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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Warrap politicians urge citizens to support Arman

By Ngor Arol Garang

March 4, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – Authorities from the southern state of Warrap have urged citizens to strongly support the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) national presidential candidate, Yasir Saeed Arman.

State politicians also urged citizens to give their support to incumbent GOSS President Salva Kiir Mayardit who is contesting for the southern region’s presidency with Dr. Lam Akol, a leader of the SPLM breakaway faction, SPLM-DC.

Speaking at the official launching ceremony of the SPLM gubernatorial nominee Nyandeng Malek Deliech, retired General Agassio Akol Tong called upon supporters to vote for Yasir Saeed Arman and Salva Kiir. The former SPLA general is currently part of the high level GOSS presidential campaign team.

Gen. Agassio was addressing various groups including women’s associations, youth, trader’s union, disabled, student unions, and many other organized bodies. They urged these not to give room to other parties to penetrate deep into Warrap state.

Nyandengdit won the party’s nomination during the electoral primaries held at SPLM secretariats office in Kuajok in January and later on was endorsed by the party’s political bureau in Juba. But still she is contesting the same gubernatorial chair with three other candidates from Sudan’s ruling national congress party of President Bashir, the NCP, SSDF of presidential advisor, Bona Malwal and ANC-Sudan of former Vice president of Sudan George Kongor Arop. It is estimated that over 16,000 people across the state attended the official launching on Tuesday at Kuajok Freedom Square.

Senior government officials including South Sudan’s first lady Ayen Mayardit among others were at the ceremony addressed by speakers including former first post-CPA governor Luis Anei Madut Kueidit who reportedly urged citizens to join the SPLM campaign team. Kueidit also admitted he had previously intended to contest as an independent candidate but dropped his plan saying he was asked to give up the decision of contesting independently and from now on, “I am the chief agent to Nyandengdit,” he said.


On her part, Nyandeng Malek as the official nominee is reported to have told the gathering that choosing SPLM as the people’s party will competently clear all clods and obstacles hindering implementation of the CPA. The official candidate is further reported to have categorically made it clear to the crowd that she will be much obligated to promote peace, prosperity and development in the state.

Focusing on the challenges facing the education at the state level, she said her first priority if elected will be promotion of better relations between sisterly states of Warrap, Lakes, Aweil, Wau, and Unity as a way to secure peace and stability. Witnesses of the event said that she put security at the top of all her programs followed by promotion of cultural heritage and sports, the fight against poverty and illiteracy by opening up more teacher training centers to empower them, increase teachers’ salaries and their grades and introduce Agricultural schemes. She also is reported to have declared her intention and readiness to fight against corruption, nepotism and segregation among young people and pledged to open up business cooperative agencies to empower traders at all levels.

Seizing the opportunity as caretaker governor, General Mathok Gengdit reportedly said he will not tolerate working with government officials who will be found to be supporting independent candidates and other parties. Military personnel that will be found involved in politics will be jailed till the end of elections. “I am hearing that those who were bombarding our innocent civilians in the air and on ground are competing with SPLM officials who suffered during the war seeking alternatives to ending suffering of our people, please keep away from them,” he warned.

“The so-called SSDF and ANC are not independent South Sudanese political parties but bandaged with NCP,” he said adding giving a room this time again to fox and hyena will return us to total slavery we have persistently refused since time immemorial. “Therefore, as nobody is ready to accept be enslaved once more, my message to all of you is that, with no mercy, never waste time listening to fox and hyena electoral campaign programs who are not interested in our quest to free our innocent people and sustain our dignity,” he warned.

“I will work hand in hand with all ministers but should I hear of any minister supporting independent candidates and candidates from other political parties, I definitely will dismiss individual officials accused to have to been involved with no investigation and warnings though I haven’t come to change ministers,” Mathok said.

He also recognized the advisory role played by Ayen Mayardit and Rebecca Nyandeng de Mabior telling the gathering that this movement (SPLM/A) had achieved the long-awaited peace through them for they were special advisers to their husbands during the war period between North and South that lasted over two decades.



  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Warrap politicians urge citizens to support Arman
    Yse vote for Arman sudam SPLA need sameone like him not wag poeple like wicked oaf evil nassir gang doom leader reik machar teny dogz death to him

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Warrap politicians urge citizens to support Arman
    Yes, South Sudanese must vote for Yassir Arman.
    Those who want not to vote for him, will regret in future if the vote Bashier. Warning!

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