider their positions.



  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    Western Equatoria independent denies concession in favor of SPLM nominee
    Democracy is a platform that enables the common man choose a government of his/her choice. In short, tne government chosen by the common man is a GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE. It is not an appointed government nor is it a forcefully imposed government on to the people. So let the common man have a voice in the affairs of the state in order to avoid dissatisfaction amongst people.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Western Equatoria independent denies concession in favor of SPLM nominee
    Coward behaviors is number one,but being ahero in the war is absolutley zero.
    I am sorry that there are alot of chicken talking against SPLM ,while there nature is full of traitoring behaviors. I feel as if i can shot some one on the head if they talk nagative things about SPLM because this party surely is the live of every South Sudan on the brutal hands of Arab( Khartoum) govt.
    This independent must shut up at this time let wait 2011 because we have war which must of you will not handle because your first thing is to run and join the enemy,but that is unacceptable and this is the reason SPLM chose loyal SPLM.
    Where was this coward Joseph during the war and instead of him talking shit at the moment. Please we have to respect SPLM as our hero. Always say amen!.

  • Time1

    Western Equatoria independent denies concession in favor of SPLM nominee
    “I do not have intention to betray their trust and confidence in selecting me as candidates of their choice,”

    Who selected Bakosoro? when was the selection done and by whom, stop this lies and self proclaming please.

    However the elections will show wether some candidates are really favored or they just want to force attention to themselves, such officials will have to be deciplined withint he party.

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