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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

WES’s independent maintains his candidacy, reaffirms commitment to SPLM

February 21, 2010 (YAMBIO) – Col Joseph Bakosoro independent candidate for the Western Equatoria governor said SPLM decision to disown them would not change their stance however he reaffirmed his commitment the southern Sudan ruling party.

Dr Ann Itto, SPLM deputy secretary general for southern Sudan put out last Wednesday a statement by the Political Bureau disowning Independent candidates saying they are no longer part of SPLM and should no longer use the party slogans and logo during their election campaigns, saying they have already dismissed themselves.

“We have received the message from the deputy Secretary General for southern sector Ann Itto with respect and it is not going to change our position as independent candidates and committed SPLM,” said Col Joseph Bakosoro in a statement obtained by Sudan Tribune.

“We are contesting to strengthen the position of the SPLM,” he further reaffirmed.

More than 340 SPLM officials across the ten Southern Sudan states have declared their independent candidatures, accusing the Political Bureau of “undemocratically” handpicking mostly “unpopular” party officials as flag bearers for various constituencies. They argued their decision to independently contest was in the interest of the majority of the people at the grassroots.

“The statement lamented further that, the decision announced by the SPLM deputy Secretary General for southern sector is a violation of [our] democratic and constitutional rights so it is not going to affect our campaign processes.”

Col Bakosoro cautioned that, “If the PB is willing to fail SPLM by imposing unpopular candidates on the people against their own will, people are aware about it and will continue to resist against it.”

“Independent candidates all over the south are going forward to contest in order to represent the aspiration of our people because we are the people’s choices. Therefore, I personally insist that the will of the people must be respected and that is my decision,” Bakosoro reiterated.

Col Bakosoro has won and continues to win the support of 85% support from WES registered voters; he has also won the support of Religious groups, civil societies, and chiefs.

Campaign team of Col Bakosoro says the candidate pledges to achieve peace and security, realize high economic productivity and equitable distribution of resources and opportunities in Western Equatoria State.


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