Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Vote for Al Bashir not Arman

By Isaiah Abraham

March 2, 2010 — The President of the Republic, Field Marshall (Retired) Omar Hassan Ahmed Al Bashir visit to Juba and Torit towns on the same Monday sends an un-coded message of desperation for Southerners to vote for him. His rally in Juba National Stadium was full to the capacity, the very rally that was largely avoided by SPLM tops. His message in Juba and in Torit Freedom Square was emphatic: “vote for me”. I don’t know though whether something has changed in his favor from these rallies, but one thing is clear: the SPLM nomination of Yasser Saeed Arman as party presidential torch bearer in the upcoming April Elections has complicated things for the National Congress Party (NCP) and its president (Mr. Omar Al Bashir).
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As far Southern future is concerned, the SPLM party made unnecessary gamble to nominate Mr. Yasser in this election. Everyone expects the SPLM to respect the wishes and aspirations of the people of Southern Sudan by nominating none, for the sake of continuity in the implementation of the CPA, since their partnership with the NCP still stand. Mr. Yasser isn’t going to win after all, and indeed no one will win this election outright. There will be aftermath bruises to everyon. This nomination in fact will take the elections to its second round where Mr. Yasser votes (Southern votes) will determine the winner. There is no magic in numbers for anyone at the moment, even if the air is suspect to be in favor of the NCP (eespicially in the North). Statistics smack facts on our face. Numbers don’t lie. President Al Bashir advisors know this fact: unless Yasser automatic votes are spoiled, the future for the NCP coming back to power through democratic means hangs in the balance.

At this junction therefore, Southerners holds the key to this elections. Their votes count. But if I were them, they got to vote wisely because their future isn’t in the book (constitution) or in Mr. Yasser as others have made it their songs to advance this kind of politics. For the sake of Referendum ahead of us, President Al Bashir at the moment needs Southern supports (votes), not Mr. Yasser Arman. This is why: if he (Yasser) wins that election miraculously it will put the SPLM party (people of the South) into awkward and in a collusion course with the international community, the very body that have made the unity option their declared choice over separation. Why would the South go separate when they have attained power, people will whisper and wheeze ridicules against the party post shifting policies. I have to stop there, in relations to reasons why Arman choice is dangerous.

Politicians from the SPLM party however have their own interpretation on this matter. To them, the outcome of Referendum won’t be affected irrespective of anyone coming up in Khartoum seat, they claim. That is fallacy! The outcome would be affected fundamentally. Yasser manifesto is glazed with beautiful ideas we have been hearing them often but Southerners don’t have courage yet to jump to bed with the North on impetuous of a small clique at the Political Bureau. I wanted my people to shun Yasser and vote overwhelmingly for President Al Bashir. Mr. Al Bashir will recognize us first and shall remain our first neighbor. He speaks no bubbles, and once he says it, his hearts never goes the opposite.

Some among us have the habits of looking down on facts on the ground and only interested in what is out there. My friend, that is not the case. Let’s rally behind Al Bashir as Southern Sudanese from all corners of our land, to give him the support he needs. Of course for Southern Presidency, we need Kiir/Machar to finish the job they have started together. A minute, what happens if we don’t (vote for Al Bashir)? This is what I think will happen: The North shall unite (conspire) against the South to vote out President Al Bashir in the second round. This will have a severe impact on the implementation of the CPA, due to the new arrangement in Khartoum, that will likely to be made, by heavy touches on the constitution. Our 28% votes can’t stop any changes in the National Assembly in Khartoum, so does our self- proclaimed friends from outside for possible more machine guns. We will be in crisis. We must be extra careful at this stage unless we eternally lose to win the war of liberation at its zero hour.

That is where our unity comes in. We need unity of our political parties. SPLM factions should unite and give President Al Bashir backing; the very person who brought the South to this standard. Let’s take firm steps at this important political junction for the sake of millions that perish for the cause of Southern Sudan . Mr. Arman might be innocent and the question isn’t about him as an individual, but about big picture beyond his nomination/support. This isn’t time for us to chase after euphoria, but time to calculate our steps and take the route that leads to total liberation of our people. Even if it means burying our differences as political parties this hour, why not do it! President Kiir and his running mate (Dr. Machar Teny) require true friends of Southern Sudan , for them to complete the journey. We don’t need problems of transition; smooth one will come from Mr. Bashir not Yasser Saeed Arman. No right mind Southerner moreover can easily forget Arab wily character.

Oh no! May be I have said many things above. But the reality remains: no CPA future without CPA authors. Constitution or constitutions aren’t guarantors of this document, so to speak, but political will. We live in a third world, someone must understand. There are elements within the North elites who made no secret to do away with what they called ‘bilateral arrangement’ (CPA) between the NCP and the SPLM. If they come to power, what will stop them from changing the constitution to accommodate Darfur and other political forces in the country? Look, neighbors are pushing their agenda through other political forces and this should have worried us much in the South right now. Political Bureau (PB) decision can be thrown out of the window if we refuse to elect its choice in the Arman. Vote for Arman is vote for unity. Yes to Al Bashir!

Isaiah Abraham, lives in Juba ; he’s on [email protected]


  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    Vote for Al Bashir not Arman
    I do not see any defferent between Omar Al-Bashir and Yasser Arman. Both of them are from north and musilam;but you if say that ,you are voting for Al-Bashir; they talk shits.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Vote for Al Bashir not Arman
    Isaiah Abraham,

    First of all, you embarked writing the articles similar to the one of your initial writing that i knew years back.

    I disagree with you when you forced unwanted food in the mouth of South Sudanese,while that rotten food contain poisonous substances in it.

    I supported my South Sudanese to case their vote to our hero Yassir Arman in the upcoming election because that will bear benefits and harms.

    In fact, when Arman become our president in the year of 2010, we Southerners will be free to chose our destiny- South independent without any other intimidation awaiting us. We all know that Bashier government rules Sudan in dictatorship way and indeed, he has no interest to permit the South to be independent due to wealth, debit, border democrat, and many others. This is not theory in which people predict the hypothesis test,but the Bashier presidency will be an automatic denial of our right no matter what in the country.

    Yes, we Southerners and others like Abraham/ Bashier Supporters does not know the uncertainty of choosing Bashier as our president. We have to know that CPA was just an agreement that people like Bashier and the agents can violate like 1972 agreement just simply like piece of cake,but Arman president can listen to the voice of South Sudanese because he has passed through those difficulties.

    Mr Abraham, you don,t know Bashier then you think,and you have know right to think that Southerners should vote for Bashier unless you want another war that will take another lives. Please stop supporting your wish because it more harmful than beneficial to Southerners. We must vote for Arman to make our path easy and pleasant to 2011.
    I encouraged South Sudanese to vote for Yassir Arman because he will guarantee the South interest than Bashier. He can not dictate our stakes 100% because he is our hero who fought for the same mistreatment. I don,t know why people like you and others related Bashier with Arman while Bashier was known as our killer and aggressors in hos management for decades.

    You article has no value and it’s more dangerous to digested because no one in the South can think that the another Bashier’s presidency will just allow the independent South like you guys think.Please stop creating promotion of Bashier presidency because he is waiting you to cause major trouble in 2011.
    YASSIR ARMAN OYEEE for South to be free.

  • Akuma

    Vote for Al Bashir not Arman
    Bashir can not lead sudan again, since his tyme has elapse. we can’t be like libya who bow down for their Maumar Gadaffi.
    we need different leader not Bashir even though he is not convicted by ICC, we should bothered for his tyme, how long will he lead sudan?
    we need change.

    Dr. Akuma. Chicago USA

  • AAMA

    Vote for Al Bashir not Arman
    Sometimes I don’t understand these article writers, they pretend to be sensible but they are not.
    Arman probably messed up Al Bashir calculations, so whats the problem if Arman won the election even after a second round ?. And whats the problem if the winner is a northerner who represents a southern party ?. And whats the problem if Sudan remains united underconditions favorable to southerners “isn’t the SPLM a unionist party as it claims ?”.
    I think its the first time in the history of the country that the south gets the chance can to make the difference in who will lead Sudan and with backing of many many northerners, who for the first time have the same goal.


  • Biden Osire
    Biden Osire

    Vote for Al Bashir not Arman
    He is playing with the minds of southerners so take care but be sure we are going to separate in 2010 january come


    Vote for Al Bashir not Arman
    I do absolutely appreciate Mr AL Bashire for his coming to Southern Sudan for his campaign as president of Sudan.We always like to voter any individuals that will take care of civilians but not person be to proud of presidency…. on my points of views you get some voters on food lovers people i.e Nuer,Murle as aimless society that i had ever seen in future….

    So food lovers for that stupid person but we as S Sudan future community we do care for our reputation…

  • Al Noor
    Al Noor

    Vote for Al Bashir not Arman
    Why must one vote for President al-Bashir, and bring his ruthless NCP cronies (Turabi, Ghazi, Naffie and Salah Gosh) back to power? The NCP had arrested and summarily executed hundreds of innocent civilians in Juba between 1990 and 1993, allegedly for conspiring with the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A). The Juba killings were replicated by the NCP killing machine in other Southern Sudanese towns and villages all over. There was no remorse by any of the NCP thugs in Khartoum and their stooges in Juba, Wau and Malakal, while this killing machine was busy scorching the villages of Southern Sudan. Turabi and company know this, and so does Ghazi, who has a deep hatred of the people of Southern Sudan, regardless of their political orientations.

    While the SPLA had thousands of prisoners of war, the NCP government of Omer al-Bashir had none at all, because any one they suspected of sympathizing with some or all of the ideals of the movement disappeared and was never to be seen by relatives again.

    President al-Bashir now fondly speaks of the war on poverty and under-development in Southern Sudan as though he has just been in power. The NCP has been in power since June 1989, and what have they done to the people of Southern Sudan, Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile all these years, apart from the bombs, bullets and mujahadeen they’d sent to these regions?

    Why must one vote for al-Bashir’s presidency when he and company continue to publicly say there will be no compromise when it comes to implementing Sharia law in the country? How many times must one be flogged for choosing to drink? The President speaks of his “war” on poverty, but how many poor women are languishing in jails in Khartoum for brewing alcohol in order to feed their children? How many more women and girls must be flogged summarily by the notorious “Public Order Police” for wearing ‘indecent’ clothes?

    Neither the NCP, nor its offshoots or political soul mates are good for Sudan, and especially for the people and future of southern Sudan. The myth by some southern Sudanese that it is only the NCP, and more specifically al-Bashir’s presidency, that will see the full implementation of the CPA is a ludicrous lack of vision, and self worth. For the NCP and al-Bashir did not sign the CPA because they so love the people of southern Sudan; the inconvenient truth for all the die-hard sycophants of the NCP in the South is that Bashir and his party were forced by circumstances to negotiate the CPA. That’s why it has been easy to cheat the people of Southern Sudan and Southern Kordofan in power and wealth-sharing arrangements, census and more; that also explains why it is taking forever to demarcate the North-South and Abyei borders.

    Calling for Southern Sudanese to vote for another NCP presidential term would be like calling a man (husband/father) who abuses and batters his wife and children a saint; blaming the children and their battered mother for not standing by such an abusive man when the police come calling is irresponsible, insensitive and recklessly dangerous for the family minus the man.

    Get up and stand up for your rights, you people of Southern Sudan! 21 years of NCP-engineered abuse, insults, death, destruction and terrorism are enough to inform one about the intentions and plans of the people in this party.

  • joseph kuir
    joseph kuir

    Vote for Al Bashir not Arman
    mocke all over,dear islamic hired,that is why people mocke you , i told you on brown Horse Al Beach visit to Equatoria were planed to pay you money,he knows that those of islamic group are in Juba ,you don,t know how much CDE Arman suffered along with us because you were sucking southerners blood, this we term to be short angle of you,some body who open his big month through big dilated anus,money will murder you very soon before elections ,we all know where you are living ,the man you chosed is the one who killed dozen of people in Juba during 1992-2005 ,but ask your mother who was in juba that time what happened to her if you don,t remember ,take care please do not divert people in to wrong directions of money

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