Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Western Equatoria State reports election intimidation

February 22, 2010 (ANDARI, WES) – Independent Candidate vying for Andari constituency, in Western Equatoria State, has confirmed intimidation from Security forces deployed in the area.

Andari is a Payam under Ezo County, and it is located near the Border of Central African Republic, few miles away from Ezo town.

The independent candidate who identified himself as Ettore Mbembe told Sudan Tribune that, “My fellow competitor former commissioner of Ezo, Peter Jamus contesting on SPLM ticket has reported [me] to SPLA to disrupt my campaign.”

Local Opinion leaders say, Mbembe is the favorite and people’s choice over SPLM’s Jamus.

In separate intimidation report, reliable sources in Yambio have confirmed to Sudan Tribune that, the Caretaker Governor has ordered the arrest of two boys from Ezo formerly working for State Election High Committee, Mr. Natale Sakondo is one of two guys in hiding and on the run from being arrested.

In related development the campaign team of Caretaker Governor in WES was chased in Bagidi payam in Ezo, Mr. John Mboriidie who spoke by phone from Ezo told Sudan Tribune that, “two spies sent to the region to mobilize the youth and chiefs in support of Jemma Nunu were chased.

The villagers at bagidi said they don’t want to hear anything about Jemma Nunu, instead they are in favor of Joseph Bakosoro the Independent Candidate.

Mboriidie confirmed that, chiefs and dozens of Ezo business men are 70% behind Col Joseph Bakosoro’s bid to ascend to WES’s top job, however, he said incumbent Commissioner of Ezo, is working hard to make sure the current caretaker Governor wins.

Security in Yambio is tense, Yambio residents are already complaining against the “come back” of WES Controversial Police Commissioner who ordered live bullets under the watchful eyes of Jemma Kumba the then State Governor against school goers.

Allies of Jemma Nunu Kumba have confirmed that, “the caretaker Governor believes that, he is the only police officer who can maintain good security for her campaign.

However, Sudan Tribune could not confirm this report independently.

Caretakers Governor move to restore the Police Commissioner is in defiant to the ad hoc committee which accused the then Governor and the Police Commissioner of being responsible for brutalizing 83 students, who had demonstrated for their rights after the colorful CPA celebration in Yambio.

Independents candidates in Western Equatoria State are seeking the intervention of International Committee (UNMIS) and NEC to rescue the prevailing intimidations in WES.

Western Equatorians are angry with Gen Salva Kiir’s decision to appoint the contesting SPLM candidate for WES gubernatorial as a caretaker governor, the move has angered many voters in the region, “we believe it is a calculation by President Kiir to continue imposing the unknown lady on us,” said Kalisto Mbugo from Hai Baiparu estate in Yambio.



  • Gatwech

    Western Equatoria State reports election intimidation
    It looks like the election is heating up first between SPLM candidates against SPLM disowned popular independent candidates in the South. This is before other political parties candidates pick up the spoils at last.

    The SPLM Political Bureau has made a very big mistake…….

  • Time1

    Western Equatoria State reports election intimidation
    It is really very sad that SudanTribune is trying to play propaganda with some election reporting, is this the democracy and freedom of media that the SudanTribune thinks it will spread in the region through the internet? we all appreciate ST hard work but it has to handle its neutrality, credibality and professionalism is care, this will make people see ST as an example of true media prefessalism and media freedom, but when ST picks random stories without any confirmation and reports news without any verifications this will cast doubts on its credibility, remember there are alot of online news now wanting to compete against eachother especially as referendum get close, it will be seen which will emerge as winner, but this will only be decide by the profesionalism of the news not by rumours or un-verified news reports.

    How does ST know that the independent candidate in Ezo payam is the most popular? how do they know that the people in Ezo said they only want Col Bakosoro? please do not try and speak for the people of Ezo, You should be reporting new not speaking for them, i haqve never seen any internet news who tries to put words into other peoples mouth unless it is a propaganda website.

    Do not turn SudanTribune into a propaganda wbsite for foreigners, keep it independent to work for media freeom, media development and freedom of media and speech. do not lose sight of your mission as indicated by your website.

    Most people in WES do not even know who Bakosoro is. it is not a good idea for a HIV positive person to lead a state, it is put the health of the state in danger and in weak hands that cannot develope the state.

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