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Sudan Tribune

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DUP leader renews call for genuine democratic transition

March 3, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Mohamed Osman Al Mirghani, leader of Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) launched on Tuesday the election campaign of his party from eastern Sudan town of Kassala where he renewed his call for a genuine democratic transition in the country.

DUP_Kassala.jpgEastern Sudan is considered one of the regions of influence of the second important political force according to the results of last democratic election in 1986.

Al-Mirghani who signed as leader of an opposition umbrella, National Democratic Alliance, a peace agreement in June 2005 sponsored by the Egyptian government had refused to return to the Sudan requesting the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) to implement democratic transition as it had been agreed in Cairo.

He also launched an initiative for a comprehensive national reconciliation, to reach a national consensus on Sudanese political problems including CPA implementation and Darfur crisis.

In a rally attended by thousands of supporters the DUP leader urged the ruling National Congress Party to achieve a genuine democratic transition in the country and urged Sudanese political forces to adopt his initiative.

The former close ally of the late chairman of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, John Garang announced he would travel soon to Juba for the first time since the implementation of the CPA.

Al Mirghani had declined an invitation to attend a meeting of opposition parties held last year in Juba. He also turned down calls by the NCP to forge a political alliance before the elections.

The DUP runner for the presidential election Hatim Al-Sir accused the NCP of attempting to hinder Al-Mirghani arrival to Kassala, pointing out that the number of people attending the electoral meeting in Kassala demonstrates the popularity of the party.



  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    DUP leader renews call for genuine democratic transition
    Yeaterday there were same idiot confused people but i cannot hide their organ they are those of gatwech tot yuol who press the doom gang leader so called reik machar teny dog who eat with enemy drink with enemy kissed enemy ass suck other people blood death to him. He will never be anything in south sudan justics are caming to get criminal minded like him death to him slave shameless human being.

  • Aduol Liet
    Aduol Liet

    DUP leader renews call for genuine democratic transition
    Wow, I didn’t even know that, Kassala of Eastern Sudan Region that, the majority are Black African Tribe. I thought the Black African Tribe were very few in Eastern Sudan Region, but I realized what the so call Arab are too small in there. The quest I have it here is that, how stupid we Black people African Tribes in Sudan.? Why we let them controlling the Sudan’s government for what.?

    Well, I get it my answer already, but those people who have been converting to Islam in Sudan they do not have any Idea at all otherwise, this minority Arab wouldn’t make control on us for many years since the Sudan independence while, we are they majority 61% population in Sudan. So what lesson did the Black African Tribes haven’t learn it from these Arab misleading us in the Sudan.? If any body knew what I’m talking about then, you must vote for Yasir Arman whose the native of Black African Tribe. If anyone vote for Arab again this time then, you are absolutely a dump person and your mind will keep you doing bad things against yourself.

    But if you can think about it why these few minority Arab are misleading us in Sudan and why not leading them as a majority in Sudan.? Just to remind all Sudanese people particularly those suffering under ruler Sudan government, if you fail to vote for the SPLM Candidate Yasir Arman and many others looking for higher positions then, that is the end of no solution whatever difficulty you might be heading later on. But if all Sudanese thinks same as I do then, you can always say, SPLM Oyeee, New Sudan Constitutional Oyeee, and the Old Sudan ruler government down Oyeee, Omar al Bashir go to hell Oyeee, National Congress must go to hell Oyeee.

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