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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan and new Darfur LJM to sign another framework agreement

February 26, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Delegations from Sudanese government and a new rebel umbrella, Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM), could sign soon a framework agreement including a ceasefire, as Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) threatens to quit peace talks.

Representative of the Sudanese government Amin Hassan Omar (L) and Sudanese rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) representative Ahmed Tugod Lsan exchange agreements in Doha February 23, 2010. (Reuters)
Representative of the Sudanese government Amin Hassan Omar (L) and Sudanese rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) representative Ahmed Tugod Lsan exchange agreements in Doha February 23, 2010. (Reuters)
Last Tuesday, in a ceremony attended by presidents Omer Al-Bashir, Idriss deby of Chad and Isaias Afeworki of Eritrea as well as the Emir of Qatar, the warring parties signed a framework agreement negotiated secretly in Ndjamena, one week before.

The agreement establishes a ceasefire and the release of JEM fighters detained in Khartoum. But also it tackles issues like power and wealth sharing and speaks about political partnership between the dominant National Congress Party and rebel JEM which should become a political party.

The signing pushed the other two rebel groups present in Doha, Sudan Liberation Movement – Revolutionary Forces (SLM-RF) and the Addis Ababa group to merge in a new umbrella, Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM). The two groups had rejected previously to integrate JEM. The new group also denounced Tuesday’s framework.

Sudan and the Libya backed LJM rebels would sign a separate framework agreement next week before to engage peace negotiations in order to settle the seven year war in Darfur.

Darfur mediator sought to convince JEM rebels to accept their participation in the talks and to define a common ground between the two rebel groups. However, JEM leader Khalil Ibrahim rejected the idea emphasizing they can only integrate group and be part of JEM negotiating delegation.

In a statement put out Friday JEM requested the chief mediator and the host country Qatar to stop any other deal with LJM or to hold separate and parallel talks to the current peace negotiations taking place in Doha.

The powerful group said it would consider the non-compliance with this demand as “expulsion for the Justice and Equality Movement”.

The new framework agreement is expected to contain similar dispositions to the deal signed with JEM.

The mediation said seeking a comprehensive peace deal including all the rebel groups paving the way for a lasting peace agreement. However, the SLM led by Abdel Wahid Al-Nur refuses to join the negotiating table before the disarmament of government’s militias which use to attack civilians in Darfur.

Rebel divisions hindered efforts to reach a comprehensive peace in Darfur as the different groups trade accusations of serving government interests or having links with the National Congress Party.

The mistrust between the rebel groups also measures tribal divisions in the restive region, said a Western expert who used to travel to the region.

Further, the issue of representation and legitimacy should be taken in account said the expert who requested anonymity adding despite the international and regional welcome the deal was received with indifference in Darfur, he added.

“The international support to Doha framework agreement can be explained by the need to end tension between Chad and Sudan. Actually the deal is considered as part of Chad – Sudan normalization process,” he stressed.

Al-Jazeera TV aired two days ago footages for some hundred of NCP supporters demonstrating in El-Fasher streets celebrating the Doha agreement, at the same time the ban-Arab TV showed there was less enthusiasm in the IDPs camps.

The different residents of camps interviewed by the Qatari channel spoke about lack of security and need to get their rights.



  • Mathiang BT
    Mathiang BT

    Sudan and new Darfur LJM to sign another framework agreement
    Dear Darfurians,
    I hate your suffering but I sorry for you leaders. They would have form one Rebellion not so many like SLM/A,JEM/A,LJM/A e.t.c.
    Now rebel leaders are in good places like French taking Bottle Water and best meals while their people are dying on daily basis. This that another way of doing Business?

    God will liberate you.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Sudan and new Darfur LJM to sign another framework agreement
    Darfur people will be finish by Bashier government one by one because they are all coward and they don,t value their dignity in the Country. Alot of them being hang by Bashier and still they don,t learn from Bashier brutal killings instead they keep supporting him. Please all of you will finish if not united and see the problem of Bashier governmnet.

    For example, Dinka people in the South Sudan part liberate the South despite the facts that many of them lost lives,but that is better than being hang in the post. Why almost all of you guys are captured like that? don,t you have manhood soul too like them.

    Please i hate when i heard your death always while you are my brothers and still you are at the Bashier back. See now, Bashier want to fools you guys that he want to united the factions that you have with the governmnet. False dear.
    Watchout brothers.

  • David_N

    Sudan and new Darfur LJM to sign another framework agreement
    The Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) has positive move towards Khartoum rather than JEM. Since JEM’s Khalid Ibrahim is not the main tribal group of Darfur, but Zaghawa tribe, and it’s largest political agenda links towards N’Djamena which consisted from ancient Kingdom of Kanem-Bornu, and play the political role in Darfur, which can’t be accepted towards Fur ethnic Darfuri tribes.

  • Time1

    Sudan and new Darfur LJM to sign another framework agreement
    Timje for peace has come, Rebels and government should all make compromise for the sake of peace and development, all sides should be given their equal rights, there is not enough time for Sudanese to be beating around the bush.

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